Prof. Cheng-Xiang Wang's Profile
发布人: 王俊   发布时间: 2024-05-08    浏览次数:

Cheng-Xiang Wang (王承祥)



Office: A1202, A2435 & A2303 (Lab), China Network Valley (CNV), No.9 Mozhou East Road, Jiangning District, Nanjing 211111, China

Phone:   +86-(0)25-52091635 (Ext. 1202)
Fax: +86-(0)25-52091635

WeChat: chxwang2013                  
Skype: chxwang                                                                  Chinese

Biography | Research | Teaching | Administration Group Members | Awards | Professional Activities | Publications |Channel Simulator |

--->Southeast University-Purple Mountain Laboratories-6G Pervasive Channel Simulator<---

---> (Click the link to request for the software)<--- 

--->2024 International Workshop on 6G Wireless Channel Measurements and Modeling (6GCMM 2024)<---

---> (Click the link to know more)<--- 


Cheng-Xiang Wang received the B.Sc. and M.Eng. degrees in communication and information systems from Shandong University, China, in 1997 and 2000, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in wireless communications from Aalborg University, Denmark, in 2004.

He was a Research Assistant with the Hamburg University of Technology, Hamburg, Germany, from 2000 to 2001, a Visiting Researcher with Siemens AG Mobile Phones, Munich, Germany, in 2004, and a Research Fellow with the University of Agder, Grimstad, Norway, from 2001 to 2005. He was with Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, U.K., from 2005 to 2018, where he was promoted to a professor in 2011. He has been with Southeast University, Nanjing, China, as a professor since 2018, and he is now the Executive Dean of the School of Information Science and Engineering. He is also a professor with Pervasive Communication Research Center, Purple Mountain Laboratories, Nanjing, China. He has authored 4 books, 3 book chapters, and over 620 papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings, including 28 highly cited papers. He has also delivered 32 invited keynote speeches/talks and 21 tutorials in international conferences. His current research interests include wireless channel measurements and modeling, 6G wireless communication networks, and electromagnetic information theory.

Dr. Wang is a Member of the Academia Europaea (The Academy of Europe), a Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (EASA), a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (FRSE), IEEE, and IET, an IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Lecturer in 2019 and 2020, a Highly-Cited Researcher recognized by Clarivate Analytics in 2017-2020. He is currently an Executive Editorial Committee Member of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. He has served as an Editor for over sixteen international journals, including the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, from 2007 to 2009, the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, from 2011 to 2017, and the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, from 2015 to 2017. He was a Guest Editor of the IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIG DATA, and the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COGNITIVE COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING. He has served as a TPC Chair and General Chair for more than 30 international conferences. He received IEEE Neal Shepherd Memorial Best Propagation Paper Award in 2024. He also received 19 Best Paper Awards from international conferences.  




Research Interests

Wireless channel measurements and modeling

6G wireless communication networks

Electromagnetic information theory


Research Projects

Southeast University

Theory of radio channel measurement and modeling in continuous three-dimensional space, Supported by National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Major Project , Major International Cooperation Project (Grant No.: 62394291), PI, 1 January 2024-31 December 2028.
Basic research on radio channels in continuous three-dimensional space, Supported by National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Major Project , Major International Cooperation Project (Grant No.: 62394290), PI, 1 January 2024-31 December 2028.
Channel Characteristics and Theoretical Channel Modelling for Large-Scale Wireless Communications, Supported by MOST National Key R&D Program of China (Grant No.: 2018YFB1801101), PI, 1 July 2019-30 June 2023.
Asymmetric Millimeter Wave and Sub-millimeter Wave Massive MIMO Channel Measurements and Modeling, Supported by MOST National Key R&D Program of China (Grant No.: 2020YFB1804901), PI, 1 July 2020-30 June 2023.
Research on Channel Measurements and Modelling Theory for B5G Mobile Communications, Supported by National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Major International Cooperation Project (Grant No.: 61960206006), PI, 1 January 2020-31 December 2024.
Research and Development of Future 6G Wireless Communication Channel Measurements, Modeling and Performance Evaluation Technology, Supported by Key R&D Program of Jiangsu Province (Grant No.: BE2022067), PI, June 2022-June 2026.
Research on Key Technologies for THz Wireless Communications Towards 6G, Supported by Innovative and Entrepreneurial Team Project of Jiangsu Province, (Grant No.: 1104000403), PI, November 2019-November 2022.
Research on Channel Measurements and Modelling for Outdoor mmWave Communications Towards 6G, Supported by Innovative and Entrepreneurial Talent Project of Jiangsu Province, (Grant No.: 1104000401), PI, November 2019-November 2022.

Heriot-Watt University

5G RuralFirst: Rural Coverage and Dynamic Spectrum Access Testbed and Trial, Supported by DCMS (5G Testbeds and Trials Programme: Phase 1), 1 June 2018-31 September 2019.
Downhole Wireless RF Communications System for Deployment in Oil and Gas Wells
, Supported by Oil and Gas Innovation Centre (OGIC), 1 August 2018-31 July 2021.
A Unified Multiple Access Framework for Next Generation Mobile Networks By Removing Orthogonality
, Supported by EPSRC (Ref.: EP/P009670/1), 1 May 2017-30 April 2020.
Testing and Evaluating Sophisticated information and communication Technologies for enaBling a smartEr griD (TESTBED),
 Supported by Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) Scheme (H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016), European Commission, 1 January 2017-31 December 2019.
Innovative Architectures, Wireless Technologies and Tools for High Capacity and Sustainable 5G Ultra-Dense Cellular Networks (5G Wireless), Supported by Horizon 2020, MARIE SKŁODOWSKA-CURIE ACTIONS, Innovative Training Networks (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014), European Commission, 1 January 2015-31 December 2018.
Large Scale Antenna Systems Made Practical: Advanced Signal Processing for Compact Deployments [LSAS-SP], Supported by EPSRC (Ref.: EP/M014126/1), 15 January 2015-14 January 2018.
Towards Ultimate Convergence of All Networks (TOUCAN), Supported by EPSRC Programme Grant (Ref: EP/L020009/1), 11 November 2014-10 August 2020.
Quality-of-Experience Improvement for Mobile Multimedia across Heterogeneous Wireless Networks (QUICK), Supported by International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IRSES), European Commission, 1 July 2014-30 June 2018.
Key Technologies for 5G Wireless Communication Networks, Supported by SNCS Research Center, the University of Tabuk, and the Ministry of Higher Education in Saudi Arabia, 1 Oct. 2013-30 April 2015.
Test and Consultancy of Intelligent Wireless Communication Transceiver, Supported by Scottish Funding Council, 22 June-31 December 2012.
End to End Capacity Management of Mobile Broadband Networks, Supported by Hutchison 3G UK, 1 March 2012-28 February 2015.
Ambulatory Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound, Supported by Southern General Hospital, Glasgow, UK, 19 September 2011-18 September 2015.
Radio Resource Management for Cognitive Green Communication Networks, Supported by Hutchison 3G UK, 1 June 2011-31 May 2014.
UK-China Science Bridges: R&D on (B)4G Wireless Mobile Communications, Supported by Research Councils UK (EPSRC Grant Information), 1 August 2009-31 July 2012.
Spectral-Energy Efficiency Tradeoff of Cooperative Communication Networks, Supported by the EPSRC and Mobile VCE Core 5, 1 Jan. 2009-31 March 2012.
A Study of the Effect of Local Objects on Indoor Propagation Channels, Supported by the EPSRC and National Physical Laboratory (NPL), EngD Studentship, 2 Feb. 2009-1 Feb. 2013.
Synchronisation Techniques for ECMA-368 Ultra-Wideband and DECT Wireless Systems, Supported by the EPSRC and TES Electronic Solutions, EngD Studentship, 18 Sept. 2008-17 Sept. 2012.
Interference Modelling and Management for Cognitive Radio Networks, Supported by ERP JRI-SIP, PhD Studentship, Nov. 2007-Nov. 2010.
Error Models for Digital Channels and Applications to Wireless Communication Systems, Supported by the EPSRC and Philips Research Cambridge, CASE for New Academics (CNA), 1 June 2007-30 Nov. 2010.
MIMO Channel Modelling and Simulation for Cellular and Mobile-to-Mobile Communication Systems, Supported by ERP JRI-SIP, PhD Studentship, 1 Oct. 2006-30 Sept. 2009.
A Study on Novel PAPR Reduction Methods in OFDM Wireless Communication Systems, Supported by the Royal Society of Edinburgh, UK, Feb. 2007.
A Rapid Multipath MIMO Channel Simulator for E-UTRA and E-UTRAN, Supported by BenQ Mobile, Germany, 2005-2007.
Advances in Exploration Methods and Applications (ADEMA), Supported by the European Commission's Research Fund for Coal and Steel, 2005-2008.


Teaching at Southeast University

International summer school course: Mobile Fading Channel Modeling, in English, 2021-
International summer school course: Introduction to Wireless Communication Systems, in English, 2021-
UG Year-3 course: Mobile Fading Channel Modeling, in English, Spring term 2019-2020
MSc course: Wireless Channel Measurements and Modeling, in English, Spring term 2020-

Teaching at Heriot-Watt University:

UG course B37VA1: Praxis Electronic Design (Semester 1 2018/2019, 2017/2018, 2016/2017, 2015/2016)
UG course B38CN2: Introduction to Communications and Networks (Semester 2 2016/2017, 2017/2018)
MSc course B31SI2: Principles of Mobile Communications (Semester 2 2016/2017, 2015/2016, 2014/2015, 2013/2014, 2012/2013, 2011/2012, 2010/2011, 2009/2010, 2008/2009)
MSc course B31SF1: Communications & Networks (Semester 1 2014/2015, 2013/2014, 2012/2013, 2011/2012, 2010/2011, 2009/2010, 2008/2009)
UG course B38DB1: Digital Design and Programming (Semester 1 2014/2015)
MSc course B30PA1: Software Engineering 1 (Semester 1 2009/2010, Semester 1 2008/2009)
MSc course B39JT2: Principles of Mobile Communications (Term 2 2007/2008)
MSc course B39QE1: Communications & Networks (Term 1 2007/2008, Term 1 2006/2007, Term 1 2005/2006)
MSc course B39DQ1: Computer Hardware (Term 1 2007/2008)
MSc course B39CN2: Communications 2 (Term 2 2006/2007, Term 2 2005/2006)


        Administration at Southeast University

Executive Dean of School of Information Science and Engineering, Southeast University (since Dec. 2020)

2011 Collaborative Innovation Center for Wireless Communication Technology, Southeast University, Director (since June 2023)

National Mobile Communications Research Laboratory, Deputy Director (since Dec. 2023)

Administration at Heriot-Watt University:

Deputy Head of Institute of Sensors, Signals and Systems (June 2014-June 2018)
Programme Director for BEng Telecommunications Engineering (Jan. 2015-June 2018)
Programme Director for MSc Mobile Communications (May 2008-May 2015)
Director for EPS China Development Group (Jan. 2006-June 2018)

Group Members (Lab Photo1, Lab Photo2, Lab Photo3, Lab Photo4Lab Photo5)

Teachers in Group (3)

  1. Dr. Jie Huang    , Associate Professor, School of Information Science and Engineering, Southeast University, November 2020-

  2. Dr. Junling Li, Associate Professor, School of Information Science and Engineering, Southeast University, September 2022-

  3. Dr. Xiping Wu, Associate Professor, School of Information Science and Engineering, Southeast University, May 2024-

Postdoctoral Research Associates at Southeast University (3)

  1. Dr. Jie Huang, PDRA Supported by National Postdoctoral Program for Innovative Talents, September 2018- September 2020.

  2. Dr. Yang Liu, Part-time PDRA, March 2019-March 2021.

  3. Dr. Xiaojuan Yan, Part-time PDRA, December 2019-December 2021.

Engineers at Purple Mountain Laboratory (5)

  1. Zhen Lv, Wireless Channel Engineer, September 2020-

  2. Yinghua Wang, Wireless Channel Engineer, July 2021-

  3. Dr. Lijian Xin, Associate Researcher of Wireless Channels, July 2021-

  4. Lijian Xin, Wireless Channel Researcher, July 2021-

  5. Dr. Chen Huang, Wireless Channel Researcher, April 2023-

Postdoctoral Research Associates at Purple Mountain Laboratory (5)

  1. Dr. Rui Feng, Double employed PDRA by Purple Mountain Laboratory and Southeast University, October 2020-

  2. Dr. Chen Huang, Double employed PDRA by Purple Mountain Laboratory and Southeast University, April 2021-April 2023

  3. Dr. Hengtai Chang, Double employed PDRA by Purple Mountain Laboratory and Southeast University, September 2021-

  4. Dr. Songjiang Yang, PDRA, August 2022-

  5. Dr. Shuaifei Chen, PDRA, July 2023-

Current PhD Students at Southeast University (28)

  1. Fan Lai, March 2017-September 2023

  2. Jun Wang, September 2018-September 2023

  3. Yi Zheng, September 2019-September 2023

  4. Li Zhang, September 2019-

  5. Wenqi Zhou, April 2020-

  6. Yue Yang, September 2020-

  7. Runruo Yang, March 2021-

  8. Zihao Zhou, September 2021-

  9. Yilin Ma, September 2021-

  10. Yuyang Zhou, September 2022-

  11. Chenxuan Gu, September 2022-

  12. Lin Hou, September 2022-

  13. Yinglan Bu, September 2022-

  14. Xichen Mao, March 2023-

  15. Zhengrong Jin, September 2023-

  16. Tong Wu, September 2023-

  17. Qun Wu, September 2023-

  18. Qi Tianrun, March 2024-

  19. Ou Yang, March 2024-

  20. Yang Yuxuan, March 2024-

  21. Qian Zhongyu, March 2024-

  22. Huang Huan, September 2024-

  23. Yang Yiye, September 2024-

  24. Yang Qianze, September 2024-

  25. Ding Zihao, September 2024-

  26. Zayyad Haleed, September 2024-

  27. A Du, September 2024-

  28. Wang Qianrui, September 2024-

Current MSc Students at Southeast University (61)

  1. Long Yu, September 2019- June 2022

  2. Xinyue Chen, September 2019- June 2022

  3. Yingzhuo Sun, September 2020- June 2023

  4. Zixin Li, September 2020- June 2023

  5. Xiuming Zhu, September 2020- June 2023

  6. Yingjie Xu, September 2020- June 2023

  7. Yuxiao Li, September 2020- June 2023

  8. Jialing Huang, September 2020- June 2023

  9. Zheao Li, September 2020- June 2023

  10. Zhongyu Qian, September 2020-

  11. JiaJun Gao, September 2021-

  12. Wenxie Ji, September 2021-

  13. Xingyu Ji, September 2021-

  14. Ruoyu Wang, September 2021-

  15. Deyuan Zhao, September 2021-

  16. Duoxian Huang, September 2021-

  17. Qingyin Ma, September 2022-

  18. Tianrun Qi, September 2022-

  19. Jingyu Lyu, September 2022-

  20. Chen Wang, September 2022-

  21. Yang Wu, September 2022-

  22. Jiayue Shi, September 2022-

  23. Yuan Zong, September 2022-

  24. Yang Ou, September 2022-

  25. Pingfan Su, September 2022-

  26. Yuxuan Yang, September 2022-

  27. Shuyi Ding, September 2022-

  28. Zayyad Haleed, September 2022-

  29. Siqi Diao, September 2023-

  30. Dantong Chen, September 2023-

  31. Kaiyuan Zhang, September 2023-

  32. Yusong Huang, September 2023-

  33. Hancheng Li, September 2023-

  34. Jianghan Ji, September 2023-

  35. Hongyu Yan, September 2023-

  36. Guogang Su, September 2023-

  37. Fan Xu, September 2023-

  38. Dong Bai, September 2023-

  39. Pengpeng Yan, September 2023-

  40. Yong Liu, September 2023-

  41. Qingxu Guo, September 2023-

  42. Yongshan Zhou, September 2023-

  43. Lixiang Song, September 2023-

  44. Yu Yang, September 2024-

  45. Shihao Zhang, September 2024-

  46. Yihan Zhao, September 2024-

  47. Xingyao Shangguan, September 2024-

  48. Jiebo Shuai, September 2024-

  49. Yuhang Pan, September 2024-

  50. Hanfu Li, September 2024-

  51. Pinhan Chen, September 2024-

  52. Zixuan Chen, September 2024-

  53. Yuqi Bai, September 2024-

  54. Yuheng Han, September 2024-

  55. Sijie Wang, September 2024-

  56. Hang Wu, September 2024-

  57. Xinyi Hao, September 2024-

  58. Wenyu Zeng, September 2024-

  59. Suning Wan, September 2024-

  60. Tian Luo, September 2024-

  61. Kangjun Liang, September 2024-


Previous Research Associates at Heriot-Watt University (10)

Dr. Yu Fu, PDRA for the project TOwards Ultimate Convergence of All Networks (TOUCAN), 1 May 2016-10 August 2020.

Dr. Xuemin Hong, Network Manager for the project UK-China Science Bridges: R&D on (B)4G Wireless Mobile Communications, 1 August 2009-31 July 2011.
Dr. Pat Chambers, Wireless MIMO Testbed Developer for the project UK-China Science Bridges: R&D on (B)4G Wireless Mobile Communications, 11 July 2011-31 July 2012.
Dr. Zengmao Chen, Network Manager for the project UK-China Science Bridges: R&D on (B)4G Wireless Mobile Communications, 1 August 2011-31 July 2012.
Dr. Piya Patcharamaneepakorn, PDRA in Massive MIMO Systems for the project Key Technologies for 5G Wireless Communication Networks, 1 May 2014-30 April 2015.
Dr. Xianyue Wu, PDRA in mmWave Channel Measurements and Modelling for the project Key Technologies for 5G Wireless Communication Networks, 1 May 2014-30 April 2015.
Dr. Yan Zhang, PDRA for the project Non-Stationary IMT-A MIMO Channel Models with Time-Varying Parameters, 15 August 2014-14 August 2015.
Dr. Liang Gong, PDRA for the project TOwards Ultimate Convergence of All Networks (TOUCAN), 1 May 2015-6 May 2016.

Mr. Carlos Lopez, Early Stage Researcher for the project Innovative Architectures, Wireless Technologies and Tools for High Capacity and Sustainable 5G Ultra-Dense Cellular Networks (5G Wireless), 16 September 2015-15 September 2018.
Mr. Yi Tan, Early Stage Researcher for the project Innovative Architectures, Wireless Technologies and Tools for High Capacity and Sustainable 5G Ultra-Dense Cellular Networks (5G Wireless), 16 September 2015-15 September 2018.

Graduated PhD Students at Heriot-Watt University (19)

Heriot-Watt University:
Dr. Xuemin Hong, “Secondary Mobile Access via Ultra-Wideband and Cognitive Radio Networks”, October 2005-October 2008 (successful viva on 10 October 2008); now Professor in Xiamen University, China.
Dr. Xiang Cheng, “MIMO Channel Modelling and Simulation for Cellular and Mobile-to-Mobile Communication Systems”, October 2006-October 2009 (successful viva on 6 October 2009); now Professor in Peking University, China.
Dr. Michail Matthaiou (University of Edinburgh; Main Supervisor: Dr David Laurenson), “Characterisation and Modelling of Indoor and Short-Range MIMO Communications”, September 2005-November 2008 (successful viva on 7 November 2008); now Assistant Professor in Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. 
Dr. Jun Zhou (University of Edinburgh; Main Supervisor: Dr John Thompson), “Interference Mitigation for Cognitive Radio”, September 2005-2009.
Dr. Hongjian Sun (University of Edinburgh; Main Supervisor: Dr David Laurenson), “Collaborative Spectral Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks”, June 2007-Dec. 2010 (successful viva on 20 December 2010); now Lecturer in Durham University, UK.
Dr. Zengmao Chen, “Interference Modelling and Management for Cognitive Radio Networks”, November 2007 - May 2011(successful viva on 12 May 2011); now Assistant Professor in Nanjing University of Technology, China.
Dr. Omar Saeed Salih, “Error Models for Digital Channels and Applications to Wireless Communication Systems”, 1 June 2007-June 2013 (successful viva on 23 June 2013); now Assistant Lecturer in Coventry University, UK.
Dr. Chui Choon Ivan Ku, “Spectral-Energy Efficiency Tradeoff of Cooperative Communication Networks”, 22 April 2009 -June 2013 (successful viva on 24 June 2013); now Lecturer in Malaysia International University, Malaysia.
Dr. Yi Yuan, “MIMO Channel Modelling and Simulation for Advanced Wireless Communication Systems”, 18 January 2010-1 May 2014 (successful viva on 1 May 2014); now Wireless Engineer-Specialist/R&D at Ocado Technology, London.
Dr. Yu Fu, “Performance Investigation of Spatial Modulation Systems Under Realistic MIMO Channel Models”, 15 November 2010-April 2015 (successful viva on 28 April 2015); now Postdoc at HWU.
Dr. Fourat Haider, “Spectral-Energy Efficiency Tradeoff for Next-Generation Wireless Communication Systems”, 6 December 2010 - June 2015 (successful viva on 5 June 2015); now with Hutchison 3G UK.
Dr. Ammar Ghazal, “Propagation Channel Characterisation and Modelling for High-Speed Train Communication Systems”, 14 January 2011-June 2015 (successful viva on 11 September 2015); now Early Career Academic Fellow with School of Engineering and Sustainable Development, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK.
Dr. Shangbin Wu, “Channel Characterisation and Modelling for Massive MIMO 5G Wireless Communication Systems”, 28 September 2012-June 2015 (successful viva on 30 September 2015); now with Sumsung UK.
Dr. Ahmed Al-Kinani, “Channel Modelling and Interference Management Techniques for Visible Light Communication Networks”, September 2013-November 2017 (successful viva on 28 November 2017)
Dr. Qianru Zhou, “End-to-End Performance Evaluation of Converged Optical and Wireless Networks”, 20 January 2015-May 2018 (successful viva on 3 May 2018)
Dr. Carlos Lopez, Large-Scale and Spatial Modulation MIMOs: Algorithms, 3D Channel Modelling and Experiments, 16 September 2015-August 2019(successful viva on 30 August 2019)
Dr. Yi Tan, Measurement-Based Statistical Channel Modelling of mmWave Communications, 16 September 2015-September 2019 (successful viva on 20 September 2019)
Mr. Andrew Thompson (Heriot-Watt University; Main Supervisor: Prof. David Wolfe Corne), “Exploring Self-Optimisation for Next Generation Mobile Networks”, August 2008-2014
Mr. Abdelhamid H. F. Younis (The University of Edinburgh; Main Supervisor: Prof. Harald Haas), “Spatial Modulation Techniques”, 2010-2013

Graduated EngD Students at Heriot-Watt University (2)

Dr. Margaret Uzunma Anyaegbu, “Synchronisation Techniques for ECMA-368 Ultra-Wideband and DECT Wireless Systems”, 18 September 2008-July 2013 (successful viva on 19 July 2013); now Engineer in TES Electronic Solutions Ltd., Edinburgh, UK.
Dr. Sandy Weir, “Channel Characterisation and Modelling for Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound”, 19 September 2011-October 2016 (successful viva on 28 October 2016); now Head of Software Engineering (Medical Devices Unit), Southern General Hospital, Glasgow, UK.

Graduated MSc Students at Heriot-Watt University (38)

Mr Yuhang Zhang, “3D Channel Models for Visible Light Communication Systems”, February-September 2018.
Miss Yola Jones, “Expanding Functionality of an Embedded Device”, June-December 2017.  Mr Cameron Craig, “Hardware Accelerated MPEG Transport Stream Encryption using the Integrated Security Engine of a Freescale QorIQ P1022 Communications Processor”, June-December 2016.
Mr Xiaotong Shen, “3D Tunnel Channel Models for High-Speed Train Wireless Communication Systems”, February-September 2016.
Mr Wei Lu, “Space-Frequency Index Modulation Wireless Communication Systems”, February-September 2015.
Mr Wenyu Sun, “System Level Performance of Massive MIMO Wireless Communication Systems”, February-September 2015.
Mr Jin Ju, “Channel Models for High-Speed Train Wireless Communication Systems”, February-September 2015.
Mr Bin Lin, “Wireless Body Area Networks for Medical Monitoring Applications”, February-September 2014.
Mr Zhou Zhou, “A Performance Study of Spatial Modulation Techniques under High Velocity Channel Models”, February-September 2014.
Mr Clément Robert, “Spectrum Learning for Cognitive Radio Networks”, February-September 2013.
Mr Seven Marderosian, “Traffic Analysis and Management in LTE Mobile Cellular Systems Using Opnet”, February-September 2013.
Mr Li JIANG, “A Performance Study of Spatial Modulation Techniques under High-Speed Train Channel Models”, February-September 2013.
Mr Yi Lu, “Multi-Frequency Wireless Channel Measurements and Characterisation using the NI Testbed ”, February-August 2012.
Ms Gunash Rostamiaminlou, “A Performance Study of Spatial Modulation Techniques under High Velocity Channel Models”, February-August 2012.
Ms Jiawei Song, “A Performance Study of Spatial Modulation Techniques Using MIMO Channel Models”, February- August 2012.
Ms Aruna P. Vivekanand, “High Development of a Demonstrator for LTE Mobile Communication Systems”, February- August 2011.
Mr Pradeep Kemparaju, “Software Defined Radio on GPP-based Parallel Computing Platform”, February-August 2011.
Mr Fengfeng Wu, “Development of an OFDM Modem for a 4G Wireless Testbed”, February-August  2011.
Mr Raul Jose Hernandez Fernandez, “Metrology-Oriented Wireless Communication Technologies”, 2 February 2009-June 2011;(l via on 11 July 2011).
Mr Ammar Ghazal, “Comparison of Standardised MIMO Channel Models for 4G Wireless Communication Systems”, 30 October 2009 - October 2010 (successful viva on 8 October 2010).

Mr Yu Fu, “High Performance Software Radio Platform for LTE Systems”, January-August 2010.
Miss Ting Lang, “Performance Measurement of LTE Transmitters and Receivers”, January-August 2010.
Mr. Osama Elhodaire, “Carrier Aggregation for LTE-Advanced Systems”, January-August 2010.
Mr. Robert Hemesley, “Development of a FPGA-based Software Defined Radio Platform”, January-August 2010.
Mr Yi Yuan, “A Study on Three-Dimensional Mobile-to-Mobile Channel Models”, February-September 2009.
Miss Xiang Zhu, “Adaptive Generative Models for Digital Wireless Channels”, February-September 2009.
Miss Jing Huang, “Interference Modelling for Cognitive Radio Systems”, February-September 2009.
Mr Ruoheng Huang, “Hidden Markov Modelling of Digital Wireless Channels”, January-June 2009.
Mr. Chinazom Wilson Uwaoma, “Impact of Spatial Correlation and Mutual Coupling on MIMO Channel Capacity”, May-August 2008.
Mr. Chuan Wang, “Interference Mitigation for Cognitive Radio Systems”, May-August 2008.
Mr. Luis Alfredo Mateos Guzman, “A Study on MIMO Mobile-To-Mobile Wireless Fading Channel Models”, March-June 2008.
Mr. Cheng Zhou, “A Study on Distributed MIMO Systems Based on UWB WBAN”, May-September 2007.
Mr. Md Mokaddes Hossain, “A Performance Study of Space-Time-Frequency Coded MIMO MB-OFDM Wireless Communication Systems”, May-September 2007.
Mr. Kingsley Ebruke, “A Study on Geometrically-Based Stochastic MIMO Channel Models”, May-September 2007.
Mr. Masood Ahmad Jan, “An Investigation of Correlation Based Stochastic MIMO Channel Models”, May-November 2006.
Mr. Simon Marsol, “An Investigation into the Suitability of Simulink and System Generator Tools for Generating FPGA Codes from High Level Design of Pulse Compression”, May-September 2006.
Ms. Sudhamathy Muthuvel, “The Characterisation of MIMO-UWB Channels”, May-September 2006.
Mr. Thierry Reynaud, “Error Models for MB-OFDM Wireless Communication Systems”, May-September 2006.

Graduated Final-Year Student at Heriot-Watt University: (5)

Mr Ilias Dimopoulos, “A Performance Study of Spatial Modulation Techniques Under High Velocity Channel Models”, September 2012-April 2013.
Mr Ibrahim Abotaibi, “Realistic MIMO Channel Models for Advanced Wireless Communication Systems”, September 2011-April 2012.
Mr Robert Muhumuza, “Realistic MIMO Channel Models for 4G Wireless Communication Systems”, September 2010-April 2011.
Mr Philip Taylor, “Simulator of LTE Wireless Communication Systems”, September 2009-April 2010.
Miss Aine McGarry, “Comparison of Two Types of Sum-of-Sinusoids Mobile Fading Channel Simulators”, October 2007-June 2008.

Honours and Awards

2024 Most Cited Chinese Researcher, for exceptional research performance in the field of Information and Communication Engineering, Elsevier, 25 Mar. 2025

The Excellent Guidance Award for Outstanding Achievement in IoT Collaborative Innovation, Aug. 2024

IEEE VTS 2024 Neal Shepherd Memorial Best Propagation Paper Award, May 2024

2023 Outstanding paper of Chinese Journal on Internet of Things, May 2024
2023 Hot Paper Award , Science China Information Sciences, Mar. 2024
2023 Most Cited Chinese Researcher, for exceptional research performance in the field of Information and Communication Engineering, Elsevier, 27 Mar. 2024

Natural Science 100 Outstanding Academic Achievement Papers of Jiangsu Province, Jiangsu Science and Technology Association, Dec. 2023

X.-H. You*, C.-X. Wang*, J. Huang, et al., “Towards 6G wireless communication networks: vision, enabling technologies, and new paradigm shifts,” Sci. China Inf. Sci., vol. 64, no. 1, Jan. 2021. 

