Energy/Frequency rule relative to software energy consumption-2017年4月12日上午10:00-无线谷1号楼1319
发布人: 王瀚颖   发布时间: 2017-04-11    浏览次数:




Speaker:ProfessorGérard Memmi, Télécom ParisTech, France

Title :Energy/Frequency rule relative to software energy consumption


 Both theoretical and experimental evidence are presented in this work in order to validate the existence of an Energy/Frequency Convexity Rule, which relates energy consumption and microprocessor frequency for application processors. Data gathered during several month-long experimental acquisition campaigns, supported by several independent publications, suggest that energy consumed is indeed depending on the microprocessor’s clock frequency, and, more interestingly, the curve exhibits a clear minimum over the processor’s frequency range. An analytical model for this behavior is presented and motivated, which fits well with the experimental data on mobile-specific ARM processors. A parameter sensitivity analysis sows how parameters affect the energy minimum in the clock frequency space. The conditions are discussed under which this convexity rule can be exploited, and when other methods are more effective, with the aim of improving the computer system’s energy management efficiency. We show that the power requirements of the computer system, besides the microprocessor, and the overhead affect the location of the energy minimum the most. The sensitivity analysis of the Energy/Frequency Convexity Rule puts forward a number of simple guidelines to save energy consumption for energy-critical systems, such as battery-powered or embedded systems.

Gérard Memmi教授是法国巴黎高科电信大学最著名的教授之一,他于1983年在法国6大(即皮埃尔居里大学)获博士学位,数十年来学术成果丰富,在学术界和工业界都具有很大的影响力。