Top 10 Science and Technology Advances in Jiangsu Province in Industry Sectors (Electronic Information Leadership Sector) in 2022, Jiangsu Science and Technology Association, Nov. 2023
Best Paper Award, IEEE ICCT’23, Wuxi, China, Nov. 2023
World's Top 2% Scientists, Stanford University, Oct. 2023
2022 Most Cited Chinese Researcher, for exceptional research performance in the field of Information and Communication Engineering, Elsevier, 28 Mar. 2023
Electronics and Electrical Engineering Leader Award for 2023, Mar. 2023
World's Top 2% Scientists, Stanford University, Oct. 2022
The 7th CAST Excellent Scientific and Technological Papers,  China Association for Science and Technology, 22 Sept. 2022
Best Paper Award, IEEE/CIC ICCC’22, Foshan, China, Aug. 2022
2022 Excellent Papers in the Field of Electronic Information, The Chinese Institute of Electronics, 1 July 2022
2021 Editorial Excellence Award, Science China Information Sciences, Mar. 2022
Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts,  June. 2022
2021 Most Cited Chinese Researcher, for exceptional research performance in the field of Information and Communication Engineering, Elsevier, 15 Apr. 2022
Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (FRSE), Mar. 2022
World's Top 2% Scientists, Stanford University,Oct. 2021
Best Paper Award, WCSP 2021, Changsha, China, Oct. 2021
2021 Outstanding paper of Chinese Journal on Internet of Things, 15 Oct. 2021

Best Paper Award, CSPS 2021, Changbaishan, China, Aug. 2021
Fellow of the China Institute of Communications, May 2021
2021 AI 2000 Most Influential Scholar Award Honourable Mention, 8 Apr. 2021
World's Top 2% Scientists, Stanford University,Oct. 2020
Web of Science 2020 Highly Cited Researcher, Clarivate Analytics, 18 Nov. 2020
Best Paper Award, WCSP 2020, Nanjing, China, Oct. 2020
Member of the Academia Europaea, July 2020
Best Paper Award, IWCMC 2020, Limassol, Cyprus, June 2020
Top 10 Outstanding Scientific and Technological Workers, Chinese Institute of Electronics, 20 May 2020
2020 AI 2000 Most Influential Scholar Award Honourable Mention, Mar. 2020
2019 Editor Outstanding Contributions Award, SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences and Science Bulletin,Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2 Dec. 2019
Web of Science 2019 Highly Cited Researcher, Clarivate Analytics, 19 Nov. 2019
2018 Editor Outstanding Contributions Award, Science China Information Sciences, June 2019
Best Paper Award
, WOCC 2019, Beijing, China, Apr. 2019
Web of Science 2018 Highly Cited Researcher, Clarivate Analytics, 27 Nov. 2018
2017 Editor Outstanding Contributions Award, Science China Information Sciences, Mar. 2018
Web of Science 2017 Highly Cited Researcher, Clarivate Analytics, 15 Nov. 2017
Fellow of the IEEE, 'for contributions to wireless channel modeling for vehicular networks', from 1 Jan. 2017
Best Student Paper Award, WPMC’16, Shenzhen, China, Nov. 2016
Best Paper Award, IWCMC’16, Cyprus, Sept. 2016
Best Paper Award, IEEE/CIC ICCC’16, Chengdu, China, July 2016
2015 Editor Outstanding Contributions Award, Science China Information Sciences, Mar. 2016
Best Paper Award
, IWCMC’15, Croatia, Aug. 2015
Graphical System Design Achievement Award (RF and Communications) for “Wireless Testbed Solution for Novel Future Generation Communication Systems”, National Instruments, London, UK, 19 Nov. 2013
Best Student Paper Award, IEEE VTC’13-Spring, Las Vegas, USA, Sept. 2013
Best Paper Award, ITST’12, Taiwan, Nov. 2012
Guest Professor, Southeast University, P. R. China, from 20 Aug. 2012
Fellow of the IET, from 3 Apr. 2012
2 Best Paper Awards (Top 2%), IEEE ICCT’11, Jinan, China, Sept. 2010
Best Paper Award (Top 0.3%), IEEE Globecom’10, Miami, USA, Dec. 2010
Chair Professor, Shandong University, P. R. China, Dec. 2010-Dec. 2013
Guest Professor, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, P. R. China, Mar. 2010-Mar. 2013
Biography listed in 2009 Man of the Year”, 2009
Biography listed in Great Minds of the 21st Century 2009, 4th Edition, 2009
Biography listed in Who's Who in the World 2009”, 26th Edition, 2009
Biography listed in Dictionary of International Biography 2009”, 35th Edition, 2009
Biography listed in Dictionary of International Biography 2008”, 34th Edition, 2008
Biography listed in Who's Who in the World 2008”, 25th Silver Anniversary Edition, 2008
Guest Researcher, State Key Lab of Integrated Service Networks, Xidian University, P. R. China, from Jan. 2007
Adjunct Professor, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, P. R. China, from June 2006
Honorary Fellowship, School of Engineering & Electronics, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK, from June 2006
Short Term Visiting Professor, Shandong University, September 2005, Apr. 2006, Apr. 2007, June 2008, Apr. 2009, and Apr. 2010
Excellent Master Thesis Award, Shandong, P. R. China, 2001
Scientific Project Improvement Award, Shandong, P. R. China, 2000
Siemens Scholarship, 2000
Best Paper Award, the sixth National Youth Communication Conference, Beijing, P. R. China, 1999.
Member, Siemens International Students Circle (SISC), Siemens, 1999


Professional Activities

Editorial Board Member/Editor/Associate Editor (12):

ZTE Communications Editor (Mar. 2022-)
Executive Editorial Committee (EEC) Member for IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (Mar. 2019-)
Chinese Journal on Internet of Things Editorial Board Member (Mar. 2017-)
SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences (SCIS) , Science China Press and Springer (Jan. 2013-Feb. 2022)
IEEE Transactions on Communications (2015-2017)
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (2011-2017)
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Journal (2007-2017)
Physical Communication Journal, Elsevier (2012-2015)
InTech (Open Access Publisher) Scientific Board (2011-2012)
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (2007-2009)
Security and Communication Networks Journal (2007-2013)
Hindawi Journal of Computer Systems, Networks, and Communications (2007-2011)

Guest Editor (5):

Special Issue on: “Aireborne Communication Networks”(CFP), IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications.
Special Issue on: “Wireless Big Data”(CFP), IEEE Transactions on Big Data.
Special Issue on: “Spectrum and Energy Efficient Design of Wireless Communication Networks”(CFP), IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications.
Special Issue on: “Vehicular Communications and Networks”(CFP), IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications.
Special Issue on: “Cognitive Radio Systems” (CFP), International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems (IJAACS).

EPSRC Peer Review College member (1 April 2010-):

External Examiner (21)

PhD external examiner for Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC-BarcelonaTech), Spain, on 22 July 2020;
PhD external examiner for Tianjin University, China, 02 June 2020;
PhD external examiner for Hohai University, China, 27 May 2019;
PhD external examiner for Xiamen University, China, 09 December 2018;
PhD external examiner for University of Sheffield, UK, on 11 May 2018;
PhD external examiner for University of Surrey, UK, on 10 May 2018;
PhD international examiner for University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia, in Feb. 2017;
PhD viva for Queen Mary University of London, UK, on 15 July 2016;
PhD international examiner for Macquarie University, Australia, in Oct. 2015;
PhD viva for the University of Edinburgh, UK, on 12 March 2015;
PhD international examiner for Macquarie University, Australia, in Oct. 2014;
PhD external examiner for the University of Mauritius, Mauritius, in Dec. 2013;
External reviewer for a new MSc programme at the University of Leeds, UK, in Oct. 2013;
PhD viva for the University of Warwick, UK, on 19 November 2013;
PhD viva for the University of Surrey, UK, on 26 February 2013;
PhD viva for the University of Strathclyde, UK, on 26 November 2012;
PhD external examiner for the University of Auckland, New Zealand, in Aug. 2012;
PhD viva for the University of Newcastle, UK, on 23 July 2012;
PhD viva for the University of Essex, UK, in Dec. 2010;
PhD viva for the University of Edinburgh, UK, in May 2010;
MSc by research viva for the University of Edinburgh, UK.

General Chair (3):

The 7th International Workshop on High Mobility Wireless Communications (HMWC 2018) (IEEE VTC 2018-Spring Workshop), Porto, Portugal, 3 June 2018.
International Conference on Communications and Mobile Computing (CMC 2010), Shenzhen, China, 12-14 April 2010.
The First International Workshop on Vehicular Communication Technologies (VehiCom 2009), co-located with IEEE IWCMC 2009, Leipzig, Germany, 21-24 June 2009.

Technical Program Committee Chair/Co-Chair (14):

2024 International Workshop on 6G Wireless Channel Measurements and Modeling (6GCMM 2024), Nanjing, China, 30-31, May. 2024.
The 11th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP 2019), Xi'an, China, 23-25, Oct. 2019.
The 6th IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (IEEE/CIC ICCC 2017), Qingdao, China, 22-24 Oct. 2017.
The 4th International Workshop on High Mobility Wireless Communications (HMWC 2015), Xi'an, China, 21-3 Oct. 2015.
The 3rd International Workshop on High Mobility Wireless Communications (HMWC 2014), Beijing, China, 1-3 Nov. 2014.
The 2nd International Workshop on High Mobility Wireless Communications (HMWC 2013), Shanghai, China, 1-3 Nov. 2013.
The 4th International Workshop on Cross Layer Design (IWCLD 2013), Qingdao, China, 28-29 Oct. 2013.
The 1st International Workshop on High Mobility Wireless Communications (HMWC 2012), Chengdu, China, 10-12 Nov. 2012.
International Conference on Communications, Mobility, and Computing (CMC 2012), Guilin, China, 21-23 May 2012.
IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Integrated Systems (ICISS 2011), Guilin, China, 24-26 Oct. 2011.
IEEE 13th International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT 2011), Jinan, China, 25-28 Sept. 2011.
International Conference on Communications and Mobile Computing (CMC 2011), Qingdao, China, 18-20 Apr. 2011.
IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Integrated Systems (ICISS 2010), Guilin, China, 22-24 Oct. 2010.
International Conference on Communications and Mobile Computing (CMC 2009), Kunming, China, 6-8 Jan. 2009.

Steering Committee Member (1):

2nd International Workshop on Connecting All Things for Enabling Smart Cities (CONTEST), in conjunction with VTC 2017-Spring, Sydney, Australia, 4-7 June 2017.

Standing Committee Member (1):

the National University Electronics and Information Discipline DevelopmentCommittee of the Chinese Institute of Electronies.

Tutorial Chair (1):

The 2021 IEEE 94th Vehicular Technology Conference (IEEE VTC 2021-Fall), online, Fall 2021.

Workshop (Co-)Chair (2):

The 2015 IEEE 81st Vehicular Technology Conference (IEEE VTC 2015-Spring), Glasgow, Scotland, Spring 2015.
The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Communications in China (IEEE ICCC 2013), Xi'an, China, 12-14 Aug. 2013.

Publicity (Co-)Chair  (3):

18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP’24), Glasgow, Scotland, 17-22 March 2024.
The 1st IEEE International Conference on Communications in China (IEEE ICCC 2012), Beijing, China, 15-18 Aug. 2012.
The 4th International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications (CrownCom 2009), Hannover, Germany, 22-24 June 2009.

Technical Program Committee Symposium Co-Chair (4):

Wireless Communications Symposium, 2013 International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing(WCSP 2013), Hangzhou, China, 24-26 Oct. 2013.
Wireless Communications Symposium, IEEE International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems (ICCCAS 2010), Chengdu, China, 28-30 July 2010.
Vehicular Communication Technology Symposium,
The 6th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2010), Cane, France, 28 June-2 July 2010.
MIMO Systems Symposium, ACM International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2009), Leipzig, Germany, 21-24 June 2009.

Technical Program Committee Vice-Chair (1):

IEEE 10th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC 2008), Dalian, China, 25-27 Sept. 2008.

Technical Program Committee Track (Co-)Chair (4):

2016 IEEE 85th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2017-Spring), Sydney, Australia, June 2016.
2016 IEEE 83th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2016-Spring), Nanjing, China, May 2016.
2013 IEEE 77th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2013-Spring), Dresden, Germany, 2-5 June 2013.
IEEE 3rd Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA 2008), Singapore, 3-5 June 2008.

Panel Member (6):

IPA 15: Electromegnatic Information Theory: Theoretical Foundations for the Massive MIMO Evolution, IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2022), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 4-8 Dec. 2022.
Panel Discussion: 5G: Successes and Challenges,
2nd International Symposium on Wireless Sensor & Cellular Networks (WSCN 2013), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 13-16 Dec. 2013.
Panel Discussion 2: Challenges and opportunities in Wireless Communications,
2013 International Forum on Advances in Information Coding and Wireless Communications (AICWC 2013), Chengdu, China, 4-6 Nov. 2013.
PA03: Broadband wireless communications under high mobility scenarios: challenges and opportunities, The 1st IEEE International Conference on Communications in China (IEEE ICCC 2012), Beijing, China, 15-18 Aug. 2012.
P3. Collaboration between Wireless Industry and Academia, 2012 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2012), Paris, France, 1-4 Apr. 2012.Panel Discussion 2: Challenges & Opportunities in Future Wireless Communications, 2017 International Forum on Advances in Information Coding and Wireless Communications (AICWC 2017), Chengdu, China, 5-8 Nov. 2017.

Technical Program Committee Member (52):

IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference (WCNC 2013), Shanghai, China, 7-10 April 2013.
Computing, Communications and Applications Conference (ComComAp 2012), Hong Kong, China, 6-10 February 2012.
2012 IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS 2012), Santa Clara, CA, USA, 15-19 January 2012.
IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2011), Houston, USA, 5-9 December 2011.
International Workshop on Cross-Layer Design (IWCLD 2011), Rennes, France, 30 November-1 December 2011.
The 5th International Workshop on Broadband MIMO Channel Measurement and Modeling, Beijing, China, 27-28 June 2011.
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2011), Kyoto, Japan, 5-9 June 2011.
APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference 2010 (APSIPA ASC 2010), Singapore, 14-17 December 2010.
IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2010), Florida, USA, 6-10 December 2010.
2010 International Workshop on Green Communication of Cellular Networks (GCCN 2010), Hangzhou, China, 30 Oct.-1 Nov. 2010.
Fifth International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (CHINACOM 2010), Beijing, China, 25-27 August 2010.
Int. Workshop on Communication Technologies for Vehicles (Nets4Cars 2010), Newcastle, UK, 21-23 July 2010.
The Third IEEE International Symposium on Trust, Security and Privacy for Emerging Applications (TSP 2010), Bradford, UK, 29 June-1 July 2009.
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2010), Cape Town, South Africa, 23-27 May 2010.
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2010-Spring), Taipei, Taiwan, 16-19 May 2010.
IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference (WCNC 2010), Sydney, Australia, 18-21 April 2010.
2nd International Conference on Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE 2009), Shanghai, China, 21-22 Dec. 2009.
IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2009), Hawaii, USA, 30 November-4 December 2009.
IEEE Int. Conf. on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob 2009), Marrakech, Morocco, 12-14 Oct. 2009.
Int. Workshop on Communication Technologies for Vehicles (Nets4Cars 2009), Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 13 Oct. 2009.
The 2009 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT 2009), Incheon, Korea, 28-30 September 2009.
International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (ChinaCom 2009), Xi'an, China, 26-28 August 2009.
The 3rd International Workshop on Broadband MIMO Channel Measurement and Modeling (IWonCMM 2009), Xi'an, China, 26-28 August 2009.
International Workshop on Cognitive Networks and Communications (COGCOM 2009), San Francisco, USA, 2-6 August 2009.
IEEE Vehicular Networks & Applications Workshop (Vehi-Mobi 2009), Dresden, Germany, 14-18 June 2009.
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2009), Dresden, Germany, 14-18 June 2009.
IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference (WCNC 2009), Budapest, Hungary, 5-8 April 2009.
IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2008), New Orleans, USA, 1-4 December 2008.
IEEE International Conf. on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob 2008), Avignon, France, 12-14 October 2008.
IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB 2008), Hannover, Germany, 10-12 September 2008.
The 5th International Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks, and Systems (BROADNETS 2008), London, UK, 8-11 September 2008.
The 2nd International Workshop on Cooperative Wireless Communications and Networking (CONET 2008), London, UK, 8-11 September 2008.
IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2008), Chania Crete Island, Greece, 6-8 August 2008.
IEEE International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems (ICCCAS 2008), Xiamen, P. R. China, 25-27 May 2008.
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2008), Beijing, P. R. China, 19-23 May 2008.
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2008-Spring), Marina Bay, Singapore, 11-14 May 2008.
IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference (WCNC 2008), Las Vegas, USA, 31 March-3 April 2008.
IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems 2007 (ISWCS 2007), Trondheim, Norway, 17-19 October 2007.
International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT 2007), Sydney, Australia, 17-19 October 2007.
IEEE International Workshop on Cross Layer Desin (IWCLD 2007), Jinan, China, 20-21 September 2007.
International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC 2007), Qingdao, China, 21-24 August 2007.
International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2007), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 12-16 August 2007.
International Conference of Wireless Networks (ICWN 2007), London, UK, 2-4 July 2007.
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2007), Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 24-28 June 2007.
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking COnference (WCNC 2007), HongKong, 11-15 March 2007.
IEEE Globecom 2006 Symposium on Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, San Francisco, USA, 27 November-1 December 2006.
International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT 2006), Guilin, China, 27-30 November 2006.
International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC 2006), Kunming, China, 16-19 August 2006.
International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems and Applications (WASA 2006), Xi'an, China, 15-18 August 2006.
International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2006), Vancouver, Canada, 3-6 July 2006.
International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems (ICCCAS 2006), Guilin, China, 25-28 June 2006.
IEEE 62nd Semiannual Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2005-Fall), Dallas, USA, 25-28 September 2005.

Session Chair (6):

2010 IEEE 72nd Vehicular Technology Conference (IEEE VTC 2010-Fall), 6-9 September 2010, Ottawa, Canada.
IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2009), Leipzig, Germany, 21-24 June 2009.
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2009), Dresden, Germany, 14-18 June 2009.
IEEE International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems (ICCCAS 2008), Xiamen, P. R. China, 25-27 May 2008.
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2008), Beijing, P. R. China, 19-23 May 2008.
IEEE International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems (ICCCAS 2006), Guilin, China, 25-28 June 2006.

Publications (Google Scholar Citations)

Books (4)
Book Chapters (3)
White Paper (1)
IMT-2030 Proposals (20)
Patents (33)
Refereed Journal Papers (303, including 232 IEEE journal/magazine papers and 28 Highly Cited Papers)
Refereed Conference Papers (322, including 27 Invited Papers18 Best Paper Awards, and 3 Highly Cited Papers)
Invited Keynote Speeches and Talks (32)
Invited Speeches and Talks (in Chinese) (16)
Tutorials (21)
Reports (4)
Thesis (1)



    Books (4):

    1. C.-X. Wang, Ed., “Propagation Channels and Antenna/RF Designs,” Section II in Wiley 5G Ref, edited by Rahim Tafazolli, Chin-Liang Wang, and Periklis Chatzimisios, published by John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, Oct. 2019.

    2. Y. Wu, H. Huang, C.-X. Wang, and Y. Pan, Ed., 5G-Enabled Internet of Things. CRC Press, June 2019.

    3. Y. Yang, J. Xu, G. Shi, and C.-X. Wang, Ed., 5G Wireless Systems, Chippenham: Springer, Oct. 2017.

    4. C.-X. Wang and J.Mitola III, Ed., Advances in Cognitive Radio Systems, Intech, July 5, 2012.


    Book Chapters (3):

    1. Q. Zhu*, C.-X. Wang*, B. Hua, K. Mao, S. Jiang, and M. Yao, “3GPP TR 38.901 Channel Model,” Chapter in Wiley 5G Ref, edited by Rahim Tafazolli, Chin-Liang Wang, and Periklis Chatzimisios, published by John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 2020.

    2. J. Bian and C.-X. Wang, “Vehicle-to-Vehicle Channels,” Chapter in Wiley 5G Ref, edited by Rahim Tafazolli, Chin-Liang Wang, and Periklis Chatzimisios, published by John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 2020.

    3. X. Hong, C.-X. Wang, J. S. Thompson, and H.-H. Chen, “Capacity analysis of cognitive radio networks”, in Cognitive Radio Networks: Architectures, Protocols and Standards, edited by Yan Zhang, Jun Zheng, and Hsiao-Hwa Chen, published by Auerbach Publications, CRC Press, May 25, 2010. 

    White Paper (1):

    1. K. Zhang, Y. Zhang, C.-X. Wang*, X. Wu , and C. Du, “A non-Reciprocal Channel model for THz asymmetric massive MIMO systems,”    IEEE Trans. Commun., accepted for publication, 2023. 

    2. X.-H. You*, C.-X. Wang*, J. Huang, et al., “6G White Paper: Towards 6G wireless communication networks: vision, enabling technologies, and new paradigm shifts,” Aug. 2020. (in Chinese)


    IMT-2030 Proposals (20):

    1. C.-X. Wang, Z. Zhou, L. Xin, J. Huang, Centimeter-wave and millimeter-wave bands channel measurements and characteristics analysis in outdoor scenarios, 202410010, 7th Meeting of IMT-2030 Wireless Technology Working Group, 2024.10.

    2. C.-X. Wang, R. Yang, J. Huang, L. Xin, C. Huang. Channel measurements and characteristics analysis for ISAC in indoor scenarios at 10 GHz band, 202410007, 7th Meeting of IMT-2030 Wireless Technology Working Group, 2024.10.

    3. C.-X. Wang, L. Zhang, J. Huang, L. Xin. Wireless channel measurements and characterization in industrial IoT scenarios, 202405029, 6th Meeting of IMT-2030 Wireless Technology Working Group, 2024.05.

    4. C.-X. Wang, S. Yang, Y. Wang, J. Huang, J. Li, C. Huang. A ray-tracing based LEO Satellite-to-ground channl model, 202405024, 6th Meeting of IMT-2030 Wireless Technology Working Group, 2024.05.

    5. C.-X. Wang, Y. Sun, Q. Wu, Z. Lv, J. Huang. A Novel RIS Channel Model for 6G Wireless Communication Systems, 202405014, 6th Meeting of IMT-2030 Wireless Technology Working Group, 2024.05.

    6. C.-X. Wang, Y. Sun, Q. Wu, J. Huang, L. Xin. Channel Measurements and Characteristics Analysis for RIS-Assisted 6G Wireless Communication Systems, 202405013, 6th Meeting of IMT-2030 Wireless Technology Working Group, 2024.05.

    7. C.-X. Wang, R. Yang, R. Feng, J. Huang, L. Xin. A novel 3D GBSM and BDCM for 6G mmWave massive MIMO ISAC systems, 202405006, 6th Meeting of IMT-2030 Wireless Technology Working Group, 2024.05.

    8. C.-X. Wang, Y. Wu, C. Huang, J. Li, Y. Wang. A Weighted Random Forest Based Positioning Algorithm for 6G Indoor MIMO Communications, 202403020, 5th Meeting of IMT-2030 Wireless Technology Working Group, 2024.03.

    9. C.-X. Wang, T. Wu, J. Li, C. Haung, Y. Wang. Menthod for predicting channel based on image processing and machine learning, 202403019, 5th Meeting of IMT-2030 Wireless Technology Working Group, 2024.03.

    10. C.-X. Wang, Z. Zhou, J. Huang, L. Xin, C. Huang. Sub-6 GHz cross-band channel measurement and modeling for urban microcell scenarios,  202310012, 5th Meeting of IMT-2030 Wireless Technology Working Group, 2023.10.22.

    11. C.-X. Wang, C. Huang, Z. Qian, J. Li, W. Zhou. Scenario adaptive channel modeling, 202310024, 5th Meeting of IMT-2030 Wireless Technology Working Group, 2023.10.22.

    12. C.-X. Wang, H. Chang, L. Hou. Massive MIMO beam domain channel model for 6G UAV communication, 202310021, 5th Meeting of IMT-2030 Wireless Technology Working Group, 2023.10.22.

    13. C.-X. Wang, R. Yang, J. Huang, L. Xin, C. Huang. A novel 6G ISAC channel model combining forward and backward scattering, 202310007, 5th Meeting of IMT-2030 Wireless Technology Working Group, 2023.10.22.

    14. C.-X. Wang, Z. Lv, J. Huang, C. Huang, H. Chang. Statistical characterization of the full-domain channel with 6G pervasive channel models,  202310023, 5th Meeting of IMT-2030 Wireless Technology Working Group, 2023.10.22.

    15. C.-X. Wang, Z. Li, C. Huang, J. Li. Research on 6G space-time predictive channel modeling, 1st Meeting of IMT-2030 (6G) Working Group, 2023.04.08.

    16. C.-X. Wang, R. Yang, J. Huang, L. Xin, C. Huang. A novel channel model for 6G integrated sensing and communications combining forward scattering and backward scattering, 6th Meeting of IMT-2030 (6G) Working Group, 2023.03.31.

    17. C.-X. Wang, X. Zhu, J. Huang. Analysis and modeling of indoor visible light communication channel characteristics for 6G, 3rd Meeting of IMT-2030 Wireless Technology Working Group, 2022.06.21.

    18. C.-X. Wang, Z. Lv, J. Huang. Pervasive wireless channel modeling theory and 6G pervasive channel model, 3rd Meeting of IMT-2030 Wireless Technology Working Group, 2022.06.21.

    19. C.-X. Wang, J. Wang, J. Huang. 6G THz wireless communication channel characteristics and modeling, IMT-2030 Wireless Technology Working Group, 2022.11.02.

    20. C.-X. Wang J. Huang. The need for a standardized 6G channel model and a theoretical approach to pervasive channel modelling, IMT-2030 Wireless Technology Working Group, 2021.12.23.


    Patents (33):

    1. C.-X. Wang, Z. Li, L. Yu, C. Huang, J. Huang, Z. Qian. A machine learning-based space-time-domain predictive channel modeling method. Patent No.: ZL202211189126.9. Grant Announcement Date: 2024.11.29.

    2. C.-X. Wang, Y. Wu, J. Huang, Y. Wang, B. Cao, X. Wang. A Weighted Random Forest Based Indoor Positioning Algorithm using CSI. Patent No.: ZL 202210759439.7. Grant Announcement Date: 2024.10.12.

    3. C.-X. Wang, R. Yang, J. Huang. A novel integrated sensing and communication channel modeling method that combines forward scattering and backward scattering. Patent No.: ZL 202210741508.1. Grant Announcement Date: 2024.08.23.

    4. C.-X. Wang, L. Zhang, Z. Zhou, J. Huang. A multi-link MIMO wireless channel correlation calculation method. Patent No.: 202210750477.6. Grant Announcement Date: 2024.06.28.

    5. C. Huang, C.-X. Wang, R. Feng, J. Huang, L. Xin, H. Chang. Channel modeling method, apparatus, electronic device and storage medium. Patent No.: ZL 202111506183.0. Grant Announcement Date: 2024.05.03.

    6. C.-X. Wang, K. Zhang, S. Yang, Y. Wang, B. Cao, X. Wang. A ray-tracing channel modeling method for low-orbit satellite communications. Patent No.: ZL 202311763522.2. Grant Announcement Date: 2024.04.12.

    7. C.-X. Wang, X. Ji, H. Chang. A multimode waveguide modeling method to describe the near-field characteristics of wireless channels. Patent No.: ZL 202111233071.2. Grant Announcement Date: 2024.03.12.

    8. C.-X. Wang, Z Lv. A 6G universal channel modeling method suitable for all frequency bands and scenarios. Patent No.: ZL 202210235058.9. Grant Announcement Date: 2024.02.27.

    9. C.-X. Wang, J Huang, Z Sun, J Huang, F Zheng. A Ray tracing channel modeling method for intelligent metasurface wireless communication. Patent No.: ZL 202210214609.3. Grant Announcement Date: 2024.02.02.

    10. C.-X. Wang, W Ji, J. Huang, R Yang. A geometric random channel modeling method for orbital angular momentum wireless communication. Patent No.: ZL 202111261263.4. Grant Announcement Date: 2024.01.30.

    11. C.-X. Wang, J Wang. A parameter generation method for asymmetric uplink and downlink channel models. Patent No.: ZL 202210214614.4. Grant Announcement Date: 2024.01.30.

    12. C.-X. Wang, Y Zheng, J. Huang, R Feng. A measurement method for ultra large scale MIMO wireless channels in multi scene and multi antenna configurations. Patent No.: ZL 202210786916.9. Grant Announcement Date: 2024.01.30.

    13. C.-X. Wang, X Zhu, J Huang. A geometric random channel modeling method for indoor visible light communication. Patent No.: ZL 202111232562.5. Grant Announcement Date: 2024.01.26.

    14. C.-X. Wang, X Mao, H Chang. A geometric random channel modeling method for UAV air-to-air communication. Patent No.: ZL 202111232552.1. Grant Announcement Date: 2024.01.26.

    15. C.-X. Wang, Y Ma, X Zhu, J. Huang. A non-stationary geometric stochastic channel modeling method for underwater acoustic communication. Patent No.: ZL 202111233049.8. Grant Announcement Date: 2024.01.26.

    16. C.-X. Wang, J Gao, J. Huang, Y. Yang. A wireless channel modeling method considering antenna size and antenna mutual coupling. Patent No.: ZL 202111232635.0. Grant Announcement Date: 2024.01.26.

    17. C.-X. Wang, Y Xu, Z Zhou, R Feng, L Xin, J Huang. A channel parameter estimation method for intelligent metasurface wireless communication. Patent No.: ZL 202210208990.2. Grant Announcement Date: 2024.01.26.

    18. C.-X. Wang, Y Yang, Y Zheng, J. Huang. Calculation method for spatial non-stationary wireless channel capacity in large-scale antenna array communication. Patent No.: ZL 202210208323.4. Grant Announcement Date: 2024.01.26.

    19. C.-X. Wang, J.-L. Huang, S. Yang, Y. Wang, J. Huang, F. Zheng, B. Cao, X. Wang. Ray tracing modeling method and system based on step-by-step simulation for reconfigurable intelligent surface channel. Patent No.: ZL 202311084059.9. Grant Announcement Date: 2023.11.14.

    20. C.-X. Wang, D. Chen, S. Yang, Y. Wang, B. Cao, X. Wang. A ray-tracing-based location optimization method for indoor multiple base stations in millimeter-wave band. Patent No.: ZL 202311085001.6. Grant Announcement Date: 2023.11.14.

    21. C.-X. Wang, J. Huang, Y. Wang, T. Liao, T. Zhai, H. Zhang, R. Li, J.-L. Huang, Y. Li, B. Cao, X. Wang. A ray-tracing-based simulation method for complex mobile time-varying wireless channels. Patent No.: ZL 202210680310.7. Grant Announcement Date: 2023.10.31.

    22. C.-X. Wang, C. Wang, J. Huang, Y. Wang, B. Cao, X. Wang. Spatial segmentation acceleration method and system suitable for ray tracing wireless channel modeling. Patent No.: ZL 202210732171.8. Grant Announcement Date: 2023.09.26.

    23. C.-X. Wang, Y. Zhou, J. Huang, Y. Wang, B. Cao, X. Wang. A multipath simulation accuracy optimization method for wireless channels based on forward ray tracing. Patent No.: ZL 202210560501.X. Grant Announcement Date: 2023.08.29.

    24. C.-X. Wang, J. Huang, Y. Wang, Y.-Z. Wang, H. Cao, Y. Jin, Z. Zhou, J.-L. Huang, Y. Li, B. Cao, X. Wang. A ray-tracing based method for MIMO channel modeling in terahertz band. Patent No.: ZL 202210560478.4. Grant Announcement Date: 2023.08.29.

    25. C.-X. Wang, J. Lv, J. Huang, Y. Wang, B. Cao, X. Wang. An angular Z-buffer optimisation method for ray-tracing channel modelling. Patent No.: ZL 202210560477.X. Grant Announcement Date: 2023.08.04.

    26. C.-X. Wang, Z. Li, J. Huang, W. Zhou, C. Huang. A predictive channel modelling method based on adversarial networks and long short-term memory networks. Patent No.: ZL 202210214717.0. Grant Announcement Date: 2023.06.20.

    27. W. Zhang, D. Tian, Y. Liu, J. Sun, C.-X. Wang. A visible light secure communication method based on artificial interference technology. Patent No.: ZL 201910735834.X. Grant Announcement Date: 2021.10.15.

    28. W. Zhang, L. Li, J. Sun, C.-X. Wang. A 6G mobile communication system based on tensor computation and its data processing method. Patent No.: ZL 201911327251.X. Grant Announcement Date: 2021.05.25.

    29. W. Zhang, L. Li, J. Sun, C.-X. Wang.A visible light communication modulation method based on carrier index modulation and its implementation system. Patent No.: ZL 201810311653.X. Grant Announcement Date: 2021.02.09.

    30. C.-X. Wang, J. Song, J. Sun, W. Zhang. A novel light source based on visible light communication and its power distribution method. Patent No.: ZL 201710571376.1. Grant Announcement Date: 2020.01.03.

    31. W. Zhang, J. Song, J. Sun, C.-X. Wang. A color shift keying modulation method for visible light communication based on multi-pulse position. Patent No.: ZL 201611167667.6. Grant Announcement Date: 2019.02.22.

    32. Z. Liu, C.-X. Wang, J. Song, M. Yang, M. Shu. Fall detection system and method based on Doppler detector combined with sensor. Patent No.: ZL 201610040326.6. Grant Announcement Date: 2018.11.13.

    33. W. Zhang, Y. Cao, X. Zhou, J. Sun, C.-X. Wang. A spatial modulation method for visible light communication based on Hartley transform and its implementation system. Patent No.: ZL 201610983972.6. Grant Announcement Date: 2018.06.19.


    Refereed Journal Papers (303, including 234 IEEE journal/magazine papers, 2 Invited Papers and 28 Highly Cited Papers)

    1. Y. Zhou,  C.-X. Wang*, S. Yang*, Y. Wang, J. Huang, and E. -H. M. Aggoune, “A novel projection-based beam ray launching method for wireless channel modeling,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., accept for publication, 2024.  

    2. L. Zhang,  C.-X. Wang*, Z. Zhou, L. Xin, J. Huang*, S. Yang, and E.-H. M. Aggoune, “A novel 6G GBSM for indoor scenarios incorporating dense multipath components towards standardization,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., accept with minor revision, 2024.  

    3. L. Zhang,  C.-X. Wang*, Z. Zhou, Y. Li, J. Huang*, L. Xin, C. Pan, D. Zheng, and X. Wu, “Wireless channel measurements and characterization in industrial IoT scenarios,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., accepted for publication, 2024.  

    4. Z. Wang,  C.-X. Wang*, Y. Liu, Q. Zhu, and K. Mao, “A novel aerial reconfigurable intelligent surface-assisted channel model incorporating the environmental effects,” IEEE Internet Things J., accepted for publication, 2024.  

    5. S. Yang, C.-X. Wang*, Y. Wang*, J. Huang, Y. Zhou, and E. M. Aggoune, “An efficient pre-processing method for 6G dynamic ray-tracing channel modeling,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., accepted for publication, 2024.  

    6. S. Javed, Y. Chen, M. S. Alouini, and C.-X. Wang*, “Optimizing air-borne network-in-a-box deployment for efficient remote coverage,” IEEE Internet Things J., accepted for publication, 2024.  

    7. Y. Yang,  C.-X. Wang*, J. Huang*, J. Thompson, and H. V. Poor, “A 3D continuous-space electromagnetic channel model for 6G tri-polarized multi-user communications,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., accepted for publication, 2024.    

    8. C. Yi, P. Zhang, H. Wang*,  C.-X. Wang*, and X. You, “Cross-channel similarity analysis and application using a multidimensional structural measure,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., accepted for publication, 2024.    

    9. Y. Wang, W. Feng, J. Wang, S. Zhou, and, C.-X. Wang, “Fine-over-coarse spectrum sharing with shaped virtual cells for hybrid satellite-UAV-terrestrial maritime networks,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., accepted for publication, 2024.  

    10. H. Qian, Y. Liu*, C.-X. Wang*, R. Feng, and W.-J. Lu,“A novel Mixed-bouncing beam domain channel model for massive MIMO communication systems at mmWave bands,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., accepted for publication, 2024. 

    11. Z. Zhang, Y. Liu*, C.-X. Wang, H. Chang, J. Bian, and J. Zhang, “Machine learning based clustering and modeling for 6G UAV-to-ground communication channels,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., accepted for publication, 2024. 

    12. Y. Sun, C.-X. Wang*, Y. Xu, L. Xin, J. Huang, J. Huang*, Q. Qin, X. Gao, B. Guo, T. Cui, and Y. Chen, “RIS-assisted MIMO channel measurements and characteristics analysis for 6G wireless communication systems,”   IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., accepted for publication, 2024. 

    13. H. Lu, Y. Zeng*, C. You, Y. Han, J. Zhang, Z. Wang, Z. Dong, S. Jin, C.-X. Wang, T. Jiang,  X. You,  and R. Zhang, “A tutorial on near-field XL-MIMO communications towards 6G,”     IEEE Commun. Surveys Tuts., early access, 2024, doi: 10.1109/COMST.2024.33877492024. 

    14. C. Huang, C.-X. Wang*, Z. Li, Z. Qian, J. Li*, and Y. Miao, “A frequency-domain predictive channel model for 6G wireless MIMO systems based on deep learning,” IEEE Trans. Commun.,  vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 279-286, Oct.2024. 

    15. C.-X. Wang*, Y. Yang, J. Huang, X. Gao, T. J. Cui, and L. Hanzo, “Electromagnetic information theory: Fundamentals and applications for 6G wireless communication systems,”     IEEE Wireless Commun., vol. 42, no. 6, pp. 1519-1533, Jun.2024.  arXiv

    16. Y. Yang, C.-X. Wang*, J. Huang, and J. Thompson, “Characteristics and channel capacity studies of a novel 6G non-stationary massive MIMO channel model considering mutual coupling,”     IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 73, no. 11, pp. 16790-16804, Nov. 2024. 

    17. Y. Chen*, A. A. Khuwaja, and C.-X. Wang*, “Effect of source signal traffic on signal detection for ambient backscatter communication,”      IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., early access, 2024, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2024.3419423.  

    18. S. Javed, Y. Chen, M.-S. Alouini, and  C.-X. Wang, “Optimizing air-borne network-in-a-box deployment for efficient remote coverage,” IEEE Internet Things J.,  vol. 11, no.23, pp. 38728-38743, Dec. 2024. 

    19. T. Wu, C. Pan*, K. Zhi, H. Ren, M. Elkashlan, and  C.-X. Wang,  “Exploit high-dimensional RIS information to localization: What is the impact of faulty element?,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun.,  vol. 42, no.10, pp. 2803-2819, Oct. 2024. 

    20. K. Mao, Q. Zhu*, C.-X. Wang*, X. Ye, X. Cai, Y. Miao, Z. Cui, Q. Wu, and W. Fan, “A survey on channel sounding technologies and measurements for UAV-assisted communications,” IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas.,  vol. 73, pp. 1-24, Aug. 2024. 

    21. Z. Li, C.-X. Wang*, C. Huang*, J. Huang, J. Li, W. Zhou, and Y. Chen,  “A GAN-GRU based space-time predictive channel model for 6G wireless communications,”     IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol.,  vol. 73, no. 7, pp. 9370-9386, July 2024. 

    22. J. Dai, S. Zhang, K. Zhi, C. Pan*, X. Wang, and C.-X. Wang, “Two-timescale design for simultaneous transmitting and reflecting RIS-assisted massive MIMO systems with imperfect CSI,”   IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 72, no. 7, pp. 4287-4304, July 2024. 

    23. W. Feng, Y. Wang*, Y. Chen, N. Ge, and C.-X. Wang, “Structured satellite-UAV-terrestrial networks for 6G Internet of things,”      IEEE Network, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 48-54, July 2024. 

    24. Z. Wang, J. Bian*,  C.-X. Wang,Y. Liu, and J. Tian, “Aerial reconfigurable intelligent surface-assisted channel modeling incorporating the effect of UAV fluctuations,”  IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 28, no. 7, pp. 1500-1603, July 2024.   

    25. K. Zhang, Y. Zhang*, C.-X. Wang*, X. Wu , and C. Du, “A non-Reciprocal Channel model for THz asymmetric massive MIMO systems,”     IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 23, no. 7, pp. 7787-7801, July 2024. 

    26. K. Zhi, C. Pan*, H. Ren, K. K. Chai, and C.-X. Wang*, “Performance analysis and low-complexity design for XL-MIMO with near-field spatial non-stationarities,”   IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 42, no. 6, pp. 1656-1672, June 2024. 

    27. J. Hong*, J. Sun*, Y. He, W. Zhang*, and C.-X. Wang*, “A tensor-based millimeter wave wideband massive MIMO channel estimation technique using uniform planar arrays,”     IEEE Wireless Commun. Lett., vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 1458-1462, May 2024. 

    28. K. Chen, C. Qi*, C.-X. Wang, and G. Y. Li, “'Beam training and tracking for extremely large-scale MIMO communications,”   IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 5048-5062, May 2024. 

    29. M. Wang, H. Wang*, C.-X. Wang, and X. You, “A pervasively correlated channel model for massive MIMO transmission,”    IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 72, no. 4, pp. 2441-2456, Apr. 2024.  

    30. Y. Zheng, C.-X. Wang*, J. Huang, R. Feng, and J. Thompson, “A novel ultra-massive MIMO BDCM for 6G wireless communication systems,”   IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 3221-3237, Apr. 2024. 

    31. M. Zhang, Y. Liu*, J. Huang, R. He, J. Zhang, C. Yu, and C.-X. Wang, “Artificial intelligence based multi-scenario mmWave channel modeling for intelligent high-speed train communications,”   China Commun., vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 260-272, Mar. 2024. 

    32. W. Zhou, C.-X. Wang*, C. Huang*, Z. Li, Z. Qian, Z. Lv, and Y. Chen, “Channel scenario extensions, identifications, and adaptive modeling for 6G wireless communications,”   IEEE Int. Things J., vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 7285-7308, Mar. 2024. 

    33. J. Wang, C.-X. Wang*, J. Huang*, and Y. Chen, “6G THz propagation channel characteristics and modeling: Recent developments and future challenges,”  IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 62, no. 2, pp. 56-62, Feb. 2024. 

    34. Y. Yang*, Y. Xiao,  C.-X. Wang, Z. Zhang, S. Ci,et all. “6G network AI architecture for everyone-centric customized services,”   IEEE Network., vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 71-80, Feb. 2024. 

    35. B. Shu, W. Zhang*, Y. Chen, J. Sun, and C.-X. Wang, “Path loss prediction in evaporation ducts based on deep neural network,”   IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propag. Lett., vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 798-802, Feb. 2024.   

    36. Y. Liu, G. Li, and C.-X. Wang*, “A correlation-based stochastic model for massive MIMO channel,”  China Commun., vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 175-187, Jan. 2024.  

    37. W. Gu, Y. Liu*, C.-X. Wang*, W. Xu, Y. Yu, W. Lu, and H. Zhu, “A general 3D geometry-based stochastic channel model for B5G mmWave IIoT,”   IEEE Int. Things J., vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 3362-3376, Jan. 2024. 

    38. W. Liu, C. Pan*, H. Ren*, C.-X. Wang*, J. Wang, and X. You, “NMBEnet: Efficient near-field mmWave beam training for multiuser OFDM systems using sub-6 GHz pilots,”   IEEE Trans. Commun, early access, 2024, doi: 10.1109/TCOMM.2024.3490493 

    39. Y. Fu, C.-X. Wang*, X. Mao, J. Huang, Z. Zhao, and S. Mclaughlin, “Spectrum-energy-economy efficiency analysis of B5G wireless communication systems with separated indoor/outdoor scenarios,”   IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 22, no. 12, pp. 9718-9731, Dec. 2023. 

    40. L. Xin, Y. Li*, C.-X. Wang, J. Huang and R. Zhang, “Improvement on doppler reconstruction in multiprobe OTA setups for directional-antenna devices,”   IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 72, no. 12, pp. 15142-15153, Dec. 2023. 

    41. C.-X. Wang*, Z. Lv, Y. Chen, and H. Haas, “A complete study of space-time-frequency statistical properties of the 6G pervasive channel model,”   IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 71, no. 12, pp. 7273-7287, Dec. 2023. 

    42. S. Wang, M. Zhu, Z. Li*, L. Yang, C.-X. Wang, and R. Ruby, “Antenna selections strategies for massive MIMO systems with limited-resolution ADCs/DACs,”   IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 22, no. 11, pp. 8128-8140, Nov. 2023. 

    43. R. Yang, C.-X. Wang*, J. Huang*, E.-H. M. Aggoune, and Y. Hao, “A novel 6G ISAC channel model combining forward and backward scattering,”   IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 22, no. 11, pp. 8050-8065, Nov. 2023. 

    44. P. Wei, W. Feng*, Y. Wang, Y. Chen, N. Ge, and C.-X. Wang, “Joint mobility control and MEC offloading for hybrid satellite-terrestrial-network-enabled robots,”   IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 22, no. 11, pp. 8483-8497, Nov. 2023. 

    45. Z. Zhou, C.-X. Wang*, L. Zhang, J. Huang*, L. Xin, E.-H. M. Aggoune, and Y. Miao, “A novel SAGE algorithm for estimating parameters of wideband spatial non-stationary wireless channels with antenna polarization,”    IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 71, no. 9, pp. 7457-7472, Sept. 2023. 

    46. X. Zhu, Y. Liu*, and C.-X. Wang*, “Sub-array-based millimeter wave massive MIMO channel estimation,”    IEEE Wireless Commun. Lett., vol. 12, no. 9, pp. 1608-1612, Sept. 2023. 

    47. F. Lai, C.-X. Wang*, J. Huang, R. Feng, X. Gao, and F. Zheng*, “A novel 3D non-stationary massive MIMO channel model for shortwave communication systems,”    IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 71, no. 9, pp. 5473-5486, Sept. 2023. 

    48. H. Chang, C.-X. Wang*, J. Bian, et al., “A novel 3D beam domain channel model for UAV massive MIMO communications,”   IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 22, no. 8, pp. 5431-5445, Aug. 2023. 

    49. Y. Zheng, C.-X. Wang*, J. Huang, R. Feng, and J. Thompson, “Measurements and characteristics analysis of 6G ultra-massive MIMO wireless channels with different antenna configurations and scenarios,”   IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 72, no. 8, pp. 9720-9732, Aug. 2023. 

    50. J. Wang, C.-X. Wang*, J. Huang, R. Feng, E.-H. M. Aggoune, and Y. Chen, “A novel THz massive MIMO beam domain channel model for 6G wireless communication systems,”   IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 72, no. 8, pp. 9704-9719, Aug. 2023. 

    51. T. Wu, C. Pan*, Y. Pan, H. Ren, M. Elkashlan , and C.-X. Wang, “Fingerprint-based mmWave positioning system aided by reconfigurable intelligent surface,” IEEE Wireless Commun. Lett., vol. 12, no. 8, pp. 1379-1383, Aug. 2023.

    52. Y. Le, X. Ling*, J. Wang*, R. Guo, Y. Huang,  C.-X. Wang,  and X. You*, “Resource sharing and trading of blockchain radio access networks: Architecture and prototype design,” IEEE Int. Things J., vol. 10, no. 14, pp. 12025-12043, July 2023. 

    53. L. Zhang, C.-X. Wang*, Z. Zhou, X. Chen, J. Huang*, C. Pan, E.-H. M. Aggoune, and Y. Miao, “Multi-frequency wireless channel measurements and characterization in large indoor office environments,”   IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 71, no. 6, pp. 5221-5234, June 2023. 

    54. D. Shi, L. Song, W. Zhou, X. Gao*, C.-X. Wang, and G. Ye Li, “Channel acquisition for HF skywave massive MIMO-OFDM communications,”   IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 4074-4089, June 2023. 

    55. B. Hua, H. Ni, Q. Zhu*, C.-X. Wang*, T. Zhou, K. Mao, J. Bao, and X. Zhang, “Channel modeling for UAV-to-ground communications with posture variation and fuselage scattering effect,”   IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 71, no. 5, pp. 3103-3116, May 2023. 

    56. Y. He, C.-X. Wang*, H. Chang, et al., “A novel 3-D beam domain channel model for maritime massive MIMO communication communication systems using uniform circular arrays,”   IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 71, no. 4, pp. 2487-2502, Apr. 2023. 

    57. F. Lai, C.-X. Wang*, J. Huang, X. Gao, and F.-C. Zheng, “A novel beam domain channel model for B5G massive MIMO wireless communication systems,”   IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 72, no. 4, pp. 4143-4156, Apr. 2023. 

    58. Y. Lin, W. Feng, T. Zhou,Y. Wang*, Y. Chen, N. Ge, and C.-X. Wang, “Integrating Satellites and Mobile Edge Computing for 6G Wide-Area Edge Intelligence: Minimal Structures and Systematic Thinking,”  IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 1618-1632, Mar. 2023. 

    59. J. Bian, C.-X. Wang*, R. Feng, Y. Liu, W. Zhou, F. Lai, and X. Gao, “A novel 3D beam domain channel model for massive MIMO communication systems,”  IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 1618-1632, Mar. 2023. 

    60. C.-X. Wang*, X. You*, X. Gao, et al., “On the road to 6G: Visions, requirements, key technologies and testbeds,”   IEEE Commun. Surveys Tuts., vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 905-974, 2nd Quart. 2023. 

    61. R. Feng, C.-X. Wang*, J. Huang, and X. Gao, “Recent advances of ultramassive multiple-input multiple-output technologies: Realizing a sixth-generation future in spatial and beam domains,”   IEEE Veh. Technol. Mag., vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 70-79, Jan. 2023. 

    62. H. Chang, C.-X. Wang*, Y. Liu, et al., “A general 3-D nonstationary GBSM for underground vehicular channels,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 71, no. 2, pp. 1804-1819, Feb. 2023. 

    63. M. Pang, Q. Zhu*, C.-X. Wang*, et al., “Geometry-based stochastic probability models for the LoS and NLoS paths of A2G channels under urban scenarios,”   IEEE Int. Things J., vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 2360-2372, Feb. 2023. 

    64. X. Wang*, J. Mei, S. Cui, C.-X. Wang, and X. S. Shen, “Realizing 6G: The operational goals, enabling technologies of future networks, and value-oriented intelligent multi-dimensional multiple access,”   IEEE Netw., vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 10-17, Jan. 2023. 

    65. Z. Lei, P. Duan, X. Hong*, João F. C. Mota, J. Shi, and C.-X. Wang, “Progressive deep image compression for hybrid contexts of image classification and reconstruction,”  IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 72-89, Jan. 2023. 

    66. R. Feng, C.-X. Wang*, J. Huang, X. Gao, S. Salous and H. Haas, “Classification and comparison of massive MIMO propagation channel models,”  IEEE IEEE Internet Things J., vol. 9, no. 23, pp. 23452-23471, Dec. 2022. 

    67. C. Yu, Y. Liu*, H. Chang, et al., “AG channel measurements and characteristics analysis in hilly scenarios for 6G UAV communications,”  China Commun., vol. 19, no. 11, pp. 32-46, Nov. 2022. 

    68. J. Wang, W. Zhang*, Y. Chen, Z. Liu, J. Sun, and C.-X. Wang*, “Time-varying channel estimation scheme for uplink MU-MIMO in 6G systems,”  IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 71, no. 11, pp. 11820-11831, Nov. 2022. 

    69. X. Zhu, C.-X. Wang*, J. Huang, M. Chen, and H. Haas, “A novel 3D non-stationary channel model for 6G indoor visible light communication systems,”  IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 21, no. 10, pp. 8292-8307, Oct. 2022. 

    70. F. M. Alsalami, O. C. L. Haas, A. Al-Kinani, C.-X. Wang, Z. Ahmad and S. Rajbhandari*, “Impact of dynamic traffic on vehicle-to-vehicle visible light communication systems,”  IEEE Syst. J., vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 3512-3521, Sept. 2022. 

    71. C.-X. Wang*, Z. Lv, X. Gao, X.-H. You, Y. Hao, and H. Haas, “Pervasive wireless channel modeling theory and applications to 6G GBSMs for all frequency bands and all scenarios,”  IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 71, no. 9, pp. 9159-9173, Sept. 2022. 

    72. J. Huang, C.-X. Wang*, Y. Sun, R. Feng, J. Huang, B. Guo, Z. Zhong, and T. J. Cui, “Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces: Channel characterization and modeling,”  Proc. IEEE, vol. 110, no. 9, pp. 1290-1311, Sept. 2022. 

    73. C. Huang, R. Wang, C.-X. Wang*, P. Tang, A. F. Molisch, “A geometry-based stochastic model for truck communication channels in freeway scenarios,”  IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 70, no. 8, pp. 5572-5586, Aug. 2022.  

    74. C. Liu, B. Yang, P. Zhang, H. Wang*, C.-X. Wang, and X. You, “Multiple angles of arrival estimation using broadband signals and a nonuniform planar array,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 70, no. 6, pp. 4093-4106, June 2022. 

    75. C. Wu, Y. Zhu, W. Wang*, C.-X. Wang, and X. Gao, “Improvement of the cluster-level spatial consistency of channel simulator with reference points transition method,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 71, no. 6, pp. 5867-5879, June 2022. 

    76. Y. Wang, W. Zhang*, Y. Chen,  C.-X. Wang*, and J. Sun, “Novel multiple RIS-assisted communications for 6G networks,” IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 26, no. 6, pp. 1413-1417, June 2022. 

    77. C. Huang, R. He*, B. Ai*, A. F. Molisch, B. K. Lau, K. Haneda, B. Liu, C.-X. Wang , M. Yang, O. Claude, and Z. Zhong, “Artificial intelligence enabled radio propagation for communications—Part I: Channel characterization and antenna-channel optimization,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 70, no. 6, pp. 3939-3954, June 2022. 

    78. C. Huang, R. He*, B. Ai*, A. F. Molisch, B. K. Lau, K. Haneda, B. Liu, C.-X. Wang , M. Yang, O. Claude, and Z. Zhong, “Artificial intelligence enabled radio propagation for communications—Part II: Scenario identification and channel modeling,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 70, no. 6, pp. 3955-3969, June 2022. 

    79. C. Huang, R. He*, B. Ai*, A. F. Molisch, B. K. Lau, K. Haneda, B. Liu, C.-X. Wang , M. Yang, O. Claude, and Z. Zhong, “Artificial intelligence enabled radio propagation for communications—Part II: Scenario identification and channel modeling,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 70, no. 6, pp. 3955-3969, June 2022. 

    80. X. Yu, A. -A. Lu, X. Gao*, G. Y. Li, G. Ding, and C.-X. Wang, “HF skywave massive MIMO communication,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 2769-2785, Apr. 2022. 

    81. Y. He, C.-X. Wang*, H. Chang, J. Huang, J. Sun*, W. Zhang, et al., “A novel 3D non-stationary maritime wireless channel model,”  IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 70, no. 3, pp. 2102-2116, Mar. 2022. 

    82. C. F. Lopez, C.-X. Wang*, and Y. Zheng, “A 3D non-stationary wideband massive MIMO channel model based on ray-level evolution,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 70, no. 1, pp. 621-634, Jan. 2022. 

    83. J. Wang, C.-X. Wang*, J. Huang, H. Wang, X. Gao, X. You, and Y. Hao, “A novel 3D non-stationary GBSM for 6G THz ultra massive MIMO wireless systems,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 70, no. 12, pp. 12312-12324, Dec. 2021. 

    84. C.-X. Wang*, J. Wang, S. Hu, Z. Jiang, J. Tao, and F. Yan, “Key technologies in 6G THz wireless communication systems: A survey,” IEEE Veh. Technol. Mag., vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 27–37, Dec. 2021. 

    85. J. Bian, C.-X. Wang*, Y. Liu, J. Tian, J. Qiao, and X. Zheng, “3D non-stationary wideband UAV-to-ground MIMO channel models based on aeronautic random mobility model,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 70, no. 11, pp. 11154–11168, Nov. 2021. 

    86. Y. Liu, C.-X. Wang*, H. Chang, Y. He, and J. Bian, “A novel non-stationary 6G UAV channel model for maritime communications,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 39, no. 10, pp. 2992–3005, Oct. 2021.

    87. X. Fang, W. Feng*, T. Wei, Y. Chen, N. Ge, and C.-X. Wang, “5G embraces satellites for 6G ubiquitous IoT: Basic models for integrated satellite terrestrial networks,” IEEE Int. Things J.,, vol. 8, no. 18, pp. 14399–14417, Sept. 2021. Highly Cited Paper

    88. Y. Tan, C.-X. Wang*, J. Nielsen, G. F, Pedersen, and Q. Zhu, “A novel B5G frequency non-stationary wireless channel model,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 69, no. 8, pp. 4846-4860, Aug. 2021.

    89. Y. Sun, C.-X. Wang*, J. Huang, and J. Wang, “A 3D non-stationary channel model for 6G wireless systems employing intelligent reflecting surfaces with practical phase shifts,” IEEE Trans. Cog. Commun. Netw., vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 496-510, June 2021.

    90. H. Chang, C.-X. Wang*, Y. Liu, J. Huang, J. Sun, W. Zhang, and X. Gao, “A novel non-stationary 6G UAV-to-ground wireless channel model with 3D arbitrary trajectory changes,” IEEE Int. Things J., vol. 8, no. 12, pp. 9865-9877, June 2021.

    91. T. Wei, W. Feng*, Y. Chen, C.-X. Wang, N. Ge, and J. Lu, “Hybrid satellite-terrestrial communication networks for the maritime Internet of things: Key technologies, opportunities, and challenges,” IEEE Int. Things. J., vol. 8, no. 11, pp. 8910-8934, June 2021. Highly Cited Paper

    92. J. Wang, C.-X. Wang*, J. Huang, H. Wang, and X. Gao, “A general 3D space-time-frequency non-stationary THz channel model for 6G ultra massive MIMO wireless communication systems,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 39, no. 6, pp. 1576-1589, June 2021.

    93. M. S. Hossain, N. Guizani, A. Rayes, V. C. M. Leung, H. Wang, and C.-X. Wang*, J. Huang, H. Wang, and X. Gao, “Guest editorial: AI-enabled networking technologies for tackling epidemic diseases,” IEEE Network, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 12-13, May/June 2021.

    94. B. Yang, P. Zhang, H. Wang*, C.-X. Wang, and X. You, “Broadband extended array response-based subspace multiparameter estimation method for multipolarized wireless channel measurements,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 69, no. 5, pp. 3298-3312, May 2021.

    95. T. Zhou, G. Chen, C.-X. Wang, J. Zhang*, S. Salous, L. Liu, and C. Tao, “Performance analysis and power allocation of mixed-ADC multi-cell millimeter-wave massive MIMO systems with antenna selection,” Front. Inform. Technol. Electron. Eng., vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 571-585, May 2021.

    96. J. Bian, C.-X. Wang*, X. Gao, X. You, and M. Zhang, “A general 3D non-stationary wireless channel model for 5G and beyond,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 39, no. 5, pp. 3211-3224, May 2021.

    97. J. Huang, C.-X. Wang*, Y. Yang, Y. Liu, J. Sun, and W. Zhang, “Channel measurements and modeling for 400-600 MHz bands in urban and suburban scenarios,” IEEE Int. Things J., vol. 8, no. 7, pp. 5531-5543, Apr. 2021.

    98. C. Liu, W. Feng*, Y. Chen, C.-X. Wang, and N. Ge, “Cell-free satellite-UAV networks for 6G wide-area Internet of Things,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 1116-1131, Apr. 2021. Highly Cited Paper

    99. H. Xiao, B. Wu, Z. Zhang, C.-X. Wang*, and D. Zhou, “Resource management scheme for full-duplex device-to-device vehicular communication using hypergraph clustering and interference limited area theory,” Sci. China Inf. Sci., vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 139-156, Jan. 2021. (in Chinese)

    100. X.-H. You*, C.-X. Wang*, J. Huang, et al., “Towards 6G wireless communication networks: vision, enabling technologies, and new paradigm shifts,” Sci. China Inf. Sci., vol. 64, no. 1, Jan. 2021. Highly Cited Paper

    101. X. Li, W. Feng, J. Wang, Y. Chen, N. Ge, and C.-X. Wang, “Enabling 5G on the ocean: A hybrid stellite-UAV-terrestrial network solution,” IEEE Wireless Commun., vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 116-121, Dec. 2020.Highly Cited Paper

    102. C. F. Lopez, C.-X. Wang*, “A study of non-stationary massive MIMO channels by transformation of delay and angle of arrival,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 69, no. 12, pp. 14212-1224, Dec. 2020.

    103. C.-X. Wang*, J. Huang, H. Wang,  X. Gao, X.-H. You, and Y. Hao, “6G wireless channel measurements and models: Trends and challenges,” IEEE Veh. Technol. Mag., vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 22-32, Dec. 2020.Highly Cited Paper

    104. H. Wei, W. Feng*, Y. Chen, C.-X. Wang, and N. Ge, “Rethinking blockchains in the Internet of Things era from a wireless communication perspective,” IEEE Network, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 24-30, Nov./Dec. 2020.

    105. H. Jiang, Z. Zhang*, C.-X. Wang, J. Zhang, J. Dang, L. Wu, and H. Zhang, “A novel 3D UAV channel model for A2G communication environments using AoD and AoA estimation algorithm,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 68, no. 11, pp. 7232-7246, Nov. 2020.

    106. Y. Jiang, X. Ge, Y. Yang, C.-X. Wang, and J. Li, “6G oriented blockchain based Internet of things data sharing and storage mechanism,” Journal on Communications, vol. 41, no. 10, pp. 48-58, Oct. 2020. (in Chinese)

    107. X. Cheng*, Y. Li, C.-X. Wang, X. Yin, and D. W. Matolak, “A 3D geometry based stochastic model for unmanned aerial vehicle MIMO Ricean fading channels,” IEEE Int. Things J., vol. 7, no. 9, pp. 8674-8687, Sept. 2020.

    108. J. Huang, C.-X. Wang*, H. Chang, J. Sun, and X. Gao, “Multi-frequency multi-scenario millimeter wave MIMO channel measurements and modeling for B5G wireless communication systems,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 38, no. 9, pp. 2010-2025, Sept. 2020.

    109. T. Zhou, Y. Wang, C.-X. Wang*, S. Salous, L. Liu, and C. Tao, “Multi-feature fusion based recognition and relevance analysis of propagation scenes for high-speed railway channels,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 69, no.8, pp. 8107-8118, Aug. 2020.

    110. A. Al-Kinani, C.-X. Wang*, Q. Zhu, Y. Fu, E. M. Aggoune, A. Talib, and N. Al-Hasaani, “A 3D non-stationary GBSM for vehicular visible light communication channels,” IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 140333-140347, Aug. 2020.

    111. P. Zhang, C. Yi, B. Yang, H. Wang*, C.-X. Wang, and X.-H. You, “In-building coverage of millimeter-wave wireless networks from channel measurement and modeling perspectives,” Sci. China Inf. Sci., vol. 63, no. 8, July 2020.

    112.  Y. Li, W. Zhang*, C.-X. Wang*, J. Sun, and Y. Liu, “Deep reinforcement learning for dynamic spectrum sensing and aggregation in multi-channel wireless networks,” IEEE Trans. Cogn. Commun. Netw., vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 464-475, June 2020.

    113.  Y. Wu*, D. Simeonidou, C.-X. Wang, F. R. Yu, S. Choi, G. Xue, and A. Ksentini, IEEE TCCN special section editorial: intelligent resource management for 5G and beyond,IEEE Trans. Cogn. Commun. Netw., vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 422-427, June 2020.

    114. J. Huang, C.-X. Wang, L, Bai, J. Sun, Y. Yang*, J. Li, O. Tirkkonen, and M. Zhou, “A big data enabled channel model for 5G wireless communication systems,” IEEE Trans. Big Data, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 211-222, June 2020.

    115.  Y. Yang*, J. Li, C.-X. Wang, O. Tirkkonen, and M. Zhou, “Special issue on wireless big data,” IEEE Trans. Big Data, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 209-210, June 2020.

    116. X. Li, W. Feng*, Y. Chen, C.-X. Wang, and N. Ge, “Maritime coverage enhancement using UAVs coordinated with hybrid satellite-terrestrial networks,”IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 64, no. 4, pp. 2355-2369, Apr. 2020.

    117. C. Liu, W. Feng*, Y. Chen, C.-X. Wang, and N. Ge, “Optimal beamforming for hybrid satellite-terrestrial networks with nonlinear PA and Imperfect CSIT,”IEEE Wireless Commun. Lett., vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 276-280, Mar. 2020.

    118. W. Feng, B. Lin, Y. Chen, C.-X. Wang, S. Jiang, and Y. Fang, “Enabling technologies for agile maritime communication networks,”China Commun., vol. 17, no. 3, pp. iii-v, Mar. 2020.

    119. C.-X. Wang*, J. Huang, H. Wang, X. Gao, X.-H. You, and Y. Hao, “6G oriented wireless communication channel characteristics analysis and modeling,” Chinese J. Int. Things, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 19-32, Mar. 2020. (in Chinese)

    120. Y. Fu, C.-X. Wang*, X. Fang, L. Yan, and S. McLaughlin, “BER performance of spatial modulation systems under a non-stationary massive MIMO channel model,” IEEE Access, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 44547-44558, Feb. 2020.

    121. C.-X. Wang*, M. D. Renzo, S. Stanczak, S. Wang, andE. G. Larsson, “Artificial intelligence enabled wireless networking for 5G and beyond: recent advances and future challenges,”IEEE Wireless Commun. vol. 27, no. 1, pp.16-23, Feb. 2020.

    122. Y. Liu, C.-X. Wang*, C. F. Lopez, G. Goussetis, Y. Yang, and G. K. Karagiannidis, “3D non-stationary wideband tunnel channel models for 5G high-speed train wireless communications,” IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst., vol. 21, no.1, pp. 259-272, Jan. 2020.

    123. Y. Zhang, A. Ghazal, C.-X. Wang*, H. Zhou, W. Duan, and H. Aggoune, “Accuracy-complexity tradeoff analysis and complexity reduction methods for non-stationary IMT-A MIMO channel models,” IEEE Access, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 178047-178062, Dec. 2019.

    124. L. Bai, C.-X. Wang*, G. Goussetis, S. Wu, Q. Zhu, W. Zhou, and E. M. Aggoune, “Channel modeling for satellite communication channels at Q-band in high latitude,” IEEE Access, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 137691-137703, Dec. 2019.

    125. H. Chang, J. Bian, C.-X. Wang, Z. Bai, W. Zhou, and H. Aggoune, “A 3D non-stationary wideband GBSM for low-altitude UAV-to-ground V2V MIMO channels”, IEEE Access, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 70719-70732, Dec. 2019.

    126. J. Bian, C.-X. Wang*, J. Huang, Y. Liu, J. Sun, M. Zhang, and H. Aggoune, “A 3D wideband non-stationary multi-mobility model for vehicle-to-vehicle MIMO channels,” IEEE Access,vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 32562-32577, Dec. 2019.

    127. R. Zhang, C. Qi, Y. Li*, Y. Ruan, C.-X. Wang, and H. Zhang, “Towards energy-efficient underlaid device-to-device communications: A joint resource management approach,” IEEE Access, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 31385-31396, Dec. 2019.

    128. L. Bai, C.-X. Wang*, Q. Xu, S. Ventouras, and G. Goussetis, “Prediction of channel excess attenuation for satellite communication systems at Q-band using artificial neural network,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propag. Lett., vol. 18, no. 11, pp. 2235-2239, Nov. 2019.

    129. Y. Ruan, Y. Li*, C.-X. Wang, R. Zhang, and H. Zhang, “Energy efficient power allocation for delay constrained cognitive satellite terrestrial networks under interference constraints,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 18, no. 10, pp. 4957-4969, Oct. 2019.

    130. Y. Liu, C.-X. Wang*, and J. Huang, “Recent developments and future challenges in channel measurements and models for 5G and beyond high-speed train communication systems,” IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 57, no. 9, pp. 50-56, Sept. 2019.

    131. C.-X. Wang*, X. You, Y. Liang, and Z. Yi, “B5G communication networks,” Sci. China Inf. Sci., vol. 49, no. 9, pp. 1231-1232, Sept. 2019. (in Chinese)

    132. K. Guan, C.-X. Wang, C. Briso, A. Hrovat, and M. Kim, “Guest editorial: smart transportation enabled by wireless technology,” IET Microwaves, Antennas& Propagation, vol. 13, no. 8, pp. 1049-1051, Aug. 2019.

    133. Q. Zhu, W. Li, C.-X. Wang*, D. Xu, J. Bian, X. Chen, and W. Zhong, “Temporal correlations for a non-stationary vehicle-to-vehicle channel model allowing velocity variations,” IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 23, no. 7, pp. 1280-1284, July 2019.

    134. Y. Ruan, Y. Li, C.-X. Wang, R. Zhang*, and H. Zhang, “Power allocation in cognitive satellite-vehicular networks from energy-spectral efficiency tradeoff perspective,” IEEE Trans. Cogn. Commun. Netw., vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 318-329, June 2019.

    135. Q. Zhu*, Y. Yang, C.-X. Wang*, Y. Tan, J. Sun, X. Chen, and W. Zhong, “Spatial correlations of a 3D non-stationary MIMO channel model with 3D antenna arrays and 3D arbitrary trajectories,” IEEE Wireless Commun. Lett., vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 512-515, Apr. 2019.

    136. Y. Liu, C.-X. Wang*, J. Huang, J. Sun, and W. Zhang, “Novel 3-D nonstationary mmWave massive MIMO channel models for 5G high-speed train wireless communications,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 68, no. 3, pp. 2077-2086, Mar. 2019. Best Paper Award

    137. Y. Yang*, Y. Li, W. Zhang, F. Qin, P. Zhu, and C.-X. Wang, “Generative adversarial network-based wireless channel modeling: challenges and opportunities,” IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 22-27, Mar. 2019.

    138. X. Hong*, J. Jiao, A. Peng, J. Shi, and C.-X. Wang, “Cost optimization for on-demand content streaming in IoV networks with two service tiers,” IEEE Internet Things J., vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 38-49, Feb. 2019.

    139. J. Huang, Y. Liu, C.-X. Wang, J. Sun, and H. Xiao*, “5G millimeter wave channel sounders, measurements, and models: Recent developments and future challenges,” IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 138-145, Jan. 2019. 

    140. A. Al-Kinani, J. Sun, C.-X. Wang*, W. Zhang, X. Ge, and H. Haas, “A 2D non-stationary GBSM for vehicular visible light communication channels,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 17, no. 12, pp. 7981-7992, Dec. 2018.

    141. W. Zhang, C.-X. Wang*, X. Ge, and Y. Chen, “Enhanced 5G cognitive radio networks based on spectrum sharing and spectrum aggregation,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 66, no. 12, pp. 6304-6316, Dec. 2018.

    142. Y. Fu, S. Wang, C.-X. Wang*, X. Hong, and S. McLaughlin, “Artificial intelligence to manage network traffic of 5G wireless networks,” IEEE Netw., vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 58-64, Nov./Dec. 2018.

    143. C.-X. Wang, J. Bian, J. Sun*, W. Zhang, and M. Zhang, “A survey of 5G channel measurements and models,” IEEE Commun. Surveys Tuts., vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 3142-3168, 4th Quart., 2018. Highly Cited Paper

    144. Y. Yang, Y. Gui, H. Wang, W. Zhang, Y. Li, X. Yin, and C.-X. Wang, “Parallel channel sounder for MIMO channel measurements,” IEEE Wireless Commun., vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 16-22, Oct. 2018. 

    145. R. Zhang, Y. Li*, C.-X. Wang, Y. Ruan, and H. Zhang, “Performance trade-off in relay aided D2D-cellular networks,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 67, no. 10, pp. 10144-10149, Oct. 2018.

    146. Y. Ruan, Y. Li*, C.-X. Wang, R. Zhang, and H. Zhang, “Performance evaluation for underlay cognitive satellite-terrestrial cooperative networks,” Sci. China Inf. Sci., vol. 61, no. 10, Oct. 2018.

    147. J. Huang, C.-X. Wang*, Y. Liu, J. Sun, and W. Zhang, “A novel 3D GBSM for mmWave MIMO channels,” Sci. China Inf. Sci., vol. 61, no. 10, Oct. 2018. 

    148. Q. Zhu, H. Li, Y. Fu, C.-X. Wang*, Y. Tan, X. Chen, and Q. Wu, “A novel 3D non-stationary MIMO channel simulator and hardware emulator,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 66, no. 9, pp. 3865-3878, Sept. 2018. 

    149. L. Zhou, C.-X. Wang*, A. Al-Kinani, and W. Zhang, “Visible light communication system evaluations with integrated hardware and optical parameters,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 66, no. 9, pp. 4059-4073, Sept. 2018.

    150. J. Wang, A. Al-Kinani, W. Zhang, C.-X. Wang, and L. Zhou, “A general channel model for visible light communications in underground mines,” China Commun., vol. 15, no. 9, pp. 95-105, Sept. 2018.

    151. X. Cao, S.-L. Kim, K. Obraczka, C.-X. Wang, D. Wu, and H. Yanikomeroglu, “Guest Editorial: Airborne communication networks,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 36, no. 9, pp. 1903-1906, Sept. 2018.

    152. A. Al-Kinani, C.-X. Wang*, L. Zhou, and W. Zhang, “Optical wireless communication channel measurements and models,” IEEE Commun. Surveys Tuts., vol. 20, no.3, pp. 1939-1962, 3rd Quart., 2018. 

    153. L. Bai, C.-X. Wang*, J. Huang, Q. Xu, Y. Yang, G. Goussetis, J. Sun, and W. Zhang, “Predicting wireless mmWave massive MIMO channel characteristics using machine learning algorithms,” Wireless Commun. Mob. Com., vol. 2018, Aug. 2018.,

    154. X. Yan, H. Xiao*C.-X. Wang, and K. An, “Outage performance of NOMA-based hybrid satellite-terrestrial relay networks,” IEEE Wireless Commun. Lett., vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 538-541, Aug. 2018. 

    155. R. Zhang, Y. Li*, C.-X. Wang, Y. Ruan, and H. Zhang, “Energy efficient power allocation for underlaying mobile D2D communications with peak/average interference constraints,” Sci. China Inf. Sci., vol. 61, no. 8, Aug. 2018. 

    156. B. Zheng, M. Wen*, C.-X. Wang, X. Wang, F. Chen, J. Tang, and F. Ji, “Secure NOMA based two-way relay networks using artificial noise and full duplex,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 36, no. 7, pp. 1426-1440, July 2018. 

    157. Q. Zhu, Y. Yang, X. Chen, Y. Tan, Y. Fu, C.-X. Wang*, and W. Li, “A novel 3D non-stationary vehicle-to-vehicle channel model and its spatial-temporal correlation properties,” IEEE Access, vol. 6. pp. 43633-43643, July 2018. 

    158. R. Zhang, Y. Li*, C.-X. Wang, Y. Ruan, Y. Fu, and H. Zhang, “Energy-spectral efficiency trade-off in underlaying mobile D2D communications: an economic efficiency perspective,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 17, no. 7, pp. 4288-4301, July 2018. 

    159. S. Wu, C.-X. Wang*, H. Aggoune, M. M. Alwakeel, and X. You, “A general 3D non-stationary 5G wireless channel model,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 66, no. 7, pp. 3065-3078, July 2018.

    160. P. Patcharamaneepakorn, C.-X. Wang*, Y. Fu, H. Aggoune, M. M. Alwakeel, X. Tao, and X. Ge, “Quadrature space-frequency index modulation for energy-efficient 5G wireless communication systems,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 66, no. 7, pp. 3050-3064, July 2018. 

    161. X. Yan, H. Xiao*, C.-X. Wang, K. An, A. T. Chronopoulos, and G. Zheng, “Performance analysis of NOMA-based land mobile satellite networks,” IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 31327-31339, June 2018.

    162. L. Chen, C. Liu, X. Hong*, C.-X. Wang, J. Thompson, and J. Shi, “Capacity and delay tradeoff of secondary cellular networks with spectrum aggregation,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 3974-3987, June 2018. 

    163. W. Zhang, J. Wang, J. Sun*, C.-X. Wang, and X. Ge, “Standard condition number distributions of finite Wishart matrices for cognitive radio networks,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 67, no. 5, pp. 4630-4634, May 2018. 

    164. R. Feng, Y. Liu, J. Huang, J. Sun, C.-X. Wang*, and G. Goussetis, “Wireless Channel parameter estimation algorithms: recent advances and future challenges,” China Commun., vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 211-228, May 2018.

    165. C. F. Lopez and C.-X. Wang*, “Novel 3D non-stationary wideband models for massive MIMO channels,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 2893-2905, May 2018. 

    166. Z. Zhang, Z. Ma, X. Lei, M. Xiao, C.-X. Wang, and P. Fan, “Power domain Non-orthogonal transmission for cellular mobile broadcasting: basic scheme, system design and coverage performance,” IEEE Wireless Commun. Mag., vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 90-99, Apr. 2018. 

    167. S. Zhao, Y. Yang*, Z. Shao, X. Yang, H. Qian, and C.-X. Wang, “FEMOS: fog-enabled multitier operations scheduling in dynamic wireless networks,”IEEE Internet Things J., vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 1169-1183, Apr. 2018. 

    168. J. Bian, J. Sun, C.-X. Wang*, R. Feng, J. Huang, Y. Yang, and M. Zhang, “A WINNER+ based 3D non-stationary wideband MIMO channel model,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 1755-1767, Mar. 2018. 

    169. Y. Ruan, Y. Li*, C.-X. Wang, and R. Zhang, “Energy efficient adaptive transmissions in integrated satellite-terrestrial networks with SER constraints,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 210-222, Jan. 2018. 

    170. L. Wang, X. Ge*, R. Zi, and C.-X. Wang, “Capacity analysis of orbital angular momentum wireless channels,” IEEE Access, vol. 5, pp. 23069-23077, Nov. 2017. 

    171. Y. Wei, E. Pasalic*, F. Zhang, W. Wu, and C.-X. Wang, “New constructions of resilient functions with strictly almost optimal nonlinearity with non-overlap spectral functions,” Inf. Sci., vol. 415-416, no. 11, pp. 377-396, Nov. 2017.  

    172. J. Shi, C. Liu, X. Hong*, and C.-X. Wang, “Coexistence of delay-sensitive MTC/HTC traffic in large scale networks,” Sci. China Inf. Sci., vol. 60, no. 10, Oct. 2017.

    173. Y. Liu, A. Ghazal, C.-X. Wang*, X. Ge, Y. Yang, and Y. Zhang, “Channel measurements and models for high-speed train wireless communication systems in tunnel scenarios: a survey,” Sci. China Inf. Sci., vol. 60, no. 10, Oct. 2017.

    174. J. Song, Y. Cao, W. Zhang, J. Sun, and C.-X. Wang*, “Performance analysis of a VLC system with a new light source and joint step-by-step mapping spatial modulation,” Chinese J. Int. Things, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 54-62, Sept. 2017. (in Chinese)

    175. W. Zhang, C.-X. Wang, J. Sun*, G. K. Karagiannidis, and Y. Yang, “Dimension boundary between finite and infinite random matrices in cognitive radio networks,” IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 21, no. 8, pp. 1707-1710, Aug. 2017. 

    176. R. Feng, J. Huang, J. Sun*, and C.-X. Wang, “A novel 3D frequency domain SAGE algorithm with applications to parameter estimation in mmWave massive MIMO indoor channels,” Sci. China Inf. Sci., vol. 60, no. 8, Aug.  2017.

    177. Y. Liu, C.-X. Wang*, C. F. Lopez, and X. Ge, “3D non-stationary wideband circular tunnel channel models for high-speed train wireless communication systems,” Sci. China Inf. Sci., vol. 60, no. 8, Aug. 2017.

    178. Z. Li, C. Wang, L. Shao, C. Jiang, and C.-X. Wang, “Exploiting traveling information for data forwarding in community characterized vehicular networks,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 66, no. 7, pp. 6324-6335, July 2017. 

    179. Y. Ruan, Y. Li*C.-X. Wang, R. Zhang, and H. Zhang, “Outage performance for integrated satellite-terrestrial networks with hybrid CCI,” IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 21, no. 7, pp. 1545-1548, July 2017. 

    180. S. Li, X. Zhou*, C.-X. Wang, D. Yuan, and W. Zhang, “Joint transmit power allocation and splitting for SWIPT aided OFDM-IDMA in wireless sensor networks,” Sensors, July 2017.  DOI:10.3390/s1707156

    181. J. Huang, C.-X. Wang*, R. Feng, J. Sun, W. Zhang, and Y. Yang, “Multi-frequency MmWave massive MIMO channel measurements and characterization for 5G wireless communication systems,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 35, no. 7, pp. 1591-1605, July 2017. 

    182. Q. Xue, X. Fang, and C.-X. Wang, “Beamspace SU-MIMO for millimeter wave 5G wireless communications,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 35, no. 7, pp. 1564-1575, July 2017. 

    183. J. Sun, W. Zhang*, and C.-X. Wang, “Channel measurements and modeling developments in 5G high frequency bands,Acta Electronica Sinica, vol. 45, no. 5, pp. 1249-1260, May 2017. (in Chinese).

    184. A. Ghazal, Y. Yuan, C.-X. Wang*, Y. Zhang, Q. Yao, Y. Yuan, H. Zhou, and W. Duan, “A non-stationary IMT-A MIMO channel model for high-mobility wireless communication systems,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 2057-2068, Apr. 2017. 

    185. X. Wu, C.-X. Wang*, J. Sun, J. Huang, R. Feng, Y. Yang, and X. Ge, “60-GHz millimeter-wave channel measurements and modeling for indoor office environments,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 65, no. 4, pp. 1912-1924, Apr. 2017. 

    186. H. Song, X. Fang*, and C.-X. Wang, “Cost-reliability tradeoff in licensed and unlicensed spectra interoperable networks with guaranteed user data rate requirements,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 200-214, Jan. 2017. 

    187. Y. Yang, G. Song, W. Zhang, X. Ge, and C.-X. Wang, “Neighbor-aware multiple access protocol for 5G mMTC applications,” China Commun., vol. 13, supplement no. 2, pp. 80-86, Dec. 2016. 

    188. P. Patcharamaneepakorn, S. Wu, C.-X. Wang*, H. Aggoune, M. M. Alwakeel, X. Ge, and M. D. Renzo, “Spectral, energy and economic efficiency of 5G multi-cell massive MIMO systems with generalized spatial modulation,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 65, no. 12, pp. 9715-9731, Dec. 2016. 

    189. R. Liu, Y. Wang, S. Wu, and C.-X. Wang*, “Energy efficiency and area spectral efficiency tradeoff for coexisting wireless body sensor networks,” Sci. China Inf. Sci., vol. 59, no. 12, Dec. 2016. 

    190. X. Ge*, Y. Qiu, J. Cheng, M. Huang, H. Xu, J. Xu, W. Zhang,Y. Yang, C.-X. Wang, and J. Thompson, “Wireless fractal cellular networks,” IEEE Wireless Commun. Mag., vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 110-119, Oct. 2016. 

    191. L. Yan, X. Fang*, and C.-X. Wang, “Position based limited feedback scheme for railway MU-MIMO systems,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 65, no. 10, pp. 8361-8370, Oct. 2016. 

    192. Y. Fu, C.-X. Wang*, A. Ghazal, H. Aggoune, and M. M. Alwakeel, “Performance investigation of spatial modulation systems under non-stationary wideband high-speed train channel models,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 15, no. 9, pp. 6163-6174, Sept. 2016. 

    193. Y. Li, Y. Shi*, M. Sheng, C.-X. Wang, J. Li, X. Wang, and Y. Zhang, “Energy-efficient transmission in heterogeneous wireless networks: a delay-aware approach,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 65, no. 9, pp. 7488-7500, Sept. 2016. 

    194. Y. Fu, C.-X. Wang*, Y. Yuan, R. Mesleh, H. Aggoune, M. M. Alwakeel, and H. Haas, “BER performance of spatial modulation systems under 3D V2V MIMO channel models,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 65, no. 7, pp. 5725-5730, July 2016. 

    195. W. Zhang*, C.-X. Wang, X. Tao, and P. Patcharamaneepakorn, “Exact distributions of finite random matrices and their applications to spectrum sensing,” Sensors, 2016. doi: 10.3390/s16081183

    196. C.-X. Wang*, A. Ghazal, B. Ai, P. Fan, and Y. Liu, “Channel measurements and models for high-speed train communication systems: a survey,” IEEE Commun. Surveys Tuts., vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 974-987, 2nd Quart., 2016. 

    197. F. Haider, C.-X. Wang*, B. Ai, H. Haas, and E. Hepsaydir, “Spectral/energy efficiency tradeoff of cellular systems with mobile femtocell deployment,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 65, no. 5, pp. 3389-3400, May 2016. 

    198. R. Zi, X. Ge*, J. Thompson, C.-X. Wang, H. Wang, and T. Han, “Energy efficiency optimization of 5G frequency radio chain systems,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 758-771, Apr. 2016. 

    199. W. Zhang, C.-X. Wang*, D. Chen, and H. Xiong, “Energy-spectral efficiency tradeoff in cognitive radio networks,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 65, no. 4, pp. 2208-2218, Apr. 2016. 

    200. H. Sun, A. Nallanathan, S. Cui, and C.-X. Wang*, “Cooperative wideband spectrum sensing over fading channels,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 65, no. 3, pp. 1382-1394, Mar. 2016. 

    201. C.-X. Wang*, X. You, J. Wang, and C.-L. I, “Preface: 5G wireless communication networks,” Sci. China Inf. Sci., vol. 59, no. 2, Feb. 2016.

    202. C.-X. Wang*, S. Wu, L. Bai, X. You, J. Wang, and C.-L. I, “Recent advances and future challenges for massive MIMO channel measurements and models,” Sci. China Inf. Sci., vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 1-16, Feb. 2016. Invited Paper

    203. X. Ge, J. Chen, C.-X. Wang, J. S. Thompson, and J. Zhang*, “5G green cellular networks considering power allocation schemes,” Sci. China Inf. Sci., vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 1-14, Feb. 2016. 

    204. X. Yan, J. Xu, Y. Zhu, J. Wang, Y. Yang*, and C.-X. Wang, “Downlink average rate and SINR distribution in cellular networks,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 64, no. 2, pp. 847-862, Feb. 2016. 

    205. X. Ge, S. Tu, G. Mao, C.-X. Wang, and T. Han*, “5G ultra-dense cellular networks,” IEEE Wireless Commun., vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 72-79, Feb. 2016.  Highly Cited Paper

    206. Y. Yuan, C.-X. Wang*, Y. He, M. M. Alwakeel, and H. Aggoune, “3D wideband non-stationary geometry-based stochastic models for non-isotropic MIMO vehicle-to-vehicle channels,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 14, no. 12, pp. 6883-6895, Dec. 2015. 

    207. Q. Zhou, C.-X. Wang*, S. McLaughlin, and X. Zhou, “Network virtualization and resource description in software-defined wireless networks,” IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 53, no. 11, pp. 110-117, Nov. 2015.

    208. M. Shu, H. Cui, Y. Wang, and C.-X. Wang*, “Planning the obstacle-avoidance trajectory of mobile anchor in 3D sensor networks,” Sci. China Inf. Sci., vol. 58, no. 10, pp. 1-10, Oct. 2015, pp. 1-10. 

    209. X. Hong, C. Zheng, J. Wang, J. Shi, and C.-X. Wang*, “Optimal resource allocation and EE-SE trade-off in hybrid cognitive Gaussian relay channels,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 14, no. 8, pp. 4170-4181, Aug. 2015. 

    210. F. Haider, C.-X. Wang*, H. Haas, E. Hepsaydir, X. Ge, and D. Yuan, “Spectral and energy efficiency analysis for cognitive radio networks,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 2969-2980, June 2015. 

    211. Z. Bai, J. Jia, C.-X. Wang*, and D. Yuan, “Performance analysis of SNR-based incremental hybrid decode-amplify-forward cooperative relaying protocol,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 63, no. 6, pp. 2094-2106, June 2015. 

    212. C. Xu, M. Sheng*, X. Wang, C.-X. Wang, and J. Li, “Distributed subchannel allocation for interference mitigation in OFDMA femtocells: a utility-based learning approach,” IEEE Trans. Vehi. Technol., vol. 64, no. 6, pp. 2463-2475, June 2015.

    213. A. Ghazal, C.-X. Wang*, B. Ai, D. Yuan, and H. Haas, “A non-stationary wideband MIMO channel model for high-mobility intelligent transportation systems,” IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst., vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 885-897, Apr. 2015. 

    214. Y. Li, M. Sheng*, C.-X. Wang, X. Wang, Y. Shi, and J. Li, “Throughput-delay tradeoff in interference-free wireless networks with guaranteed energy efficiency,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 1608-1621, Mar. 2015. 

    215. S. Wu, C.-X. Wang*, H. Haas, H. Aggoune, M. M. Alwakeel, and B. Ai, “A non-stationary wideband channel model for massive MIMO communication systems,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 1434-1446, Mar. 2015. 

    216. X. Ge, B. Yang, J. Ye, G. Mao, C.-X. Wang, and T. Han*, “Spatial spectrum and energy efficiency of random cellular networks,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 1019-1030, Mar. 2015.  Highly Cited Paper

    217. Y. He, O. Salih, C.-X. Wang*, and D. Yuan, “Deterministic process based generative models for characterizing packet-level bursty error sequences,” Wireless Commun. Mob. Com., vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 421-430, Mar. 2015. 

    218. Z. Bai, F. Zhao, C. Wang, and C.-X. Wang, “Multiple access interference and multipath interference analysis of orthogonal complementary code based ultra-wideband systems over multipath channels,” Int. J. Commun. Systems, vol. 27, no. 12, pp. 4430-4442, Dec. 2014.

    219. O. Salih, C.-X. Wang*, B. Ai, and R. Mesleh, “Adaptive general models for digital wireless channels,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 13, no. 9, pp. 5173-5182, Sept. 2014. 

    220. J. Sun, F. Li, C.-X. Wang*, X. Hong, and D. Yuan, “Frequency synchronization algorithms for MIMO-OFDM systems with periodic preamble,” Int. J. Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 2014, Article ID 740906, 12 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/740906. 

    221. X. Hong, J. Wang, C.-X. Wang*, and J. Shi, “Cognitive radio in 5G: a perspective on energy-spectral efficiency trade-off,” IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 52, no. 7, pp. 46-53, July 2014.  Highly Cited Paper

    222. S. Wu, C.-X. Wang*, H. Aggoune, M. M. Alwakeel, and Y. He, “A non-stationary 3D wideband twin-cluster model for 5G massive MIMO channels,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 1207-1218, June 2014. 

    223. X. Zhou, L. Yang*, C.-X. Wang, and D. Yuan, “SCM-SM: superposition coded modulation aided spatial modulation with low-complexity detector,” IEEE Trans. Vehi. Technol., vol. 63, no. 5, pp. 2488-2493, June 2014. 

    224. X. Ge, X. Huang, Y. Wang, M. Chen, Q. Li, T. Han, and C.-X. Wang, “Energy efficiency optimization for MIMO-OFDM mobile multimedia communication systems with QoS constraints,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 63, no. 5, pp. 2127-2138, June 2014. Highly Cited Paper

    225. X. Ge, T. Han*, Y. Zhang, G. Mao, C.-X. Wang, J. Zhang, B. Yang, and S. Pan, “Spectrum and energy efficiency evaluation of two-tier femtocell networks with partially open channels,” IEEE Trans. Vehi. Technol., vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 1306-1319, Mar. 2014.  Highly Cited Paper

    226. C.-X. Wang, F. Haider, X. Gao, X.-H. You, Y. Yang, D. Yuan, H. Aggoune, H. Haas, S. Fletcher, and E. Hepsaydir, “Cellular architecture and key technologies for 5G wireless communication networks,” IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 122-130, Feb. 2014.  Highly Cited Paper

    227. X. Cheng, C.-X. Wang*, B. Ai, and H. Aggoune, “Envelope level crossing rate and average fade duration of non-isotropic vehicle-to-vehicle Ricean fading channels,” IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst., vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 62-72, Feb. 2014.  Highly Cited Paper

    228. Y. Yang, X. You, M. Juntti, C.-X. Wang, H. Leib, and Z. Ding, “Guest Editorial: Spectrum and Energy Efficient Design of Wireless Communication Networks: Part II,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 193-196, Feb. 2014.

    229. Y. Yuan, C.-X. Wang*, X. Cheng, B. Ai, and D. I. Laurenson, “Novel 3D geometry-based stochastic models for non-isotropic MIMO vehicle-to-vehicle channels,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 298-309, Jan. 2014. 

    230. Z. Chen, C.-X. Wang*, X. Hong, J. S. Thompson, S. Vorobyov, F. Zhao, and X. Ge, “Interference mitigation for cognitive radio MIMO systems based on practical precoding,”  Elsevier Physical Commun., vol. 9, pp. 308-315, Dec. 2013. Invited Paper

    231. N. Serafimovski, A. Younis, R. Y. Mesleh, P. Chambers, M. D. Renzo, C.-X. Wang, P. M. Grant, M. A. Beach, and H. Haas, “Practical implementation of spatial modulation,” IEEE Trans. Vehi. Technol., vol. 62, no. 9, pp. 4511-4523, Nov. 2013.  Highly Cited Paper

    232. I. Ku, C.-X. Wang*, and J. S. Thompson, “Spectral-energy efficiency tradeoff in relay-aided cellular networks,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 12, no. 10, pp. 4970-4982, Oct. 2013. 

    233. Z. Zhao, X. Cheng*, M. Mao, C.-X. Wang, and B. Jiao, “Channel estimation schemes for IEEE 802.11p standard,” IEEE Intell. Transp. Syst. Mag., vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 38-49, Oct. 2013. 

    234. M. Anyaegbu, C.-X. Wang*, and W. Berrie, “Dealing with packet delay variation in IEEE 1588 synchronization using a sample-mode filter,” IEEE Intell. Transp. Syst. Mag., vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 20-27, Oct. 2013. 

    235. R. Zhang, X. Cheng*, Q. Yao, C.-X. Wang, Y. Yang, and B. Jiao, “Interference graph based resource sharing schemes for vehicular networks,” IEEE Trans. Vehi. Technol., vol. 62, no. 8, pp. 4028-4039, Oct. 2013. 

    236. X. Hong*, Y. Jie, C.-X. Wang, J. Shi, and X. Ge, “Energy-spectral efficiency trade-off in virtual MIMO cellular systems,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 31, no. 10, pp. 2128-2140, Oct. 2013.  Highly Cited Paper

    237. X. Cheng, Q. Yao, M. Wen, C.-X. Wang*, L. Song, and B. Jiao, “Wideband channel modeling and ICI cancellation for vehicle-to-vehicle communication systems,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 31, no. 9, pp. 434-448, Sept. 2013. Highly Cited Paper

    238. I. Ku, C.-X. Wang*, and J. S. Thompson, “Spectral, energy and economic efficiency of relay-aided cellular networks,” IET Commun., vol. 7, no. 14, pp. 1476-1487, Sept. 2013. 

    239. H. Xiao, S. Ou, and C.-X. Wang, “On the sum rate capacity of MIMO broadcast channels in cognitive radio networks with interference power constraints,”  Wireless Personal Commun., vol. 70, no. 4, pp. 1589-1601, June 2013. 

    240. Y. Yang, X. You, M. Juntti, C.-X. Wang, H. Leib, and Z. Ding, “Guest Editorial: Spectrum and Energy Efficient Design of Wireless Communication Networks: Part I,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 825-828, May 2013.

    241. H. Sun, A. Nallanathan, C.-X. Wang*, and Y. Chen, “Wideband spectrum sensing for cognitive radio networks: a survey,” IEEE Wireless Commun. Mag., vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 74-81, Apr. 2013.  Highly Cited Paper

    242. L. Xiang, X. Ge*, C.-X. Wang, F. Y. Li, and F. Reichert, “Energy efficiency evaluation of cellular networks based on spatial distributions of traffic load and power consumption,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 961-973, Mar. 2013.  Highly Cited Paper

    243. X. Cheng, Q. Yao, C.-X. Wang*, B. Ai, G. L. Stuber, D. Yuan, and B. Jiao, “An improved parameter computation method for a MIMO V2V Rayleigh fading channel simulator under non-isotropic scattering environments,” IEEE Commun. Letters, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 265-268, Feb. 2013.  Highly Cited Paper

    244. H. Xiao, S. Ouyang, and C.-X. Wang, “Cognitive radio MIMO Gaussian broadcast channels with the power constraint,” Wireless Personal Commun., vol. 68, no. 3, pp. 769-778, Feb. 2013. 

    245. P. Fan, P. Erdal , P. Li C.-X. Wang, and V. Tarokh, “Guest editorial: special issue on high mobility wireless communications,” JRSE., vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 197-198, Dec. 2012. 

    246. Z. Chen, S. Vorobyov, C.-X. Wang, and J. Thompson, “Pareto region characterization for rate control in multi-user systems and Nash bargaining,” IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, vol. 57, no. 12, pp. 3203-3208, Dec. 2012. 

    247. X. Cheng, C.-X. Wang*, H. Wang, X. Gao, X.-H. You, D. Yuan, B. Ai, Q. Huo, L. Song, and B. Jiao, “Cooperative MIMO channel modeling and multi-link spatial correlation properties,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 388-396, Feb. 2012.  Highly Cited Paper

    248. Z. Chen, C.-X. Wang*, X. Hong, J. S. Thompson, S. A. Vorobyov, X. Ge, H. Xiao, and F. Zhao, “Aggregate interference modeling in cognitive radio networks with power and contention control,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 60, no. 2, pp. 456-468, Feb. 2012. 

    249. X. Ge, J. Hu, C.-X. Wang, J. Zhang, and X. Yang, “Energy efficiency analysis of MISO-OFDM communication systems considering power and capacity constraints,” Mobile Networks and Applications, Springer, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 29-35, Feb. 2012. 

    250. H. Xiao, S. Ouyang, C.-X. Wang, and F. Zhao, “A study of MIMO Gaussian channels based on synergetics,” Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 167-176, Feb. 2012. 

    251. X. Ge, K. Huang, C.-X. Wang*, X. Hong, and X. Yang, “Capacity analysis of a multi-cell multi-antenna cooperative cellular network with co-channel interference,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 10, no. 10, pp. 3298-3309, Oct. 2011.  Highly Cited Paper

    252. Y. Chen, C.-X. Wang, H. Xiao, and D. Yuan, “Novel partial selection schemes for AF relaying in Nakagami-m fading channels,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 60, no. 7, pp. 3497-3503, Sept. 2011. 

    253. X. Cheng, C.-X. Wang, D. I Laurenson, S. Salous, and A. V. Vasilakos, “New deterministic and stochastic simulation models for non-isotropic scattering mobile-to-mobile Rayleigh fading channels,” Wireless Commun. Mob. Com., John Wiley & Sons, vol. 11, no. 7, pp. 829-842, July 2011. 

    254. C. Han, T. Harrold, S. Armour, I. Krikidis, S. Videv, P. M. Grant, H. Haas, J. S. Thompson, I. Ku, C.-X. Wang, T. A. Le, M. R. Nakhai, J. Zhang, and L. Hanzo, “Green radio: Radio techniques to enable energy efficient wireless networks,” IEEE Commun. Magazine, vol. 49, no. 6, pp. 46-54, June 2011.  Highly Cited Paper

    255. C.-X. Wang, A. V. Vasilakos, R. Murch, G. Stüber, X. Shen, W. Chen, and T. Kosch, “Guest Editorial: Vehicular Communications and Networks—Part II,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 497-500, Mar. 2011. 

    256. C.-X. Wang, A. V. Vasilakos, R. Murch, G. Stüber, X. Shen, W. Chen, and T. Kosch, “Guest Editorial: Vehicular Communications and Networks—Part I,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 1-6, Jan. 2011. 

    257. Y. Chen, W. L. Woo, and C.-X. Wang, “Channel modeling of information transmission over cognitive interrogator-sensor networks,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 2-15, Jan. 2011. 

    258. X. Hong, C.-X. Wang*, J. S. Thompson, B. Allen, W. Q. Malik, and X. Ge, “On space-frequency correlation of UWB MIMO channels,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. vol. 59, no. 9, pp. 4201-4213, Nov. 2010. 

    259. H. Sun, D. I. Laurenson, and C.-X. Wang, “Computationally tractable model of energy detection performance over slow fading channels,” IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 14, no. 10, pp. 924-926, Oct. 2010. 

    260. X. Hong, C.-X. Wang, M. Uysal, X. Ge*, and S. Ouyang “Capacity analysis of hybrid cognitive radio networks with distributed VAAs,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 59, no. 7, pp. 3510-3523, Sept. 2010. 

    261. N. Xiong, L. T. Yang, A. V. Vasilakos, N. Ghani, C.-X. Wang, and Y. Pan, “Distributed explicit rate schemes in multi-input multi-output network systems,” IEEE Trans. Syst., Man, Cybern. A, Syst., Humans, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 448-459, July 2010. 

    262. X. Ge, C.-X. Wang, Y. Yang, L. Shu, C. Liu, and L. Xiang, “AFSO: An adaptive frame size optimization mechanism for IEEE 802.11 wireless networks,” KSII Trans. Int. Inf. Systems, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 205-223, June 2010.

    263. N. Xiong, A. V. Vasilakos, L. T. Yang, C.-X. Wang, R. Kannan, C.-C. Chang, and Y. Pan, “A novel self-tuning feedback controller for active queue management supporting TCP flows,” Information Sciences, vol. 180, no. 11, pp. 2249-2263, June 2010. 

    264. X. Ge, Y. Yang, C.-X. Wang, Y.-Z. Liu, C. Liu, and L. Xiang, “Characteristics analysis and modeling of frame traffic in 802.11 wireless networks,” Wireless Commun. Mob. Com., John Wiley & Sons, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 584-592, Apr. 2010. 

    265. C.-X. Wang, X. Hong, X. Ge, X. Cheng, G. Zhang, and J. S. Thompson, “Cooperative MIMO channel models: A survey,” IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 80-87, Feb. 2010.  Highly Cited Paper

    266. C.-X. Wang, X. Cheng, and D. I. Laurenson, “Vehicle-to-vehicle channel modeling and measurements: recent advances and future challenges,” IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 47, no. 11, pp. 96-103, Nov. 2009.  Highly Cited Paper

    267. X. Hong, Z. Chen, C.-X. Wang, S. Vorobroy, and J. S. Thompson, “Cognitive radio networks: Interference cancellation and management techniques,” IEEE Veh. Technol. Mag., vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 76-84, Nov. 2009. 

    268. X. Cheng, C.-X. Wang*, D. I Laurenson, S. Salous, and A. V. Vasilakos, “An adaptive geometry-based stochastic model for non-isotropic MIMO mobile-to-mobile channels,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 8, no. 9, pp. 4824-4835, Sept. 2009.  Highly Cited Paper

    269. Y. Zhang, Y. Chen, J. He, C.-X. Wang, and A. V. Vasilakos, “Call admission control algorithms in OFDM-based wireless multiservice networks,” Wireless Personal Commun., vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 99-114, July 2009. 

    270. X. Hong, C.-X. Wang, H.-H. Chen, and Y. Zhang, “Secondary spectrum access networks: Recent developments on the spatial models,” IEEE Veh. Technol. Mag., vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 36-43, June 2009. 

    271. M. Pätzold, C.-X. Wang*, and B. O. Hogstad, “Two new sum-of-sinusoids-based methods for the efficient generation of multiple uncorrelated Rayleigh fading waveforms,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 3122-3131, June 2009. 

    272. C.-X. Wang, X. Hong, H.-H. Chen, and J. S. Thompson, “On capacity of cognitive radio networks with average interference power constraints,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 1620-1625, Apr. 2009.  Highly Cited Paper

    273. M. Matthaiou, D. I. Laurenson, and C.-X. Wang, “On analytical derivations of the condition number distributions of dual non-central Wishart matrices,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 1212-1217, Mar. 2009. 

    274. Y. Zhang, D. Yuan, and C.-X. Wang, “Cross-layer design based on RC-LDPC codes in MIMO channels with estimation errors,” Int. J. Elec. Commun.AEUE, vol. 62, no. 9, pp. 659-665, Oct. 2008. 

    275. C.-X. Wang, D. Yuan, H.-H. Chen, and W. Xu, “An improved deterministic SoS channel simulator for efficient simulation of multiple uncorrelated Rayleigh fading channels,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 7, no. 9, pp. 3307-3311, Sept. 2008.  

    276. C.-X. Wang, H.-H. Chen, X. Hong, and M. Guizani, “Cognitive radio network management: tuning in to real-time conditions,” IEEE Veh. Technol. Mag., vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 28-35, Mar. 2008. 

    277. X. Hong, C.-X. Wang, B. Allen, and W. Malik, “A correlation based double-directional stochastic channel model for multiple-antenna UWB systems,” IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation,vol. 1, no. 6, pp. 1182-1191, Dec. 2007. 

    278. C.-X. Wang, M. Pätzold, and Q. Yao, “Stochastic modeling and simulation of frequency correlated wideband fading channels,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 1050-1063, May 2007. 

    279. C.-X. Wang and W. Xu, “A new class of generative models for burst error characterization in digital wireless channels,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 453-462, Mar. 2007. 

    280. C.-X. Wang, M. Pätzold, and D. Yuan, “Accurate and efficient simulation of multiple uncorrelated Rayleigh fading waveforms,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 833-839, Mar. 2007. 

    281. C.-X. Wang, X. Hong, H. Wu, and W. Xu, “Spatial temporal correlation properties of the 3GPP spatial channel model and the Kronecker MIMO channel model,” EURASIP J. Wireless Commun. Netw., vol. 2007, Article ID 39871, 9 pages, 2007. doi:10.1155/2007/39871. 

    282. H. Zhang, D. Yuan, and C.-X. Wang, “A study on the PAPRs in multicarrier modulation systems with different orthogonal bases,” Wireless Commun. Mob. Com., John Wiley & Sons, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 311-318, Mar. 2007. 

    283. N. Youssef, C.-X. Wang, and M. Pätzold, “A study on the second order statistics of Nakagami-Hoyt mobile fading channels,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 1259-1265, July 2005. 

    284. C. E. D. Sterian, C.-X. Wang, R. Johnsen, and M. Pätzold, “Rotationally invariant space-time trellis codes with 4-D rectangular constellations for high data rate wireless communications,” J. Commun. Netw., vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 258-268, Sept. 2004. 

    285. C.-X. Wang and M. Pätzold, “A generative deterministic model for digital mobile fading channels,” IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 223-225, Apr. 2004. 

    286. D. Wu, D. Yuan, M. Jiang, H. Zhang, and C.-X. Wang, “Performance study of COFDM systems with time and frequency interleaving over COST 207 frequency-selective channels,” Journal of Shandong University, vol. 39, no. 1, 2004. (in Chinese)

    287. D. Yuan, H. Zhang, C.-X. Wang, Q. Yao, X. Song, and J. B. Huber, “Optimum design criterion and multilevel coding for radio systems over AWGN and Rayleigh fading channels,” Wireless Commun. Mob. Com., John Wiley & Sons, vol.3, no. 5, pp. 617-628, Aug. 2003. 

    288. D. Yuan, C.-X. Wang, Q. Yao, and Z. Cao, “Performance of multilevel coding schemes with different decoding methods and mapping strategies in mobile fading channels,” Chinese Journal of Electronics, English edition, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 350-355, July 2001.

    289. D. Yuan, C.-X. Wang, Q. Yao, and Z. Cao, “A novel criterion for optimum multilevel coding systems in mobile fading channels,” Chinese Journal of Electronics, English edition, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 69-73, Jan. 2001.

    290. D. Yuan, Q. Yao, C.-X. Wang, Z. Cao, and J. B. Huber, “Performance study of multilevel coding schemes with different mapping strategies in mobile fading channels,” ACTA ELECTRONICA SINICA, no. 5, 2001. (in Chinese)

    291. D. Yuan, Q. Yao, C.-X. Wang, Z. Cao, and J. B. Huber, “Performance comparison of MLC/MSD and MLC/PDL over mobile fading channels,” ACTA ELECTRONICA SINICA, no. 4, 2001. (in Chinese)

    292. D. Yuan, Q. Yao, C.-X. Wang, Z. Cao, and J. B. Huber, “A non-Euclidean metric for the design of optimum MLC schemes in mobile fading channels,” ACTA ELECTRONICA SINICA, no. 1, 2001. (in Chinese)

    293. D. Yuan, Q. Yao, and C.-X. Wang, “Performance study on RS-MPSK coded modulation scheme over M-distribution fading channels,” Journal of Shandong University, no. 4, 2000. (in Chinese)

    294. D. Yuan, C.-X. Wang, and Q. Yao, “Performance study on bit interleaving scheme of the convolutional code in the mobile image communication system,” Journal of Shandong University, no. 3, 2000. (in Chinese)

    295. D. Yuan, X. Ren, Q. Yao, and C.-X. Wang, “Performance comparison of mobile image communication systems with interleaved (2,1,3) convolutional codes and interleaved BCH codes,” Journal of Shandong University, no. 2, 2000. (in Chinese) 

    296. D. Yuan, C.-X. Wang, L. Zhang, and Q. Yao, “Two novel interleaving schemes of BCH codes in mobile fading channels,” Journal of Shandong University, no. 1, 2000. (in Chinese)

    297. D. Yuan, C.-X. Wang, and Q. Yao, “Rayleigh-distributed pseudonym random interleaving scheme of block codes,” Communications Technology, no. 2, 2000. (in Chinese)

    298. D. Yuan, C.-X. Wang, and Q. Yao, “Error-correcting performance of the (2,1,3) Convolutional Code using different interleaving schemes over Rayleigh fading channels,” Wireless Engineering, no. 1, 2000. (in Chinese)

    299. D. Yuan, Q. Yao, and C.-X. Wang, “Channel modeling of M-distributed fading wave channels,” Communications Technology, no. 1, 2000. (in Chinese)

    300. D. Yuan, Q. Yao, and C.-X. Wang, “Application of block interleaving scheme in mobile image communication system,” Communications Technology, no. 1, 2000. (in Chinese)

    301. D. Yuan, C.-X. Wang, and Q. Yao, “Capacity design and simulation for even CDMA mobile cellular communication system,” Computer & Network, Nov. 1999. (in Chinese)

    302. D. Yuan, C.-X. Wang, and Q. Yao, “Software design and computer simulation of uneven CDMA mobile cellular communication systems,” Communications Technology, no. 2, June 1999. (in Chinese)

    303. D. Yuan, Q. Yao, and C.-X. Wang, “On performance of space diversity over Rayleigh fading channels,” Communications Technology, no. 2, June 1999. (in Chinese)


    Refereed Conference Papers (322, including 27 Invited Papers18 Best Paper Awards, and 3 Highly Cited Papers)

    1. S. Chen, C.-X. Wang*, J. Li, C. Huang*, H. Chang, and Y. Chen, “Improving cell-free massive MIMO through channel map-based angle domain multiple access,”   , in Proc. IEEE ICC’25, Montreal, Canada, accepted for publication, 2025.   

    2. S. Ding, C. Huang*, C.-X. Wang*, Y. Zhen, J. Li, Z. Xiang, P. Zhao, “A novel adaptive scenario classification algorithm for 6G wireless communications,”   , in Proc. ICC’25, Montreal, Canada, submitted for publication, 2025.   

    3. Y. Wu, Y. Pan, J. Ji, C.-X. Wang*, J. Li, C. Huang*, “An improved Triplet-based channel charting algorithm for positioning via covariance feature,”   , in Proc. IEEE ICC’25, Montreal, Canada, accepted for publication, 2025.   

    4.    Q. Wu, J. Huang*, L. Xin, C.-X. Wang*, and R. Feng, “Channel measurements and characteristics analysis for RIS-assisted communication systems at 28 GHz band,”   , in Proc. IEEE ICC’25, Montreal, Canada, accepted for publication, 2025.   

    5.    X. Shangguan, J. Wang*, L. Xin, R. Feng, J.Huang, and C.-X. Wang*, “28 GHz indoor channel measurements and characteristics analysis for multi-scenarios,”   , in Proc. IEEE ICC’25, Montreal, Canada, accepted for publication, 2025.   

    6.    Z. Chen, R. Feng*, J. Wang, R. Yang, C.-X. Wang*, “A spatially consistent cluster-based GBSM for integrated sensing and communication scenarios,”   , in Proc. IEEE ICC’25, Montreal, Canada, accepted for publication, 2025.   

    7. Z. Qian, C. Huang*, C.-X. Wang*, J. Li, and W. Zhou, “A novel intelligent scenario identification algorithm and channel characteristics analysis for 6G urban wireless communications,”  in Proc. IEEE Globecom’24, Cape Town, South Africa, Dec. 2024.  

    8. Y. Ou, J. Huang*, S. Chen, S. Yang, and C.-X. Wang*, “Impacts of user mobility on uRLLC system performance metrics over time-varying channels,” in Proc. IEEE Globecom’24, Cape Town, South Africa, Dec. 2024.  

    9. J. Lyu, S. Yang*, Y. Wang, C.-X. Wang*, J. Huang, and F. Zheng, “IIoT network planning and coverage analysis considering blockage effects,” in Proc. IEEE WCSP’24, Hefei, China, Oct. 2024.  Best Paper Award

    10. Y. Huang, Z. Lv, J. Huang*, and C.-X. Wang*, “Impacts of channel parameters on the SER in 6G hRLLC systems,” Tutorial, in Proc. IEEE ICCT’24, Chengdu, China, Oct. 2024.  

    11. Y. Zhou, J. Li*, T. Wu, G. Su, C. Huang, and C.-X. Wang*, “Efficient 3D electromagnetic environment reconstruction with fused data for 6G digital twin online channel modeling,” in Proc. IEEE ICCT’24, Chengdu, China, Oct. 2024.  

    12. L. Song, J. Li*, T. Wu, X. Chen, C. Huang, and C.-X. Wang*, “6G dynamic channel map construction based on AI and image processing,”in Proc. IEEE ICCT’24, Chengdu, China, Oct. 2024.  

    13. K. Zhang, C. Huang*, J. Li, Z. Qian, and C.-X. Wang*, “An enhanced loss function for space-time domain predictive channel model,”in Proc. IEEE ICCT’24, Chengdu, China, Oct. 2024.  

    14. H. Yan, S. Yang*, Y. Wang, J. Huang, and C.-X. Wang*, “An improved QPSO material calibration algorithm for ray-tracing at terahertz band,” in Proc. IEEE ICCT’24, Chengdu, China, Oct. 2024.  

    15. X. Mao, J. Gao, C. Gu, J. Huang*, and C.-X. Wang*, “Effects of digital precoding schemes on performance of holographic MIMO systems,”in Proc. IEEE ICCT’24, Chengdu, China, Oct. 2024.  

    16. P. Su, S. Yang*, H. Chang, Y. Wang, J. Huang, and C.-X. Wang*, “Ray-tracing based channel modeling and characteristics analysis for maritime land-to-ship communication systems,”  in Proc. IEEE ICCT’24, Chengdu, China, Oct. 2024.

    17. Q. Ma, J. Huang*, Y. Yang, and C.-X. Wang*, “Degree of freedom and channel capacity studies of near-field holographic MIMO,”in Proc. IEEE ICCT’24, Chengdu, China, Oct. 2024.  

    18. S. Xiao, H. Zhang, M. Yao, C. Cui, J. Li*, C. Huang, and C.-X. Wang*, “Demo: A novel 3D environment-aware digital twin online channel modeling platform,”in Proc. IEEE ICCC’24, Hangzhou, China, Aug. 2024.  Best Demo Award

    19. R. Wang, H. Chang, R. Yang, C.-X. Wang*, and X. You, “A novel GBSM and a RT channel model for 6G ISAC systems,”in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC'24, Hangzhou, China, Aug. 2024.  Best Demo Award

    20. D. Yan, J. Sun*, C. Chen, W. Zhang, Z. Bai, and  C.-X. Wang*, “Comparison of OTFS and OFDM in high-mobility scenarios based on ray-tracing simulated channel,”in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC'24, Hangzhou, China, Aug. 2024.  Best Demo Award

    21. H. Lv, J. Bian*, C.-X. Wang*, X. Zheng, J. Tian and Y. Liu, “Multi-scenario channel parameter generation with transformer-based conditional generative adversarial network,”in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC'24, Hangzhou, China, Aug. 2024.  Best Demo Award

    22. C. Wang, S. Yang*, Y. Wang, C.-X. Wang*, and J. Huang, “An improved bounding volume hierarchies method for V2V ray tracing channel modeling,” in Proc. IEEE VTC’24-Spring, Singapore, June 2024.  

    23. P. Su, H. Chang*, C.-X. Wang*,Y. Ma, and Y. He, “A maritime multi-user GBSM for land-to-ship communications,” in Proc. IEEE VTC’24-Spring, Singapore, June 2024.  

    24. Y. X. Yang, Y. Ma, H. Chang*, and C.-X. Wang*, “A quasi-deterministic channel model for underwater acoustic communication systems,” in Proc. IEEE VTC’24-Spring, Singapore, June 2024.  

    25. Z. Haleed, X. Mao, J. Huang*, and C.-X. Wang*, “A novel 3D GBSM for 6G satellite-UAV-ground wireless communications,” in Proc. IEEE VTC’24-Spring, Singapore, June 2024.  

    26. J. Lyu, S. Yang*, X. Mao, Y. Wang, C.-X. Wang*, and J. Huang, “Incremental deployment of base stations for optimal coverage in urban environments,” in Proc. IEEE VTC’24-Spring, Singapore, June 2024.  

    27. R. Yang, L. Xin, R. Feng, J. Huang, and C.-X. Wang*, “Channel measurements and characteristics analysis for ISAC at 10 GHz band,” in Proc. IEEE ICCC’24, Hangzhou, China, Aug. 2024.  

    28. R. Wang, H. Chang, R. Yang, C.-X. Wang*, and X. -H. You, “A novel GBSM and a RT channel model for 6G integrated sensing and communication,” in Proc. IEEE ICCC’24, Hangzhou, China, Aug. 2024.  

    29. Z. Zhou, L. Zhang, C.-X. Wang*, J. Huang, and L. Xin, “Centimeter- and millimeter-wave channel measurements and spatial similarity analysis for 6G multi-frequency collaboration communications,” in Proc. IEEE ICCC’24, Hangzhou, China, Aug. 2024.  

    30. T. Qi, C. Huang*, S. Yue, J. Li, S. Chen, and C.-X. Wang*, “A novel dynamic channel map for 6G MIMO communications,” in Proc. IEEE ICCC’24, Hangzhou, China, Aug. 2024.  

    31. J. Ning, J. Deng, Y. Li, C. Zhao, J. Liu, S. Yang, Y. Wang, J. Huang, and C.-X. Wang, “Ray-tracing channel modeling for LEO satellite-to-ground communication systems,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC’24, Hangzhou, China, Aug. 2024.   

    32. Y. Zong, L. Xin, J. Huang, and C.-X. Wang*, “A novel non-stationary channel emulator for 6G MIMO wireless channels,” in Proc. WCNC’24., Dubai, UAE, Apr. 2024.  

    33. Q. Ma, C.-X. Wang*, J. Huang, and Y. Yang, “A novel 6G continuous-space channel model based on electromagnetic information theory,” in Proc. WCNC’24., Dubai, UAE, Apr. 2024.  

    34. L. Hou, H. Chang*, C.-X. Wang*, J. Huang, and S. Yang, “Beam domain channel estimation for spatial non-stationary massive MIMO systems,” in Proc. WCNC’24., Dubai, UAE, Apr. 2024.  

    35. H. Li, C. Huang*, C.-X. Wang*, and J. Li, “Scenario classification and channel modeling for MIMO communications in dense urban street scenarios,” in Proc. EuCAP’24, Glasgow, Scotland, 17-22 March 2024.  

    36. D. Zhao, C. Huang*, C.-X. Wang*, J. Li, Z. Qian, and W. Zhou, “Channel characterization and modeling for wireless MIMO communication systems in intersection scenarios,” in Proc. EuCAP’24, Glasgow, Scotland, 17-22 March 2024.  

    37. D. Zhao, C. Huang*, C.-X. Wang*, and J. Li, “Scenario classification and channel modeling for MIMO communications in suburban road scenarios,” in Proc. EuCAP’24, Glasgow, Scotland, 17-22 March 2024.  

    38. K. Zhang, S. Yang*, Y. Wang, J. Huang, and C.-X. Wang*, “Ray-tracing based channel modeling and characteristics analysis for LEO satellite-to-ground systems,” in Proc. EuCAP’24, Glasgow, Scotland, 17-22 Mar. 2024.  

    39. Y. Zheng, Y. Yang, C.-X. Wang, J. Huang, and R. Feng, “A novel ultra-massive MIMO beam domain channel model for 6G maritime communications,” in Proc. IEEE Global Commun., Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Dec. 2023.  

    40. Y. Ou, J. Huang, X. Mao, and C.-X. Wang, “Performance analysis of a uRLLC system based on a quasi-static GBSM,” in Proc. IEEE Global Commun., Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Dec. 2023.  

    41. K. Zhi, C. Pan, H. Ren, K. K. Chai, C.-X. Wang, R. Schober, and X. You, “XL-MIMO with near-field spatial non-stationarities: Low-complexity detector design,” in Proc. IEEE Global Commun., Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Dec. 2023.  

    42. B. Qi, W. Zhang, Q. Li, J. Sun, Z. Liu, C. Wang, and C.-X. Wang, “Signal tensor model and eigenvalue distributions for THz uplink UM-MIMO communications,” in Proc. WCSP’23, Hangzhou, China, Nov. 2023.  

    43. D. Huang, L. Xin*, J. Huang, H. Chang, and C.-X. Wang*, “A non-stationary channel emulator for 6G THz wireless channels,” in Proc. WCSP’23, Hangzhou, China, Nov. 2023.  

    44. K. Zhi*, C. Pan, H. Ren, K. Chai, C.-X. Wang*, and R. Schober “XL-MIMO with near-field spatial non-stationarities: Low-complexity detector design,” in Proc. IEEE Globecom'23, London, England, 2023.  

    45. B. Qi, W. Zhang*, L. Qiang, S. Jian, L. Zhi, W. Chen, and C.-X. Wang* “Signal tensor model and eigenvalue distributions for THz uplink UM-MIMO communications,” in Proc. WCSP'23, Hangzhou, China, 2023.  

    46. X. Zhao, Y. Liu, and C.-X. Wang*, “A novel grant-free random access scheme for mMTC,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCT’23, Wuxi, China, Oct. 2023.  

    47. D. Huang, L. Xin*, J. Huang, H. Chang, and C.-X. Wang*, “A Non-Stationary Channel Emulator for 6G THz Wireless Channels,” in Proc. WCSP’23, Hangzhou, China, Nov. 2023.  

    48. J. Ji, H. Chang*, C.-X. Wang*, J. Huang and C. Huang, “A beam domain channel estimation algorithm based on sparse bayesian learning,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCT’23, Wuxi, China, Oct. 2023.  

    49. S. Ding, C. Huang*, C.-X. Wang*, J. Li, W. Zhou and D. Zhao, “A Novel Scenario Segmentation-Identification Algorithm for 6G Wireless Channel Modeling,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCT’23, Wuxi, China, Oct. 2023. Best Paper Award

    50. T. Wu, C.-X. Wang*, J. Li*, and C. Huang, “Machine learning-based predictive channel modeling for 6G wireless communications using image semantic segmentation,” in Proc. IEEE PIMRC’23, Toronto, Canada, Sept. 2023.        

    51. X. Ji, C.-X. Wang, and H. Chang, “A novel MIMO channel model for underground mine communications,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC’23, Dalian, China, Aug. 2023.  

    52. X. Zhang, J. Sun*, L. Ma, W. Zhang, and C.-X. Wang*, “1-bit reconfigurable intelligent surface element design and its equivalent circuit model,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC’23, Dalian, China, Aug. 2023.  

    53. Y. Li, L. Zhang, C.-X. Wang*, F. Zheng*, S. Yang, Y. Wang, and J. Huang*, “Ray tracing based channel modeling and characteristic analysis in 6G IIoT scenarios,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC’23, Dalian, China, Aug. 2023.  

    54. X. Zhu, J. Wang, R. Feng, and C.-X. Wang*, “A general 3D GBSM for 6G indoor optical wireless communication systems,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC’23, Dalian, China, Aug. 2023.  

    55. Z. Li, H. Chang, and C.-X. Wang*, “A general 3D GBSM for 6G satellite communication systems,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC’23, Dalian, China, Aug. 2023.  

    56. D. Chen, S. Yang*, Y. Wang, J. Huang, C.-X. Wang*, and Q. Zhu, “Ray-tracing based large indoor office base station deployment optimization in millimeter-wave bands,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC’23, Dalian, China, Aug. 2023.    

    57. J. Huang, C.-X. Wang, S. Yang, Y. Wang, Y. Xu, Y. Sun, J. Huang, and F.-C. Zheng, “Ray tracing based 6G RIS-assisted MIMO channel modeling and verification,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC’23, Dalian, China, Aug. 2023.  

    58. J.-L. Huang, C.-X. Wang*, Y. Xu, et al, “Ray tracing-based 6G reconfigurable intelligent surface assisted MIMO channel modeling and verification,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC’23, Dalian, China, July 2023.  

    59. Z. Jin, Y. Yang, J. Huang, C.-X. Wang*, and Q. Zhu, “A novel GBSM for holographic MIMO communication systems,” in Proc. VTC’23-Spring, Florence, Italy, June 2023.  

    60. L. Ma, X. Zhang, J. Sun*, W. Zhang, and C.-X. Wang*, “Joint optimization of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces and base station beamforming in MISO system based on deep reinforcement learning,” in Proc. VTC’23-Spring, Florence, Italy, June 2023.  

    61. W. Ji, C.-X. Wang*, J. Huang*, and Y. Yang, “A novel beam domain channel model for orbital angular momentum communication systems with massive uniform circular array,” in Proc. VTC’23-Spring, Florence, Italy, June 2023.  

    62. Z. Li, C.-X. Wang*, C. Huang*, L. Yu, J. Li, and Z. Qian, “A novel scatter density-based predictive channel model for 6G communications,” in Proc. VTC’23-Spring, Florence, Italy, June 2023.  

    63. Z. Qian, Z. Li, W. Zhou, C. Huang*, and C.-X. Wang*, “6G wireless channel scenario extensions and characteristics analysis,” in Proc. VTC-Spring’23, Florence, Italy, June 2023. 

    64. T. Yang, W. Zhang*, Y. Bo, J. Sun, and C.-X. Wang*, “Dynamic spectrum sharing based on federated learning and multi-agent actor-critic reinforcement learning,” in Proc. IWCMC’23, Marrakesh, Morocco, June 2023. 

    65. B. Shu, W. Zhang*, Y. He, J. Sun, and C.-X. Wang*, “Application of ray tracing for beyond-line-of-sight maritime communication in evaporation ducts,” in Proc. IWCMC’23, Marrakesh, Morocco, June 2023. 

    66. Y. Bo, W. Zhang*, T. Yang, M. Jiang, J. Sun, and C.-X. Wang*, “A specific emitter identification approach based on multi-head attention mechanism,” in Proc. IWCMC’23, Marrakesh, Morocco, June 2023. 

    67. J. Hong, J. Wang, C. Liu, J. Sun*, W. Zhang, and C.-X. Wang*, “A tensor-based high resolution millimeter wave massive MIMO channel parameters estimation scheme,” in Proc. ICC’23, Rome, Italy, May 2023. 

    68. D. Huang, L. Xin, J. Huang, and C.-X. Wang*, “Adaptive non-stationary vehicle-to-vehicle MIMO channel simulator and emulator,” in Proc. WCNC’23, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, Mar. 2023.  

    69. J. Chen, Y. Wang, J. Huang*, and C.-X. Wang*, “A novel GPU acceleration algorithm based on CUDA and MPI for ray tracing wireless channel modeling,” in Proc. WCNC’23, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, Mar. 2023.  

    70. R. Yang, Y. Wu, J. Huang*, and C.-X. Wang*, “A novel 3D non-stationary localization-assisted ISAC channel model,” in Proc. WCNC’23, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, Mar. 2023.  

    71. T. Qi, Y. Sun, J. Huang, and C.-X. Wang*, “A novel 3D non-stationary double-RIS-assisted channel model for 6G wireless communication systems,” in Proc. WCNC’23, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, Mar. 2023.  

    72. D. Shi, L. Song, W. Zhou, X. Gao, C.-X. Wang, and G. Li, “Channel estimation for HF skywave massive MIMO-OFDM with triple-beam based channel model,” in Proc. Globecom'22, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Dec. 2022.  

    73. T. Liao, T. Zhai, H. Zhang, R. Li, J. Huang, Y. Li, Y. Wang, J. Huang*, and C.-X. Wang*, “Image method based 6G channel modeling for IIoT and mobility scenarios,” in Proc. IEEE VTC’22-Fall, London/Beijing, China, Sept. 2022.  

    74. Y. Zhou, Y. Wang, Y. Li, J. Huang, J. Huang, and C.-X. Wang*, “An improved equiangular division algorithm for SBR based ray tracing channel modeling,” in Proc. IEEE VTC’22-Fall, London/Beijing, China, Sept. 2022.  

    75. Y. Wu, Y. Wang, J. Huang, C.-X. Wang*, and C. Huang, “A weighted random forest based positioning algorithm for 6G indoor communications,” in Proc. IEEE VTC’22-Fall, London/Beijing, China, Sept. 2022.  

    76. C. Wang, Y. Wang, Y. Li, J. Huang, J. Huang and C.-X. Wang*, “An improved ray tracing acceleration algorithm based on bounding volume hierarchies,” in Proc. IEEE VTC’22-Fall, London/Beijing, China, Sept. 2022.  

    77. Y.-Z. Wang, H. Cao, Y.-F. Jin, Z.-Z. Zhou, Y.-H. Wang, J.-L. Huang, Y.-X. Li, J. Huang?, and C.-X. Wang*, “An SBR based ray tracing channel modeling method for THz and massive MIMO communications,” in Proc. IEEE VTC’22-Fall, London/Beijing, China, Sept. 2022.  

    78. J. Huang, C.-X. Wang*, Y. Sun, J. Huang, and F.-C. Zheng, “A novel ray tracing-based 6G RIS wireless channel model and RIS deployment studies in indoor scenarios,” in Proc. IEEE PIMRC’22, Kyoto, Japan, Sept. 2022.

    79. Y. Yang, Y. Zheng, C.-X. Wang*, and J. Huang, “Channel capacities of non-stationary 6G massive MIMO channels with mutual coupling verified by channel measurements,” in Proc. IEEE PIMRC’22, Kyoto, Japan, Sept. 2022.

    80. Z. Zhang, J. Huang, C.-X. Wang*, J. Sun, W. Zhang, and Z. He, “A novel map matching based localization method for ISAC,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC’22, Foshan, China, Aug. 2022.  

    81. Z. He, J. Sun*, W. Zhang, K. An, and C.-X. Wang*, “A passive broadband radar system design for low, slow and small target detection,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC’22, Foshan, China, Aug. 2022.  

    82. C. Liu, J. Sun*, W. Zhang, and C.-X. Wang*, “A new SAGE-based channel estimation scheme for millimeter wave MIMO-OFDM systems with hybrid beamforming techniques,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC’22, Foshan, China, Aug. 2022.  

    83. Y. Wang, W. Zhang*, C. Liu, J. Sun, and C.-X. Wang*, “Reconfigurable intelligent surface for NLOS integrated sensing and communications,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC’22, Foshan, China, Aug. 2022.  

    84. J. Lv, Y. Wang, J. Huang, Y. Li, J. Huang*, and C.-X. Wang*, “An improved triangular facets based angular Z-buffer algorithm for IM ray tracing channel modeling,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC’22, Foshan, China, Aug. 2022.

    85. K. Chen, C. Qi, and C.-X. Wang, “Two-stage hybrid-field beam training for ultra-massive MIMO system,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC’22, Foshan, China, Aug. 2022. Best Paper Award

    86.    Q. Zhu, M. Pang, C.-X. Wang*, Z. Lin, F. Bai, Y. Tian, K.Mao, and H. Chang, “A data-driven multi-height empirical LoS probability model for urban A2G channels,” in Proc. IEEE VTC’22-Spring 5.5G EIT Workshop, Helsinki, Finland, June 2022.  

    87. Y. Yuan, C. Wang, C. Li, Z. Zhong, W. Han and C.-X. Wang, “Spatial correlations of measured MIMO channels with an extremely large aperture array (ELAA),” in Proc. IEEE VTC’22-Spring 5.5G EIT Workshop, Helsinki, Finland, June 2022.

    88. C. Wang, C. Li, Z. Zhong, L. Fan, W. Han, Q. Qin, and C.-X. Wang, “Characteristics of 5.3 GHz MIMO channels with an extremely large antenna array in urban macro scenarios,” in Proc. IEEE VTC’22-Spring 5.5G EIT Workshop, Helsinki, Finland, June 2022.

    89. X. Ji, C.-X. Wang*, and H. Chang, “Characteristic analysis and modeling of underground space wireless communication channels,” in Proc. IEEE VTC’22-Spring, Helsinki, Finland, June 2022.

    90. R. Wang, C.-X. Wang*, and H. Chang, “Amplitude distributions of mobile fading channels: Impact on communication performances,” in Proc. IEEE VTC’22-Spring, Helsinki, Finland, June 2022.

    91. Z. Li, C.-X. Wang*, J. Huang*, W. Zhou, and C. Huang, “A GAN-LSTM based AI framework for 6G wireless channel prediction,” in Proc. IEEE VTC’22-Spring, Helsinki, Finland, June 2022.

    92. Y. Yang, C.-X. Wang*, and J. Huang, “Comparisons of channel characteristics and capacities of three 5G/B5G wireless channel models,” in Proc. IEEE VTC’22-Spring, Helsinki, Finland, June 2022.

    93. T. Sheng, W. Zhang*, W. Ding, J. Sun, and C.-X. Wang*, “Dynamic spectrum sharing and aggregation scheme based on deep reinforcement learning,” in Proc. IWCMC’22, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 2022.

    94. J. Wang, C.-X. Wang*, J. Huang, R. Feng, and H. Wang, “6G asymmetric channel modeling and statistical properties analysis”, in Proc. ICC’22, Seoul, South Korea, May 2022.

    95. R. Feng, C.-X. Wang*, J. Huang, Y. Zheng, F. Lai, and W. Q. Zhou, “Mutual coupling analysis of 6G ultra-massive MIMO channel measurements and models”, in Proc. ICC’22, Seoul, South Korea, May 2022.

    96. Y. Xu, C.-X. Wang*, Z. Zhou, R. Feng, L. Xin, and J. Huang, “A novel SAGE-based channel parameter estimation scheme for 6G RIS-assisted wireless channel measurements”, in Proc. ICC’22, Seoul, South Korea, May 2022.

    97. H. Zhou, N. Liu, Z. Pan, and C.-X. Wang*, “Grant-free random access in smart-grid networks with power control and data retransmission,” in Proc. CTISC’22, Suzhou, China, April 2022.  

    98. W. Ji, C.-X. Wang*, J. Huang, and R. Yang, “A novel 3D wideband time-varying channel model for orbital angular momentum communication systems”, in Proc. WCNC’22, Austin, USA, Apr. 2022.

    99. S. Mei, Y. Liu*, S. Zhang, J. Luo, M. J. Zhang, Q. Fu, S. Hu, and C.-X. Wang*, “Characteristics analysis of sub-6 GHz and mmWave propagation channels in residential area for smart meter communications,” in Proc. IEEE ComComAP’21, Shenzhen, China, Nov. 2021.

    100. Y. Yang, W. Zhang*, J. Sun, and C.-X. Wang*, “A 3D wideband non-stationary GBSM for RIS-assisted communications in outdoor scenarios”, in Proc. IEEE ICECE’21, Xi' an, China, Dec. 2021.

    101. X. Li, C. Zhang, J. Sun*, W. Zhang, and C.-X. Wang*, “Ray tracing based sub-6 GHz wireless channel characteristics analysis in underground garage environments”, in Proc. IEEE ICECE’21, Xi' an, China, Dec. 2021.

    102. X. Yu, A.-A. Lu, X. Gao, G. Y. Li, G. Ding, and C.-X. Wang, “Massive MIMO communication over HF skywave channels,” in Proc. Globecom’21, Madrid, Spain, Dec. 2021.

    103. S. Mei, M. J. Zhang, S. Zhang, C. Y. Yu, J. Luo, Q. Fu, S. Hu, and Y. Liu*, C.-X. Wang*, “Characteristics analysis on NB-IoT channels in rural scenario for smart grid communications,” in Proc. IEEE ISAPE’21,Zhuhai, China, Dec. 2021.

    104. Y. Ma, C.-X. Wang*, X. Zhu, R. Ma, and J. Huang, “A 3D non-stationary GBSM for underwater acoustic MIMO communication systems,” in Proc. WCSP’ 21, Changsha, China, Oct. 2021.

    105. X. Mao, C.-X. Wang*, and H. Chang, “A 3D non-stationary geometry-based stochastic model for 6G UAV air-to-air channels,” in Proc. WCSP’ 21, Changsha, China, Oct. 2021.

    106. J. Gao, C.-X. Wang*, J. Huang, and Y. Yang, “A novel circuit-based MIMO channel model considering antenna size and mutual coupling,” in Proc. WCSP’ 21, Changsha, China, Oct. 2021. Best Paper Award

    107. W. Ding, W. Zhang, D. Wang, J. Sun, and C.-X. Wang*, “Dynamic spectrum aggregation and access scheme based on multi-agent actor-critic reinforcement learning,” in Proc. WCSP’ 21, Changsha, China, Oct. 2021.

    108. H. Chang, C.-X. Wang*, Y. He, Z. Bai, J. Sun, and W. Zhang, “Multi-user UAV channel modeling with massive MIMO configuration,” in Proc. IEEE VTC-Fall'21, Sept. 2021.

    109. Z. Zhou, L. Zhang, X. Chen, C.-X. Wang*, and J. Huang, “Multi-frequency wireless channel measurements and characteristics analysis in indoor corridor scenarios,” in Proc. IEEE VTC-Fall'21, Sept. 2021.

    110. Y. Li, C.-X. Wang*, Y. Liu, and X. Zhu, “A 3D non-stationary GBSM for industrial automation wireless communication systems,” in Proc. IEEE PIMRC'21, online, Sept. 2021.

    111. B. Hua, Q. Zhu, C.-X. Wang, et al., “Effects of fuselage scattering and posture on UAV channel,” in Proc. CSPS’ 21, Changbaishan, China, Aug. 2021. Best Paper Award

    112. X. Chen, Z. Zhou, L. Zhang, C.-X. Wang*, and J. Huang, “Comparison and modeling of multi-frequency wideband channels at sub-6 GHz bands,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC'21, Xiamen, China, July 2021.

    113. Z. Li, C.-X. Wang*, J. Huang, and Y. Zheng, “A 3D non-stationary GBSM for 6G LEO satellite communication systems,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC'21, Xiamen, China, July 2021.

    114. Y. Wang, C.-X. Wang*, X. Zhu, Y. He, H. Chang, J. Sun, and W. Zhang, “A 3D non-stationary GBSM for mobile-to-mobile underwater acoustic communication channels,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC'21, Xiamen, China, July 2021.

    115. J. Wang, W. Zhang*, J. Sun, and C.-X. Wang*, “Tensor-based channel estimation for 3D mmWave massive MIMO systems,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC'21, Xiamen, China, July 2021.

    116. X. Zhu, C.-X. Wang*, and R. Ma, “A 2D non-stationary channel model for underwater acoustic communication systems,” in Proc. IEEE VTC'21-Spring, Helsinki, Finland, Apr. 2021.

    117. Y. Zheng, L. Yu, R. Yang, and C.-X. Wang*, “A general massive MIMO GBSM for 6G communication systems,” in Proc. IEEE WCNC'21, Nanjing, China, Apr. 2021.

    118. Y. Xu, K. Yu, L. Li, X. Lei, L. Hao, and C.-X. Wang*,“A 3D non-stationarity mmWave channel model for vacuum tube ultra-high-speed train wireless communication systems,” in Proc. IEEE WCNC'21, Nanjing, China, Apr. 2021.

    119. L. Yu, C.-X. Wang*, “Prediction of wireless mmWave massive MIMO channel characteristics based on graph attention networks,” in Proc. ICETC'20, Tokyo, Japan, Dec. 2020.

    120. Y. Liu, C.-X. Wang*, R. Dai, X. Guo, and Y. Yu, “A general 3D geometry-based stochastic model for industrial IoT environments,” in Proc. IEEE Globecom wkshps'20, Taipei, China, Dec. 2020.

    121. Z. Song, J. Sun, W. Zhang, C.-X. Wang, and M. Zhang, “A novel channel estimation scheme for frequency-selective mmWave massive MIMO systems,” in Proc. WCSP'20, Nanjing, China, Oct. 2020.

    122. R. Dai, Y. Liu, C.-X. Wang, Y, Yu, and X. Guo, “A stochastic coupling-based channel impulse response matrix model for massive MIMO channels,” in Proc. WCSP'20, Nanjing, China, Oct. 2020.

    123. L. Zhang, Z. Zhou, X. Chen, and C.-X. Wang, “A novel 3D non-stationarity multi-frequency multi-link wideband MIMO WLAN channel model,” in Proc. WCSP'20, Nanjing, China, Oct. 2020.

    124. Y. Sun, C.-X. Wang, J. Huang, and J. Wang, “A 3D non-stationary channel model for 6G wireless systems employing intelligent reflecting surface,” in Proc. WCSP'20, Nanjing, China, Oct. 2020. Best Paper Award

    125. C. Zhang, J. Sun, Y. Liu, W. Zhang, and C.-X. Wang, “Channel characteristics analysis of 60 GHz wireless communications in staircase environments,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC’20 Workshop, Jilin, China, Aug. 2020.

    126. S. Jiang, Q. Zhu*, C.-X. Wang*, K. Mao, W. Xie, W. Zhong, and M. Yao, “Map-based UAV mmWave channel model and characteristic analysis,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC’20 Workshop, Jilin, China, Aug. 2020.

    127. H. Zhang, J. Sun, W. Zhang, Z. Bai, and C.-X. Wang, “Comparison of OFDM and SC-FDE for VLC systems with a nonlinear LED model,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC’20, Jilin, China, Aug. 2020.

    128. C. Liu, W. Feng, Y. Chen, C.-X. Wang, X. Li, and N. Ge, “Process-oriented optimization for beyond 5G cognitive satellite-UAV networks,” in Proc. WOCCC’20, New Jersey, USA, May 2020. Invited Paper

    129.  Q. Chen, C.-X. Wang, J. Sun, W. Zhang, and Q. Zhu, “A non-stationary VVLC MIMO channel model for street corner scenarios,” in Proc. IWCMC’20, Limassol, Cyprus, June 2020.Invited Paper

    130.  Q. Zhu*, S. Jiang, C.-X. Wang, B. Hua, X. Chen, M. Yao, and W. Zhong, “Effects of Digital Map on the RT-based Channel Model for UAV mmWave communications,” in Proc. IWCMC’20, Limassol, Cyprus, June 2020. Invited Paper, Best Paper Award

    131. W. Zhang, J. Wu, and C.-X. Wang, “Tensor-computing-based spectrum usage framework for 6G,” in Proc. IEEE ICC’20, Dublin, Ireland, June 2020.

    132. Y. Fu, M. D. Soltani, H. Alshaer, C.-X. Wang, M. Safari, S. Mclaughlin, and H. Haas, “End-to-end energy efficiency evaluation for a beyond 5G wireless communication network,” in Proc. IEEE VTC’20-Spring Workshop, Antwerp, Belgium, May 2020.

    133. X. Yan, K. An, C.-X. Wang, W. Zhu, Y. Li, and Z. Feng, “Genetic algorithm optimized support vector machine in NOMA-based satellite networks with imperfect CSI,” in Proc. ICASSP’20, Barcelona, Spain, May 2020.

    134. J. Wang, C.-X. Wang, J. Huang, and H. Wang, “A novel 3D space-time-frequency non-stationary channel model for 6G THz indoor communication systems,” in Proc. IEEE WCNC'20, Seoul, Korea, Apr. 2020.

    135. F. Lai, C.-X. Wang, J. Huang, X. Gao, and F. Zheng, “A novel massive MIMO beam domain channel model,” in Proc. IEEE WCNC'20, Seoul, Korea, Apr. 2020, pp. 1-6.

    136. W. Li, Q. Zhu, C.-X. Wang, F. Bai, X. Xiao, and D. Xu, “A practical non-stationary channel model for vehicle-to-vehicle MIMO communication,” in Proc. IEEE WCNC'20, Seoul, Korea, Apr. 2020, pp. 1-6.

    137. L. Cheng, Q. Zhu, C-X Wang, W. Zhong, B. Hua, and S. Jiang, “Modeling and simulation for UAV air-to-ground mmWave channels,” in Proc.EuCAP 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, Mar. 2020.

    138. Y. Huang, H. Chang, J. Huang, W. Zhang, J. Sun, and C.-X. Wang, “A 3D wideband GBSM for THz communications in indoor scenarios,” in Proc. WCSP’19, Xian, China, Oct. 2019.

    139. Y. He, H. Chang, Y. Liu, W. Zhang, J. Sun, and C.-X. Wang, “A 3D GBSM for ship-to-land communications,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC’19, Changchun, China, Aug. 2019.

    140. D. Tian, W. Zhang, J. Sun, and C.-X. Wang, “Physical-layer security of visible light communications with jamming,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC’19, Changchun, China, Aug. 2019.

    141. L. Zhang, W. Zhang, Y. Li, J. Sun, and C.-X. Wang, “Standard condition number of Hessian matrix for neural networks,” in Proc. IEEE ICC’19, Shanghai, China, May 2019.

    142. X. Li, W. Feng, Y. Chen, C.-X. Wang, and N. Ge, “UAV-enabled accompanying coverage for hybrid satellite-UAV-terrestrial maritime communications,” in Proc. WOCC’19, Beijing, China, May 2019. Best Paper Award

    143. Y. Ruan, R. Zhang, Y. Li, C.-X. Wang and H. Zhang, “Spectral-energy efficiency tradeoff in cognitive satellite-vehicular networks towards beyond 5G,” in Proc. IEEE WCNC’19, Marrakech, Morocco, Apr. 2019.

    144.  H. Chang, J. Bian, C.-X. Wang, Z. Bai, J. Sun, and X. Gao, “A 3D wideband geometry-based stochastic model for UAV air-to-ground channels,” in Proc. IEEE GlobeCom’18, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Dec. 2018.

    145.  L. Zhou, Z. Yang, G. Zhao, S. Zhou, and C.-X. Wang, “Propagation characteristics of air-to-air channels in urban environments,” in Proc. IEEE GlobeCom’18, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Dec. 2018.

    146.  F. Lai, C. F. Lopez, X. Gao, C.-X. Wang, and F. Zheng, “Analysis of performances for three massive MIMO channel models,” in Proc. WCSP’18, Hangzhou, China, Oct. 2018.

    147.  Y. Wang, Y. Wei, W. Zhang, and C.-X. Wang, “Filtered-OFDM for visible light communications,” in Proc. CONTEST’18 (IEEE/CIC ICCC’18 Workshop), Beijing, China, Aug. 2018. Invited Paper

    148.  Y. Liu, L. Feng, J. Sun, W. Zhang, C.-X. Wang, and P. Fan, “3D non-stationary GBSMs for high-speed train tunnel channels,” in Proc. HMWC’18 (IEEE VTC’18-Spring Workshop), Porto, Portugal, June 2018.

    149.  C. Rotsos, A. Frashad, K. Daniel, D. Hutchison, Q. Zhou, G. A. J. G, C.-X. Wang, and S. Mclaughlin, “ReasoNet: Inferring network policies using ontologies,” in Proc. IEEE NetSoft, Montreal, Canada, June. 2018.

    150.  C. Lopez and C.-X. Wang, “A study of delay drifts on massive MIMO wideband channel models,” in Proc. WSA’18, Bochum, Germany, Mar. 2018.

    151.  Y. Tan, C.-X. Wang, Q. Zhu, Z. Zhang, Z. Wang, J. Huang, and R. Feng, “A novel beamforming scheme for mobile-to-mobile millimeter wave communications,” in Proc. WSA’18, Bochum, Germany, Mar. 2018.

    152.  H. Chang, J. Bian, J. Sun, W. Zhang, and C.-X. Wang, “A novel channel model for molecular communications based on inter-cellular calcium wave,” in Proc. WiCON’17, Tianjin, China, Dec. 2017. Invited Paper

    153.  H. Li, J. Sun, W. Zhang, and C.-X. Wang, “A novel optical index modulation aided DCO-OFDM scheme for VLC systems,” in Proc. WiCON’17, Tianjin, China, Dec. 2017. 

    154.  Y. Li, M. Chen, Y. Yang, M. Zhou, and C.-X. Wang, “Convolutional recurrent neural network based channel equalization: An experimental study,” in Proc. IEEE APCC’17, Perth, Australia, Dec. 2017. Invited Paper

    155.  Y. Yang, J. Sun, W. Zhang, C.-X. Wang, and X. Ge, “Ray tracing based 60 GHz channel clustering and analysis in staircase environment,” in Proc. IEEE GlobeCom’17, Singapore, Dec. 2017. 

    156.  R. Feng, J. Huang, J. Sun, Y. Tan, C.-X. Wang, and S. Zhou, “Spatial cross-correlation properties of mmWave massive MIMO channels,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC’17, Qingdao, China, Oct. 2017. Invited Paper

    157.  L. Bai, C.-X. Wang, S. Wu, C. F. Lopez, X. Gao, W. Zhang, and Y. Liu, “Performance comparison of six massive MIMO channel models,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC’17, Qingdao, China, Oct. 2017. Invited Paper

    158.  J. Bian, C.-X. Wang, J. Sun, W. Zhang, and M. Zhang, “A non-stationary MIMO channel model for street corner scenarios considering velocity variations of the mobile station and scatterers,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC'17, Qingdao, China, Oct. 2017. 

    159.  J. Huang, Y. Liu, J. Sun, W. Zhang, and C.-X. Wang, “Effects of antenna height and directivity on 60 GHz indoor channels,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC'17, Qingdao, China, Oct. 2017. 

    160.  R. Feng, Y. Liu, J. Huang, and C.-X. Wang, “Comparison of MUSIC, unitary ESPRIT, and SAGE algorithms for estimating 3D angles in wireless channels,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC'17, Qingdao, China, Oct. 2017. 

    161.  Q. Zhu, K. Jiang, X. Chen, C.-X. Wang, X. Hu, and Y. Yang, “A modified non-stationary MIMO channel model under 3D scattering scenarios,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC'17, Qingdao, China, Oct. 2017. 

    162.  A. Al-Kinani, C.-X. Wang, F. Haider, H. Haas, W. Zhang, and X. Cheng, “Light and RF dual connectivity for the next generation cellular systems,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC'17, Qingdao, China, Oct. 2017. 

    163.  J. Wang, A. Alkinani, J. Sun, W. Zhang, and C.-X. Wang, “A path loss channel model for visible light communications in underground mines,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC'17, Qingdao, China, Oct. 2017. 

    164.  D. Li, W. Zhang, J. Sun, and C.-X. Wang, “An improved generalized spatial modulation scheme for indoor visible light communications,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC'17, Qingdao, China, Oct. 2017.

    165.  J. Song, W. Zhang, L. Zhou, X. Zhou, J. Sun, and C.-X. Wang, “A new light source of VLC combining white LEDs and RGB LEDs,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC'17, Qingdao, China, Oct. 2017.

    166.  X. Yan, H. Xiao, C.-X. Wang, and K. An, “On the ergodic capacity of NOMA-based cognitive hybrid satellite terrestrial networks,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC'17, Qingdao, China, Oct. 2017. 

    167.  L. Zhang, T. Du, and C.-X. Wang, “Detection of an unknown radio transmitter using joint RSSD and AoA information based on factor graph,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC'17, Qingdao, China, Oct. 2017. 

    168.  Y. Cao, X. Zhou, J. Sun, W. Zhang, and C.-X. Wang, “Optical spatial modulation with DHT-based OFDM in visible light communication systems,” in Proc. IEEE WCSP'17, Nanjing, China, Oct. 2017. 

    169.  A. Zhou, J. Huang, J. Sun, Q. Zhu, C.-X. Wang, and Y. Yang, “60 GHz channel measurements and ray tracing modeling in an indoor environment,” in Proc. IEEE WCSP’17, Nanjing, China, Oct. 2017. 

    170.  R. Zhang, Y. Li, C.-X. Wang, Y. Ruan, and H. Zhang, “Energy efficiency of relay aided D2D communications underlaying cellular networks,” in Proc. IEEE PIMRC’17, Montreal, Canada, Oct. 2017. 

    171.  L. Zeng, X. Cheng, C.-X. Wang, and X. Yin, “Second order statistics of non-isotropic UAV Ricean fading channels,” in Proc. IEEE VTC’17-Fall, Toronto, Canada, Sept. 2017. Invited Paper

    172.  Y. Tan, J. Huang, R. Feng, and C.-X, Wang, “A study of angular stationarity of 5G millimeter wave channels,” in Proc. ISWCS’18 Workshop, Bologna, Italy, Aug. 2017. 

    173.  X. Fu, Z. Tan, C. Yan, Z. Li, C. Wang, and C.-X. Wang, “Your body de?nes your fall detection system: a somatotype-based feature selection method,” in Proc. CBD’17, Shanghai, Aug. 2017. 

    174.  Q. Zhou, S. Mclaughlin, A. G. C. Gary, S. Wu, and C.-X. Wang, “Lost silence: An emergency response early detection service through continuous processing of telecommunication data streams,” in Proc. ISWC, Vienna, Austria, June 2017. 

    175.  J. Wang, A. Alkinani, W. Zhang, and C.-X. Wang, A new VLC channel model for underground mining environments,” in Proc. IWCMC’17, Valencia, Spain, June 2017. Invited Paper

    176.  Y. Tan, C.-X Wang, J. ?. Nielsen, and G. F. Pedersen, “Comparison of stationarity regions for wireless channels from 2 GHz to 30 GHz,” in Proc. IWCMC’17, Valencia, Spain, June 2017. Invited Paper

    177.  W. Qi. J. Huang, J. Sun, Y. Tan, C.-X. Wang, and X. Ge, “Measurements and modeling of human blockage effects for multiple millimeter wave bands,” in Proc. IWCMC’17, Valencia, Spain, June 2017. 

    178.  Y. Zhang, Y. Liu, J. Sun, C.-X. Wang, and X. Ge, “Impact of different parameters on channel characteristics in a high-speed train ray tracing tunnel channel model,” in Proc. IEEE VTC’17-Spring, Sydney, Australia, June 2017. 

    179.  L. Bai, C.-X. Wang, S. Wu, J. Sun, and W. Zhang, “A 3-D wideband multi-confocal ellipsoid model for wireless massive MIMO communication channels with uniform planar antenna array,” in Proc. IEEE VTC’17-Spring, Sydney, Australia, June 2017. 

    180.  J. Huang, R. Feng, J. Sun, C.-X. Wang, W. Zhang, and Y. Yang, “Comparison of propagation channel characteristics for multiple millimeter wave bands,” in Proc. IEEE VTC’17-Spring, Sydney, Australia, June 2017. 

    181.  J. Bian, C.-X. Wang, M. Zhang, X. Ge, and X. Gao, “A 3-D non-stationary wideband MIMO channel model allowing for velocity variations of the mobile station,” in Proc. IEEE ICC’17, Paris, France, May 2017. 

    182.  J. Huang, R. Feng, J. Sun, C.-X. Wang, W. Zhang, and Y. Yang, “Multi-frequency millimeter wave massive MIMO channel measurements and analysis,” in Proc. IEEE ICC’17, Paris, France, May 2017. 

    183.  Y. Ruan, Y. Li, and C.-X. Wang, R. Zhang, and H. Zhang, “Effective capacity analysis for underlay cognitive satellite-terrestrial networks,” in Proc. IEEE ICC’17, Paris, France, May 2017. 

    184.  J. Chen, F. Bin, X. Ge, Q. Li, and C.-X. Wang, “A dual-directional path-loss model in 5G wireless fractal small cell networks,” in Proc. IEEE ICC’17, Paris, France, May 2017. 

    185.  L. Zeng, X. Cheng, C.-X. Wang, and X. Yin, “A 3D Geometry-based Stochastic Channel Model for UAV-MIMO Channels,” in Proc. IEEE WCNC’17, San Francisco, USA, Mar. 2017. 

    186.  Y. Wu, S. Yao, Y. Yang, Z. Hu, and C.-X. Wang, “Semigradient-based cooperative caching algorithm for mobile social networks,” in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM’16, Washington, USA, Dec. 2016. 

    187.  R. Feng, J. Huang, J. Sun, C.-X. Wang, and X. Ge, “Millimeter wave channel parameter estimation using a 3D frequency domain SAGE algorithm,” in Proc. WPMC’16, Shenzhen, China, Nov. 2016. Best Student Paper Award

    188.  W. Zhang, D. Xin, H. Xiong, W. Zhu, and C.-X. Wang, “A statistical weighting average approach for cognitive radio networks,” in Proc. WPMC’16, Shenzhen, China, Nov. 2016. 

    189.  C. F. Lopez, C.-X. Wang, and R. Feng, “A novel 2D non-stationary wideband massive MIMO channel model,” in Proc. IEEE CAMAD’16, Toronto, Canada, Oct. 2016. 

    190.  X. Ge, L. Pan, S. Tu, H.-H. Chen, and C.-X. Wang, “Wireless backhaul capacity of 5G ultra-dense cellular networks,” in Proc. IEEE VTC’16-Fall, Montreal, Canada, Sept. 2016. Invited Paper

    191.  A. Al-Kinani, C.-X. Wang, H. Haas, and Y. Yang, “A geometry-based multiple bounce model for visible light communication channels,” in Proc. IEEE IWCMC’16,  Peyia, Cyprus, Sept. 2016. Invited Paper,  Best Paper Award

    192.  A. Weir, C.-X. Wang, and S. Parks, “Pre-clinical investigations of multi-path propagation in transcranial Doppler ultrasound flow phantom,” in Proc. IEEE EMBC’16, Orlando, FL, USA, Aug. 2016. 

    193.  S. Wu, C.-X. Wang, Y. Yang, W. Wang, and X. Gao, “Performance comparison of massive MIMO channel models,” in Proc. IEEE ICCC’16, Chengdu, China, July 2016. 

    194.  E. Li, W. Zhang, J. Sun, C.-X. Wang, and X. Ge, “Energy-spectral efficiency tradeoff of visible light communication systems,” in Proc. IEEE ICCC’16, Chengdu, China, July 2016. 

    195.  J. Sun, W. Zhang, J. Sun, C.-X. Wang, Y. Chen, “Energy-spectral efficiency in simultaneous wireless information and power transfer,” in Proc. IEEE ICCC’16, Chengdu, China, July 2016. Best Paper Award

    196.  L. Bai, C.-X. Wang, S. Wu, H. Wang, Y. Yang, “A 3D wideband multi-confocal ellipsoid model for wireless MIMO communication channels,” in Proc. IEEE ICC’16, Malaysia, June 2016. 

    197.  P. Ju, M. Zhang, X. Cheng, C.-X. Wang, and L. Yang, “Generalized spatial modulation with transmit antenna grouping for correlated channels,” in Proc. IEEE ICC’16, Malaysia, June 2016. 

    198.  A. Al-Kinani, C.-X. Wang, H. Haas, and Y. Yang, “Characterization and modeling of visible light communication channels,” in Proc. IEEE VTC’16-Spring, Nanjing, China, May 2016. 

    199.  Y. Liu, Y. Zhang, A. Ghazal, C.-X. Wang, and Y. Yang, “Statistical properties of high-speed train wireless channels in different scenarios,” in Proc. IEEE VTC’16-Spring, Nanjing, China, May 2016. 

    200.  S. Wu, C.-X. Wang, H. Aggoune, and M. M. Alwakeel, “A novel Kronecker-based stochastic model for 5G massive MIMO channels,” in Proc. IEEE ICCC’15, Shenzhen, China, Nov. 2015. 

    201.  A. Ghazal, C.-X. Wang, Y. Liu, P. Fan, and M. K. Chahine, “A generic non-stationary MIMO channel model for different high-speed train scenarios,” in Proc. IEEE ICCC’15, Shenzhen, China, Nov. 2015. 

    202.  W. Zhang, C.-X. Wang, X. Zhou, and X. Tao, “Design principles for simultaneous wireless information and power transmission systems,” in Proc. IEEE ICCC’15, Shenzhen, China, Nov. 2015. 

    203.  P. Dong, Z. Bai, S. Gao, X. Zhou, and C.-X. Wang, “Finite length buffer relaying based incremental hybrid decode-amplify-forward cooperative system,” in Proc. IEEE ICCC’15, Shenzhen, China, Nov. 2015. 

    204.  L. Feng, P. Fan, C.-X. Wang, and A. Ghazal, “A three dimensional geometrical model for deep cutting scenario of high-speed railway,” in Proc. HMWC’15, Xi’an, China, Oct. 2015. 

    205.  S. Wu, P. PatcharamaneepakornC.-X. Wang, H. Aggoune, M. M. Alwakeel, and Y. He, “A novel method for ergodic sum rate analysis of spatial modulation systems with maximum likelihood receiver,” in Proc. IWCMC’15, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Aug. 2015. Invited Paper, Best Paper Award

    206.  Weir, R. Sayer, C.-X. Wang, and S. Parks, “A wall-less poly (vinyl alcohol) cryogel flow phantom with accurate scattering properties for transcranial Doppler ultrasound propagation channels analysis,” in Proc. IEEE EMBC’15, Milan, Italy, Aug. 2015. 

    207.  Y. Liu, C.-X. Wang, A. Ghazal, S. Wu, and W. Zhang, “A multi-mode waveguide tunnel channel model for high-speed train wireless communication systems,” in Proc. EuCAP’15, Lisbon, Spain, Apr. 2015.  Invited Paper

    208.  X. Wu, Y. Zhang, C.-X. Wang, G. Goussetis, H. Aggoune, and M. M. Alwakeel, “28 GHz indoor channel measurements and modelling in laboratory environment using directional antennas,” in Proc. EuCAP’15, Lisbon, Spain, Apr. 2015. Invited Paper

    209.  R. Zi, X. Ge, H. Wang, J. Zhang, and C.-X. Wang, “Multiuser massive MIMO uplink performance with mutual coupling effects,” in Proc. IEEE Globecom’14, Austin, USA, Dec. 2014. 

    210.  Weir, C.-X. Wang, and S. Parks, “3-D half-spheroid models for transcranial Doppler ultrasound propagation channels,” in Proc. IEEE BHI’14, Valencia, Spain, Jun. 2014. 

    211.  S. Wu, C.-X. Wang, B. Ai, and Y. He, “Capacity analysis of finite-scatterer MIMO wireless channels,” in Proc. IEEE ICC’14, Sydney, Australia, Jun. 2014. 

    212.  Robert, C. Moy, and C.-X. Wang, “Reinforcement learning approaches and evaluation criteria for opportunistic spectrum access,” in Proc. IEEE ICC’14, Sydney, Australia, Jun. 2014. 

    213.  M. Wen, X. Cheng, C.-X. Wang, M. Wang, and B. Jiao, “Optimal selection of pilot positions for frequency domain pilot multiplexing channel estimation in SC-FDE systems,” in Proc. IEEE ICC’14, Sydney, Australia, June 2014. 

    214.  Y. Fu, C.-X. Wang, R. M. Mesleh, X. Cheng, H. Haas, and Y. He, “A performance study of spatial modulation technology under vehicle-to-vehicle channel models,” in Proc. IEEE VTC’14-Spring, Seoul, South Korea, May 2014. 

    215.  S. Wu, C.-X. Wang, and H. Aggoune, “Non-stationary wideband channel models for massive MIMO systems,” in Proc. WSCN’13, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Dec. 2013. 

    216.  K. Xue, X. Hong, L. Chen, J. Xiong, J. Shi, and C.-X. Wang, “Performance analysis and resource allocation of heterogeneous cognitive Gaussian relay channels,” in Proc. IEEE Globecom’13, Atlanta, USA, Dec. 2013. 

    217.  A. Younis, W. Thompson, M. Di Renzo, C.-X. Wang, M. A. Beach, H. Haas, and P. M. Grant, “Performance of spatial modulation over measured real-world channels,” in Proc. IEEE VTC’13-Spring, Las Vegas, USA, Sept. 2013. Best Student Paper Award

    218.  O. Salih, C.-X. Wang, R. Mesleh, X. Ge, and D. Yuan, “Predicting burst error statistics of digital wireless systems with HARQ,” in Proc. IWCMC’13, Cagliari, Italy, Jul. 2013. Invited Paper

    219.  Z. Li, J. Zhang, X. Ge, and C.-X. Wang, “Modeling and performance analysis of maximum achievable rate over Nakagami-m-fading uplink channels,” in Proc. IEEE ICC’13, Budapest, Hungary, Jun. 2013. 

    220.  I. Ku, C.-X. Wang, and J. S. Thompson, “Spectral-energy efficiency tradeoff in multicell cellular networks with adaptive relay cooperation,” in Proc. IEEE Globecom’12, California, USA, Dec. 2012. 

    221.  P. Chambers, X. Hong, Z. Chen, C.-X. Wang, M. Beach, and H. Haas, “The UC4G wireless MIMO testbed,” in Proc. IEEE Globecom’12, California, USA, Dec. 2012. 

    222.  H. Sun, A. Nallanathan, N. Zhao, and C.-X. Wang, “Green data transmission in power line communications,” in Proc. IEEE Globecom’12, California, USA, Dec. 2012. 

    223.  A. Ghazal, C.-X. Wang, H. Haas, M. A. Beach, R. M. Mesleh, D. Yuan, X. Ge, and M. K. Chahine, “A non-stationary geometry-based stochastic model for MIMO high-speed train channels,” in Proc. ITST’12, Taiwan, Nov. 2012. Invited Paper

    224.  M. Anyaegbu, C.-X. Wang, and W. Berrie, “A sample-mode packet delay variation filter for IEEE 1588 synchronization,” in Proc. ITST’12, Taiwan, Nov. 2012. Highly Cited Paper, Invited Paper

    225.  Z. Zhao, M. Mao, X. Cheng, C.-X. Wang, and B. Jiao, “A novel effective channel estimation scheme applicable to IEEE 802.11p,” in Proc. ITST’12, Taiwan, Nov. 2012. Invited Paper, Best Paper Award

    226.  X. Cheng, C.-X. Wang, B. Ai, X. Yin, and B. Jiao, “Investigation of multi-link spatial correlation properties for cooperative MIMO channels,” in Proc. WCSP’12, Huangshan, China, Oct. 2012. Invited Paper

    227.  F. S. Haider, C.-X. Wang, H. Haas, E. Hepsaydir, and X. Ge, “Energy-efficient subcarrier-and-bit allocation in multi-user OFDMA systems,” in Proc. IEEE VTC’12-Spring, Yokohama, Japan, May 2012. 

    228.  A. Ghazal, C.-X. Wang, H. Haas, M. A. Beach, X. Lu, and D. Yuan, “A non-stationary MIMO channel model for high speed train communication systems,” in Proc. IEEE VTC’12-Spring, Yokohama, Japan, May 2012. 

    229.  Q. Yao, Y. Yuan, A. Ghazal, C.-X. Wang, L. Luan, and X. Lu, “Comparison of the statistical properties of the LTE-A and IMT-A channel models,” in Proc. IEEE WCNC’12, Paris, France, Apr. 2012. 

    230.  H. Sun, A. Nallanathan, J. Jiang, D. I. Laurenson, C.-X. Wang, and H. V. Poor, “A novel wideband spectrum sensing system for distributed cognitive radio networks,” in Proc. IEEE Globecom’11, Houston, USA, Dec. 2011. 

    231.  F. Haider, C.-X. Wang, X. Hong, H. Haas, D. Yuan, and E. Hepsaydir, “Spectral-energy efficiency tradeoff in cognitive radio networks with peak interference power constraints,” in Proc. IEEE ICCT’11, Jinan, China, Sept. 2011. Invited Paper, Best Paper Award

    232.  F. Haider, C.-X. Wang, H. Haas, D. Yuan, H. Wang, X. Gao, X.-H. You, and E. Hepsaydir, “Spectral-energy efficiency tradeoff for mobile femtocell networks with resource partitioning schemes,” in Proc. IEEE ICCT’11, Jinan, China, Sept. 2011. Best Paper Award

    233.  I. Ku, C.-X. Wang, J. S. Thompson, and P. M. Grant, “Impact of receiver interference cancellation techniques on the base station power consumption in MIMO systems under inter-cell interference,” in Proc. IEEE PIMRC’11, Toronto, Canada, Sept. 2011.

    234.  H. Sun, A. Nallanathan, J. Jiang, and C.-X. Wang, “Cooperative spectrum sensing with diversity reception in cognitive radios,” in Proc. Chinacom’11, Harbin, China, Aug. 2011. 

    235.  I. Ku, C.-X. Wang, J. S. Thompson, and P. M. Grant, “Transmission energy consumption in MIMO systems under inter-cell interference,” in Proc. WiAd’11, London, UK, Jun. 2011. 

    236.  Z. Chen, C.-X. Wang, X. Hong, J. S. Thompson, S. A. Vorobyov, and D. Yuan, “Cross-layer interference mitigation for MIMO cognitive radio systems,” in Proc. IEEE ICC’11, Kyoto, Japan, Jun. 2011.

    237.  Q. Jin, H. Zhang, D. Yuan, J. Xu, and C.-X. Wang, “Energy-efficient spectrum leasing in cognitive relay networks,” in Proc. CMC’11, Qingdao, China, Apr. 2011.  

    238.  J. Xu, H. Zhang, D. Yuan, Q. Jin, and C.-X. Wang, “Novel multiple relay selection schemes in two-hop cognitive relay networks,” in Proc. CMC’11, Qingdao, China, Apr. 2011. 

    239.  Y. Yuan, X. Cheng, C.-X. Wang, D. I. Laurenson, X. Ge, and F. Zhao, “Space-time correlation properties of a 3D two-sphere model for non-isotropic MIMO mobile-to-mobile channels,” in Proc. IEEE Globecom’10, Miami, USA, Dec. 2010. 

    240.  L. Xiang, X. Ge, C. Liu, L. Shu, and C.-X. Wang, “A new hybrid network traffic prediction method,” in Proc. IEEE Globecom’10, Miami, USA, Dec. 2010. Best Paper Award

    241.  A. Thompson, D. Corne, C.-X. Wang, and C. Murphy, “Optimization of UMTS-LTE scheduling using multi-objective evolutionary algorithms,” in Proc. UKCI’10, Essex, UK, Sept. 2010.

    242.  U. Anyaegbu, A. Weir, and C.-X. Wang, “Higher layer synchronization in an ECMA-368 USB network,” in Proc. ICUWB’10, Nanjing, China, Sept. 2010.

    243.  X. Cheng, C.-X. Wang, Y. Yuan, D. I. Laurenson, and X. Ge, “A novel 3D regular-shaped geometry-based stochastic model for non-isotropic MIMO mobile-to-mobile channels,” in Proc. IEEE VTC’10-Fall, Ottawa, Canada, Sept. 2010. Invited Paper

    244.  Z. Chen, C.-X. Wang, X. Hong, J. S. Thompson, S. A. Vorobyov, and X. Ge, “Interference modeling for cognitive radio networks with power and contention control,” in Proc.  IEEE WCNC’10, Sydney, Australia, Apr. 2010. 

    245.  X. Cheng, C.-X. Wang, and D. I. Laurenson, “A geometry-based stochastic model for wideband MIMO mobile-to-mobile channels,” in Proc. IEEE Globecom’09, Hawaii, USA, Nov.-Dec. 2009. 

    246.  O. Salih, C.-X. Wang, D. I. Laurenson, and Y. He, “Hidden Markov models for packet-level errors in bursty digital wireless channels,” in Proc. LAPC’09, Loughborough, UK, Nov. 2009, pp. 385-388. 

    247.  D. I. Laurenson, M. Matthaiou, X. Cheng, and C.-X. Wang, “Modelling for vehicle to vehicle applications,”  in Proc.  LAPC’09, Loughborough, UK, Nov. 2009, pp. 42-48. Invited Paper

    248.  X. Cheng, C.-X. Wang, D. I. Laurenson, S. Salos, and A. V. Vasilakos, “New simulation models for non-isotropic scattering mobile-to-mobile Rayleigh fading channels,” in Proc.the First International Workshop on Vehicular Communication Technologies, VehiCom 2009, co-located with IWCMC’09, Leipzig, Germany, Jun. 2009.

    249.  S. Iqbal, S. R. Chowdhury, C. S. Hyder, A. V. Vasilakos, and C.-X. Wang, “Vehicular communication: protocol design, testbed implementation and performance analysis,” in Proc.the First International Workshop on Vehicular Communication Technologies, VehiCom 2009, co-located with IWCMC’09, Leipzig, Germany, Jun. 2009. 

    250.  X. Cheng, C.-X. Wang, and D. I. Laurenson, “New deterministic and stochastic simulation models for non-isotropic scattering MIMO channels,” in Proc. IEEE IWCMC’09, Leipzig, Germany, Jun. 2009. 

    251.  Salih, C.-X. Wang, and D. I. Laurenson, “Soft bit error modeling for discrete wireless channels,” in Proc. IEEE IWCMC’09, Leipzig, Germany, Jun. 2009. 

    252. C.-X. Wang, H.-G. Ryu, H.-H. Chen, and Y. He, “Hybrid ARQ with rate adaptation in multiband OFDM UWB systems,” in Proc. IEEE ICC’09, Dresden, Germany, Jun. 2009. 

    253.  X. Cheng, C.-X. Wang, D. I. Laurenson, and A. V. Vasilakos, “Second order statistics of non-isotropic mobile-to-mobile Ricean fading channels,” in Proc. IEEE ICC’09, Dresden, Germany, Jun. 2009. 

    254.  X. Cheng, C.-X. Wang, and D. I. Laurenson, “Multiple-ring based modeling and simulation of wideband space-time-frequency MIMO channels,” in Proc. IEEE ICC’09, Dresden, Germany, Jun. 2009. 

    255.  O. S. Salih, C.-X. Wang, and D. I. Laurenson, “Three-layered hidden Markov models for binary digital wireless channels,” in Proc. IEEE ICC’09, Dresden, Germany, Jun. 2009. 

    256.  Z. Chen, S. A. Vorobyov, C.-X. Wang, and J. S. Thompson, “Nash bargaining over MIMO interference systems,” in Proc. IEEE ICC’09, Dresden, Germany, Jun. 2009. 

    257.  O. S Salih, C.-X. Wang, and D. I. Laurenson, “Double embedded processes based hidden Markow models for binary digital wireless channels,” in Proc. IEEE ISWCS’08, Iceland, Oct. 2008, pp. 219-223. 

    258.  H. Zhang, D. Yuan, and C.-X. Wang, “A modified weighted bit-flipping algorithm for LDPC codes,” in Proc. IET ICWMMN’08, Beijing, China, Oct. 2008. 

    259.  H. Zhang, D. Yuan, and C.-X. Wang, “An improved normalized BP-based decoding algorithm for LDPC codes,” in Proc. IET ICWMMN’08, Beijing, China, Oct. 2008. 

    260.  X. Hong, C.-X. Wang, J. S. Thompson, B. Allen, and W. Q. Malik, “Deconstructing space-frequency correlated ultrawideband MIMO channels,”  in Proc. ICUWB’08, Hannover, Germany, Sept. 2008, pp. 47-50. Invited Paper

    261.  X. Cheng, C.-X. Wang, D. I. Laurenson, H.-H. Chen, and A. V. Vasilakos, “A generic geometrical-based MIMO mobile-to-mobile channel model,” in Proc. IEEE IWCMC’08, Chania Crete Island, Greece, Aug. 2008, pp. 1000-1005. 

    262.  X. Cheng, C.-X. Wang, D. I. Laurenson, H.-H. Chen, and A. V. Vasilakos, “Space-time-frequency characterization of non-isotropic MIMO mobile-to-mobile multicarrier Ricean fading channels,” in Proc. IEEE IWCMC’08, Chania Crete Island, Greece, Aug. 2008, pp. 994-999. 

    263.  Matthaiou, D. I. Laurenson, and C.-X. Wang, “Reduced complexity detection for Ricean MIMO channels based on condition number thresholding,” in Proc. IEEE IWCMC’08, Chania Crete Island, Greece, Aug. 2008, pp. 988-993. 

    264.  L. Li, K.-M. Liu, C.-X. Wang, and Y.-A. Liu, “A new reliable scheme for IP service transmission in T-DMB systems,” in Proc. IEEE IWCMC’08, Chania Crete Island, Greece, Aug. 2008, pp. 1037-1041. 

    265.  X. Hong, C.-X. Wang, and J. S. Thompson, “Uplink cell capacity of cognitive radio networks with peak interference power constraints,” in Proc. ICCCAS’08, Xiamen, China, May 2008, pp. 372-377. 

    266.  X. Hong, C.-X. Wang, J. S. Thompson, and Y. Zhang, “Demystifying spatial white spaces using stochastic geometry,” in Proc. ICCCAS’08, Xiamen, China, May 2008, pp. 350-354. 

    267.  X. Hong, C.-X. Wang, and J. S. Thompson, “Uplink cell capacity of cognitive radio networks with interference outage constraints,” in Proc. ICCCAS’08, Xiamen, China, May 2008, pp. 333-338. 

    268.  X. Hong, C.-X. Wang, H.-H. Chen, and J. Thompson, “Performance analysis of cognitive radio networks with average interference power constraints,” in Proc. IEEE ICC’08, Beijing, China, May 2008, pp. 3578-3582. Highly Cited Paper

    269.  H. Sun, D. I. Laurenson, J. S. Thompson, and C.-X. Wang, “A novel centralized network for sensing spectrum in cognitive radio,” in Proc. IEEE ICC’08, Beijing, China, May 2008, pp. 4186-4190. 

    270.  X. Hong, C.-X. Wang, and J. S. Thompson, “Interference modeling of conginitive radio networks,” in Proc. IEEE VTC’08-Spring, Singapore, May 2008, pp. 1851-1855. Highly Cited Paper

    271.  M. Matthaiou, D. I. Laurenson, and C.-X. Wang, “Capacity study of vehicle-to-roadside MIMO channels with a line-of-sight component,” in Proc. IEEE WCNC’08, Las Vegas, USA, Mar.-Apr. 2008, pp. 775-779. 

    272.  X. Cheng, C.-X. Wang, and D. I. Laurenson, “A generic space-time-frequency correlation model and its corresponding simulation model for narrowband MIMO channels,” in Proc. EuCAP’07, Edinburgh, UK, Nov. 2007, pp. 1-6. 

    273.  H.-G. Ryu, C.-X. Wang, and S.-E. Lee, “Nonlinear distortion reduction for the improvement of the BER performance in OFDM communication systems,” in Proc. ISCIT’07, Sydney, Australia, Oct. 2007, pp. 67-71.

    274.  C. Li, Y. Zhang, D. Yuan, and C.-X. Wang, “AMC-HARQ system based on RC-LDPC codes in MIMO channels,” in Proc. IEEE IWCLD’07, Jinan, China, Sept. 2007, pp. 161-164. 

    275.  H.-G. Ryu, S.-K. Kim, S.-E. Lee, and C.-X. Wang, “A PAPR reduction method using constraint code in multicode CDMA system,” in Proc. IEEE PACRIM’07, Victoria, Canada, Aug. 2007, pp. 296-299. 

    276.  H.-G. Ryu, S.-A. Kim, and C.-X. Wang, “A side information embedded PTS scheme in the OFDM communication system,” in Proc.IEEE PACRIM’07, Victoria, Canada, Aug. 2007, pp. 300-303. 

    277.  T. H. Nguyen, H.-G. Ryu, C.-X.  Wang, and H.-H. Chen, “The impact of the I/Q mismatching errors on the BER performance of OFDM communication systems,” in Proc. IEEE ICC’07, Glasgow, UK, Jun. 2007, pp. 5423-5427. 

    278.  X. Cheng, C.-X. Wang, D. Yuan, and H.-H. Chen, “A novel iterative method for turbo equalization,” in Proc. IEEE WCNC’07, HongKong, China, Mar. 2007, pp. 488-492. 

    279. C.-X. Wang, “Modeling MIMO fading channels: background, comparison and some progress,” in Proc. ICCCAS’06, Guilin, China, Jun. 2006, pp. 664-669. Invited Paper

    280. C.-X. Wang, D. Yuan, and W. Xu, “A new efficient method for simulating multiple uncorrelated Rayleigh fading channels,” in Proc. ICCCAS’06, Guilin, China, Jun. 2006, pp. 829-833. 

    281.  X. Cheng, D. Yuan, and C.-X. Wang, “A modified iterative packet combining scheme for intersymbol interference channels,” in Proc. ICCCAS’06, Guilin, China, Jun. 2006, pp. 124-127. 

    282. C.-X. Wang, X. Hong, H. Wu, and W. Xu, “A comparative study on the spatial correlation characteristics of the 3GPP spatial channel model and the Kronecker MIMO channel model,” in Proc. WWC’06, San Francisco, USA, May 2006.

    283. C.-X. Wang and D. Xu, “A study on burst error statistics and error modelling for MB-OFDM UWB systems,” in Proc. the IET Seminar on Ultra Wideband Systems, Technologies and Applications, London, UK, Apr. 2006, pp. 244-248. 

    284.  X. Hong and C.-X. Wang, “A correlation based double directional stochastic model for MIMO-UWB propagation channels,” in Proc. the IET Seminar on Ultra Wideband Systems, Technologies and Applications, London, UK, Apr. 2006, pp. 249-253. 

    285. C.-X. Wang and W. Xu, “Packet-level error models for digital wireless channels,” in Proc. IEEE ICC’05, Seoul, Korea, May 2005, pp. 2184-2189. 

    286. C.-X. Wang, W. Xu, and M. P?tzold, “Error models for evaluating error control strategies in EGPRS systems,” in Proc. IEEE VTC’04-Fall, Los Angeles, USA, Sept. 2004, pp. 4238-4244. 

    287. C.-X. Wang and M. P?tzold, “A new deterministic process based generative model for characterizing bursty error sequences,” in Proc. IEEE PIMRC’04, Barcelona, Spain, Sept. 2004, pp. 2134-2139. 

    288. C.-X. Wang, Wen Xu, and Matthias P?tzold, “A novel generative model for the characterization of digital wireless channels with soft decision outputs,” in Proc. NRS/FWCW’04, Oulu, Finland, Aug. 2004. 

    289. C.-X. Wang and M. P?tzold, “Deterministic modeling and simulation of error sequences in digital mobile fading channels,” in Proc. IEEE ICC’04, Paris, France, Jun. 2004, pp. 3374-3378. 

    290.  Youssef, C.-X. Wang, M. P?tzold, I. Jaafar, and S. Tabbane, “On the statistical properties of generalized Rice multipath fading channels,” in Proc. IEEE VTC’04-Spring, Milan, Italy, May 2004, pp. 162-165. 

    291. C.-X. Wang and M. P?tzold, “Efficient simulation of multiple cross-correlated Rayleigh fading channels,” in Proc. IEEE PIMRC’03, Beijing, China, Sept. 2003, pp. 1526-1530. 

    292. C.-X. Wang and M. P?tzold, “A novel generative model for burst error characterization in Rayleigh fading channels,” in Proc. IEEE PIMRC’03, Beijing, China, Sept. 2003, pp. 960-964. 

    293.  H. Zhang, D. Yuan, M. Jiang, C.-X. Wang, D. Wu, “Performance analysis of coded OFDM and uncoded OFDM system on AWGN and frequency selective fading channel,” in Proc. ISCTA’03, Ambleside, UK, July 2003.

    294. C.-X. Wang, M. P?tzold, and Q. Yao, “Stochastic modeling and simulation of frequency hopping wideband fading channels,” in Proc. IEEE VTC’03-Spring, Jeju, Korea, April 2003, pp. 803-807.

    295. C.-X. Wang and M. P?tzold, “Methods of generating multiple uncorrelated Rayleigh fading processes,” in Proc. IEEE VTC’03-Spring, Jeju, Korea, Apr. 2003, pp. 510-514. 

    296. C.-X. Wang, N. Youssef, and M. P?tzold, “Level-crossing rate and average duration of fades of deterministic simulation models for Nakagami-Hoyt fading channels,” in Proc. WPMC’02, Honolulu, Hawaii, Oct. 2002, pp. 272-276. 

    297. C.-X. Wang and M. P?tzold, “Design of a stochastic frequency hopping Rayleigh fading channel simulator with given correlation properties,” in Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop on Research Directions in Mobile Communications and Services, Grimstad, Norway, Sept. 2002, pp. 69-72.

    298. C.-X. Wang, M. P?tzold, and B. Itsarachai, “A deterministic frequency hopping Rayleigh fading channel simulator designed by using optimization techniques,” in Proc. IEEE PIMRC’02, Lisbon, Portugal, Sept. 2002, pp. 478-483.

    299. C.-X. Wang and M. P?tzold, “A novel stochastic slow frequency hopping simulation model for Rayleigh channels,” in Proc. WPMC’01, Aalborg, Denmark, Sept. 2001, pp. 479-484.

    300.  M. P?tzold, Q. Yao, C.-X. Wang, and F. Laue, “Modelling and simulation of spatial-temporal channels for mobile communication systems with adaptive antennas,” in Proc. ITG Diskussionssitzung “Systeme mit intelligentenAntennen”, Ilmenau, Germany, Mar. 2001.

    301.  D. Yuan, Q. Yao, C.-X. Wang, and Z. Cao, “Research on improved multilevel coding schemes over Rayleigh fading channels,” in Proc. IEEE WCNC’00, Chicago, Illinois, USA, Sept. 2000, pp. 1432-1435.

    302.  D. Yuan, Q. Yao, C.-X. Wang, and Z. Cao, “Comparison of multilevel coded modulation with different decoding methods over AWGN channels,” in Proc. IEEE PIMRC’00, London, UK, Sept. 2000, pp. 567-571.

    303.  D. Yuan, C.-X. Wang, Q. Yao, and Z. Cao, “Optimum criterion for multilevel coding systems in AWGN channels,” in Proc. IEEE ICCT’00, Beijing, China, Aug. 2000, pp. 1706-1709.

    304.  D. Yuan, Q. Yao, C.-X. Wang, and Z. Cao, “Different decoding methods for multilevel coded modulation over Rayleigh fading channels,” in Proc. IEEE ICCT’00, Beijing, China, Aug. 2000, pp.1542-1545.

    305.  D. Yuan, C.-X. Wang, Q. Yao, and Z. Cao, “Research on rate design for 64QAM multilevel coding system over Rayleigh fading channels,” in Proc. SCI/ISAS’00, Orlando, Florida, USA, Jul. 2000.

    306.  D. Yuan, C.-X. Wang, Q. Yao, and Z. Cao, “Multilevel coded modulation with interleaving and iterative decoding techniques over Rayleigh fading channels,” in Proc. SCI/ISAS’00, Orlando, Florida, USA, Jul. 2000.

    307.  D. Yuan, C.-X. Wang, Q. Yao, and Z. Cao, “Different set partitioning strategies for multilevel coded modulation over mobile fading channels,” in Proc. SCI/ISAS’00, Orlando, Florida, USA, Jul. 2000.

    308.  D. Yuan, C.-X. Wang, Q. Yao, and Z. Cao, “Comparison of multilevel coded modulations with different decoding methods for AWGN and Rayleigh fading channels,” in Proc. IEEE ICC’00, New Orleans, USA, Jun. 2000, pp. 1193-1197.

    309.  D. Yuan, C.-X. Wang, Q. Yao, and Z. Cao, “Optimization criterion for multilevel coding systems over mobile fading channels,” in Proc. FTF’99, Beijing, China, Dec. 1999, pp. 266-270.

    310.  D. Yuan, C.-X. Wang, and Q. Yao, “Two novel interleaving schemes of (2,1,3) convolutional code and its performance in the mobile image communication system,” in Proc. IEEE MILCOM’99, New Jersey, USA, Oct.-Nov. 1999.

    311.  D. Yuan, X. Ren, Q. Yao, and C.-X. Wang, “Performance research of the convolutional code using a novel interleaving scheme in mobile image communication systems and the comparison with interleaved BCH code,” in Proc. IEEE APCC/OECC’99, Beijing, China, Oct. 1999, pp. 998-1001.

    312.  D. Yuan, C.-X. Wang, and Q. Yao, “On performance of BCH codes using two novel interleaving schemes in Rayleigh fading channels,” in Proc. IEEE WCNC’99, New Orleans, LA, USA, Sept. 1999, pp. 589-592.

    313.  D. Yuan, C.-X. Wang, and Q. Yao, “The software design and computer simulation of uneven CDMA mobile cellular communication systems,” in Proc. IEEE PIMRC’99, Osaka, Japan, Sept. 1999, pp. 1164-1168.

    314.  D. Yuan, C.-X. Wang, and Q. Yao, “Error-correcting performance of the (2,1,3) convolutional code using different interleaving schemes over Rayleigh fading channels,” in Proc. IEEE PIMRC’99, Osaka, Japan, Sept. 1999, pp. 450-454.

    315.  D. Yuan, Q. Yao, and C.-X. Wang, “On the performance of the (2,1,3) convolutional code using a novel interleaving scheme and the comparison with interleaved BCH code over Rayleigh fading channels,” in Proc. IEEE PIMRC’99, Osaka, Japan, Sept. 1999, pp. 867-870.

    316. D. Yuan, C.-X. Wang, L. Zhang, and Q. Yao, “Error-correcting performance of BCH codes using two novel interleaving scheme over Rayleigh fading channels,” in Proc. IEEE PIMRC’99, Osaka, Japan, Sept. 1999.

    317. D. Yuan, C.-X. Wang, and Q. Yao, “The design and simulation of capacity for even CDMA mobile cellular communication system,” in Proc.International Workshop on Mobile Communications focused on UMTS & IMT-2000, Chania, Crete, Greece, Jun. 1999.

    318. D. Yuan, Q. Yao, and C.-X. Wang, “Performance research and computer simulation of space diversity in Rayleigh fading channels,” in Proc.International Workshop on Mobile Communications focused on UMTS & IMT-2000, Chania, Crete, Greece, Jun. 1999.

    319. D. Yuan, Q. Yao, and C.-X. Wang, “On performance of RS codes in the m-distribution fading channels,” in Proc.International Workshop on Mobile Communications focused on UMTS & IMT-2000, Chania, Crete, Greece, Jun. 1999.

    320. D. Yuan, Q. Yao, and C.-X. Wang, “Performance research on RS codes in the M-distribution fading channels,” in Proc.the Sixth National Youth Communication Conference, Beijing, China, May 1999. (in Chinese)

    321. D. Yuan, C.-X. Wang, and Q. Yao, “Capacity design and simulation of uneven CDMA mobile cellular communication system,” in Proc.the Sixth National Youth Communication Conference, Beijing, China, May 1999. (in Chinese)

    322. D. Yuan, C.-X. Wang, L. Zhang, and Q. Yao, “Two novel interleaving schemes of BCH codes in Rayleigh fading channels,” in Proc.the Sixth National Youth Communication Conference, Beijing, China, May 1999. (in Chinese)


    Invited Keynote Speeches and Talks (32):

    1. C.-X. Wang, “Digital twin online channel modeling for 6G and beyond,” invited keynote speech, 2024 12th IEEE International Conference on Information and Communications Networks,circuits (ICICN’24)Guilin, China, Aug. 2024.

    2. C.-X. Wang, “Digital twin online channel modeling: A solver for wireless network optimization,” invited keynote speech, 2024 13th IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China,circuits (ICCC’24)Hangzhou, China, Aug. 2024.

    3. C.-X. Wang, “6G wireless channel: Measurements,characteristics and modeling methods,” invited keynote speech, 2024 IEEE the 13th international conference on communications,circuits,and systems(ICCCAS’24 ), Xiamen, China, May 2024.

    4. C.-X. Wang, “Standardization of 6G pervasive channel models,” invited keynote speech, 2024 7th international conference on electronics technology(ICET’24 ), Chengdu, China, May 2024.

    5. C.-X. Wang, “6G Wireless Channel Characteristics, Modeling, and Chanllenges,” invited keynote speech, 2023 5th International Workshop on Advanced Intelligent and Self-organizing Networks (AISN’23), Xi'an, China, Dec. 2023.

    6. C.-X. Wang, “Electromagnetic information theory and applications to 6G/B6G,” invited keynote speech, 2023 International Conference on Intelligent Communication and Networking (ICN’23), Changzhou, China, Nov. 2023.

    7. C.-X. Wang, “6G Wireless Channel Measurements and Modeling: Advances and Challenges,” invited keynote speech, IEEE 23rd International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT’23), Wuxi, China, Oct. 2023.

    8. C.-X. Wang, “Channel measurements and modeling for 6G: recent advances and future challenges,” invited keynote speech, 2023 International Workshop on 6G Wireless Channel Measurements and Modeling (6GCMM 2023), Nanjing, China, June. 2023.

    9. C.-X. Wang, “Paving the way towards 6G: channel measurements, modeling and performance evaluations,” invited keynote speech, The 2nd International Forum on Internet of Things and Intelligent Applications (ITIA 2022), Nanjing, China, May 2022.

    10. C.-X. Wang, “6G wireless channel measurements and pervasive channel modeling: Advances and challenges,” invited talk, WutongForum, Aug. 2021.

    11. C.-X. Wang, “6G: Vision, Enabling Technologies, and Channel Models,” invited keynote speech, IEEE 21st International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT’20), Nanning, China, Oct. 2020.

    12. C.-X. Wang, “6G Wireless Channel Measurements and Models: Advances and Future Challenges,” invited keynote speech,International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP’20), Nanjing, China, Oct. 2020.

    13. C.-X. Wang, “Channel measurement and modeling for 6G,” invited talkInternational Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology and International Wireless Symposium (Joint ICMMT’20 & IWS’20), Shanghai, China, Sept. 2020.

    14. C.-X. Wang, “6G wireless channel characteristics analysis and modeling developments” invited talkInternational Conference on Intelligent Networks and Communication Systems, Shenzhen, China, 11-12 Jan. 2020.

    15. C.-X. Wang, “Evolution of wireless channel models from 1G to 6G,” invited keynote speech, IEEE Computing, Communications and IoT Applications Conference (ComComAp’19), Shenzhen, China, 26-28 Oct. 2019.

    16. C.-X. Wang, “Can Current Standard 5G Channel Models Satisfy Requirements?” invited talk,International Workshop on Advances in Information Coding and Wireless Communications (AICWC'2017), Chengdu, China, 7 Nov. 2017.

    17. C.-X. Wang, “5G Channel Models: From Fundamentals to Standardization,” invited keynote speech, IEEE 5G Tutorial, Shanghai, China, 27 July 2017.

    18. C.-X. Wang, “5G Key Technologies and Standardized Channel Models,” invited keynote speech, The 14th International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms, and Networks (I-SPAN 2017), Exeter, UK, 21-23 June 2017.

    19. C.-X. Wang, “Recent Developments and Future Challenges of 5G Massive MIMO Channel Models,” invited plenary talk, The 19th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC 2016), Shenzhen, China, 14-16 Nov. 2016.

    20. C.-X. Wang, “Recent Developments and Future Challenges on 5G Channel Models,” invited keynote speech, The Global 5G Technology Summit 2016, Shanghai, China, 20-22 July 2016.

    21. C.-X. Wang, “Spectral-energy efficiency trade-off of cellular systems with MFemtocell deployment,” invited talk, IEEE Online Green Communications, 11 Nov. 2015.

    22. C.-X. Wang, “Spectral, energy, and economic efficiency of 5G multi-cell massive MIMO systems with generalized spatial modulation,” invited talk, 973 Project Workshop, Shenzhen, China, 4 Nov. 2015.

    23. C.-X. Wang, “A non-stationary IMT-A MIMO channel model for high-mobility systems,” invited keynote speech, 4th International Workshop on High Mobility Wireless Communications (HMWC 2015), Xi'an, China, 21-23 Oct. 2015.

    24. C.-X. Wang, “Recent advances and future challenges for standardized 5G channel models,” invited keynote speech, 2015 International Forum on Advances in Information Coding and Wireless Communications (AICWC 2015), Chengdu, China, 18-20 Oct. 2015. 

    25. C.-X. Wang, “Non-stationary wideband MIMO channel models for high-speed train wireless communication systems,” invited talk, 3rd International Workshop on High Mobility Wireless Communications (HMWC 2014), Beijing, China, 1-3 Nov. 2014.

    26. C.-X. Wang, “Non-stationary wideband channel models for massive MIMO systems,” invited talk, 2nd International Symposium on Wireless Sensor and Cellular Networks (WSCN 2013), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 13-16 Dec. 2013. 

    27. C.-X. Wang, “Characterization and modeling of rapid time-varying MIMO channels for high-mobility wireless communication systems,” invited talk, 2013 International Forum on Advances in Information Coding and Wireless Communications (AICWC 2013), Chengdu, China, 4-6 Nov. 2013. 

    28. C.-X. Wang, “MIMO vehicle-to-vehicle channel models: recent advances and future challenges,” invited keynote speech, International Workshop Series of Sensor Networks and Cellular Systems Research Centre, University of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia, 7 April 2012. 

    29. C.-X. Wang, “Recent developments on realistic MIMO channel models,” invited keynote speech, International Workshop on Planning and Optimization of Wireless Networks (OPTNet 2012), Sheffiled, UK, 21-23 Mar. 2012.

    30. C.-X. Wang, “Key wireless technologies for B4G,” invited keynote speech, Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF), Meeting 25, London, UK, 16-18 Nov. 2010.

    31. C.-X. Wang, “Cognitive radio networks: recent advances and future challenges,” invited keynote speech, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Integrated Systems (ICISS2010), Guilin, China, 22-24 Oct. 2010.

    32. C.-X. Wang, “Sum-of-sinusoids mobile radio channel models: principles and applications,” invited keynote speech, CIE-YC 2005, Jinan, Shandong, P. R. China, 24-26 Sept. 2005.


    Invited Speeches and Talks (in Chinese) (16)

    1. C.-X. Wang, “6G vision, enabling technologies, and outlook for basic theories”, Invited Talk, 2021 Taihu Bay Internet of Things Innovation Talent Forum, Wuxi, China, 20 Oct. 2021.

    2. C.-X. Wang, “China continues to lead the way in 6G/B6G wireless communication”, Invited Talk, 2021 'Talent for New City' High Quality Development Forum, Wuxi, China, 20 Oct. 2021.

    3. C.-X. Wang, “Electromagnetics information theory and its application in future wireless communication systems”, Invited Talk, 2021 National Conference on Communication Theory and Technology, Wuxi, China, 14 Oct. 2021.

    4. C.-X. Wang, “Research on 6G wireless channel: Advances and challenges”, Invited Talk, 2021 Strong Network Forum, Zhengzhou, China, 10 July 2021.

    5. C.-X. Wang, “Vertical industry applications of 5G and outlook for 6G”, Invited Talk, The second Blooming Riverside · 5G+ Global Innovative Application Nanjing Summit, Nanjing, China, 22 June 2021.

    6. C.-X. Wang, “6G vision, enabling technologies, and pervasive channel modeling theory”, Invited Talk, Future Web Development Conference · Future Web Postdoctoral Forum, Nanjing, China, 17 June 2021.

    7. C.-X. Wang, “The research on wireless channel drives the integration of sensing and communication for 6G”, Invited Talk, The 1st 6G Integration of Sensing and Communication Symposium, Chengdu, China, 15 Apr. 2021.

    8. C.-X. Wang, “6G predictive channel modeling based on machine learning”, Invited Talk, 2021 China Artificial Intelligence Industry Annual Conference · Intelligent Signal Processing Forum, Suzhou, China, 12 Apr. 2021. 

    9. C.-X. Wang, “Exploration of 6G full-spectra and full-scenarios pervasive channel modeling”, Invited Talk, 2020 National Conference on Communication Theory and Technology, Nanjing, China, 11 Dec. 2020.

    10. C.-X. Wang, “6G network architectures and key enabling technologies: Advances and challenges”, Invited Talk, 2020 China Information and Communication Conference Seminar, Chengdu, China, 4-6 Dec. 2020.

    11. C.-X. Wang, “6G full-spectra and full-scenarios pervasive wireless channel model”, Invited Talk, 2020 Embedded Intelligence Conference, Shenzhen, China, 13-15 Nov. 2020.

    12. C.-X. Wang, “6G wireless intelligent network enables the intelligent connection of everything”, Invited Talk, Internet of Things Sub-Forum of the 3rd Digital China Construction Summit, Fuzhou, China, 13 Oct. 2020.

    13. C.-X. Wang, “Research Progress and Challenges of Next-Generation WiFi in Full Frequency Bands and Scenarios”, Invited Talk, Huawei's 3rd Network World WiFi Technology Forum, Suzhou, China, 28-29 Sept. 2020.

    14. C.-X. Wang, “6G vision and channel research: Advances”, Invited Talk, The 4th Shaanxi Internet of Things Technology and Application Seminar and Smart Ecology Special Technology Group Committee Meeting, Xi’an, China, 19-20 Sept. 2020.

    15. C.-X. Wang, “6G predictive channel modeling based on machine learning”, Invited Talk, The 6th Wireless Big Data Symposium, Zhangjiakou, China, 15-16 Sept. 2020.

    16. C.-X. Wang, “6AI-Enabled Research on 6G Wireless Channels”, Invited Talk, Huawei Wireless Communication and Artificial Intelligence Workshop 2020, China, 30 Apr. 2020.


    Tutorials (21):

    1. C.-X. Wang, J. Huang, C. Huang, and H. Haas, “Towards 6G Communications: Wireless Channel Measurements and Modeling Methodologies,” Tutorial, in Proc. IEEE Globecom’24, Cape Town, South Africa, Dec. 2024.

    2. C.-X. Wang, J. Huang, C. Huang, and H. Haas, “6G wireless channels: measurements, characteristics analysis, and modeling methodologies,” Tutorial, in Proc. IEEE WCNC’24, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 21–24 April. 2024.

    3. C.-X. Wang, J. Huang, C. Huang, and H. Haas, “Towards 6G communications: wireless channel measurements, characteristics analysis, and modeling,” Tutorial, in Proc. GlobeCom’23, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 4-10 Dec. 2023.

    4. C.-X. Wang, J. Huang, C. Huang, and H. Haas, “Wireless channel measurements, characteristics analysis, and modeling methodologies towards 6G,” Tutorial, in Proc. ICCC'23, Dalian, China, 10-12 Aug. 2023.

    5. C.-X. Wang, J. Huang, H. Wang, and H. Haas, “6G wireless channel measurements, characteristics analysis, and modeling methodologies,” Tutorial, in Proc. ICC’23,  Rome, Italy, 28 May–1 June 2023.

    6. C.-X. Wang, J. Huang, C. Huang, H. Wang, and H. Haas, “Channel measurements and modeling methods for 6G wireless communication systems,” Tutorial, in Proc. IEEE WCNC’23, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 26–29 Mar. 2023.

    7. C.-X. Wang, J. Huang, H. Wang, and H. Haas, “Wireless channel measurements, characteristics analysis, and models towards 6G,” Tutorial, in Proc. IEEE Globecom’22, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 4–8 Dec. 2022.

    8. C.-X. Wang, J. Huang, H. Wang, and H. Haas, “6G wireless channel measurements, characteristics analysis, and channel modeling,” Tutorial, in Proc. IEEE VTC’22-Fall, London/ Beijing, 26–29 Sept. 2022.

    9. C.-X. Wang, J. Huang, H. Wang, and H. Haas, “Wireless channel measurements, characteristics analysis, and channel modeling for 6G era,” Tutorial, in Proc. IEEE PIMRC’22, Virtual, 12-15 Sept. 2022.

    10. C.-X. Wang, J. Huang, H. Wang, and H. Haas, “6G wireless channels: Measurements, parameter estimation, characteristics analysis and modeling,” Tutorial, in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC’22, Foshan, China, 11-13 Aug. 2022.

    11. C.-X. Wang, J. Huang, H. Wang, and H. Haas, “6G wireless channel measurements and modeling for all frequency bands and all scenarios,” Tutorial, in Proc. IEEE VTC’22-Spring, Helsinki, Finland, 19-22 June 2022.

    12. C.-X. Wang  H. Wang, J. Huang, and H. Haas, “Rencent advances and future challenges on 6G wireless channel measurements and models,” Tutorial, in Proc. ICC'22, Seoul, South Korea, 16 May 2022.

    13. C.-X. Wang, H. Wang, J. Huang, and H. Haas, “Advances and future challenges on 6G wireless channel measurements and models,” Tutorial, in Proc. IEEE PIMRC’21, Sept. 2021.

    14. C.-X. Wang, H. Wang, J. Huang, and H. Haas, “Advances and future challenges on 6G wireless channel measurements and models,” Tutorial, in Proc. IEEE ICCC’21, Xiamen, China, July 2021.

    15. C.-X. Wang, Z. Zhang, and H. Wang, “Wireless channel measurements and models for 5G and beyond,” Tutorial, in Proc. IEEE ICC’19, Shanghai, China, 24 May 2019.

    16. C.-X. Wang, “Wireless channel models and standards development for 5G and beyond,” Tutorial, in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC’18, Beijing, China, 16 Aug. 2018.

    17. C.-X. Wang, “Channel characterization and modeling of 5G wireless communication systems,” Tutorial, in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC’16, Chengdu, China, 27 July 2016.

    18. M. D. Renzo and C.-X. Wang, “The path towards 5G—Essential technologies, protocols and tools for enabling 5G mobile communications,” Tutorial, in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC’15, Shenzhen, China, 2 Nov. 2015.

    19. M. D. Renzo, C. Verikoukis, E. Björnson, E. Jorswieck, and C.-X. Wang, “The path towards 5G—Essential technologies, protocols and tools for enabling 5G mobile communications,” Tutorial, in Proc. IEEE ICC’15, London, U.K., 12 June 2015.

    20. M. D. Renzo, C. Verikoukis, E. G. Larsson, E. Jorswieck, and C.-X. Wang, “The path towards 5G—Essential technologies, protocols and tools for enabling 5G mobile communications,” Tutorial, in Proc. European Wireless’15, Budapest, Hungary, 20 May 2015.

    21. M. D. Renzo, C. Verikoukis, E. Björnson, E. Jorswieck, and C.-X. Wang, “The path towards 5G—Essential technologies, protocols and tools for enabling 5G mobile communications,” Tutorial, in Proc. IEEE VTC’15-Spring, Glasgow, U.K., 11 May 2015.


    Reports (4):

    1. C.-X. Wang, “6G wireless channel measurements and modeling: advances and future challenges”, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Mar. 2023.

    2. W. Thompson, M. Beach, J. McGeehan, A. Younis, H. Haas, P. Grant, P. Chambers, Z. Chen, C.-X. Wang, and M. Renzo, “Spatial modulation explained and routs for practical evaluation”, COST IC1004 TD(11)02047, COST IC1004 2nd MCM, Lisbon, Portugal, Oct. 2011.

    3. X. Cheng, C.-X. Wang, and D. I. Laurenson, “An adaptive geometrical-based stochastic model for space-time-frequency correlated MIMO mobile-to-mobile channels”, COST 2100 TD(08) 472, COST 2100 4th MCM, Wroclaw, Poland, 6-8 Feb. 2008.

    4. C.-X. Wang and W. Xu, “A novel generative approach to speed up performance simulations of wireless communication systems”, invention report, Siemens AG, Munich, Germany, registration number: 2004E05718 DE.


    1. C.-X. Wang, “Sum-of-sinusoids mobile fading channel models with applications to error models”, PhD thesis, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark, Defensed on Sept. 22, 2004, 240 pages.



    Channel Simulator

    Southeast University-Purple Mountain Laboratories-6G Pervasive Channel Simulator

    Southeast University-Purple Mountain Laboratories-6G Pervasive Channel Simulator (SEU-PML-6GPCS) is an implementation of 6G pervasive channel model. The SEU-PML-6GPCS software v3.0 has recently been released. It supports simulations for 6G all-spectra channels (Sub-6 GHz, millimeter-wave, terahertz, and optical wireless channels), 6G global-coverage scenario channels (satellite, unmanned aerial vehicles, terrestrial, and maritime channels), and 6G full-application scenario channels (ultra-massive MIMO, ISAC, RIS, IIoT, HST, and V2V channels). The simulator enables simulations for comprehensive channel statistical characteristics in spatial, temporal, frequency, angular, Doppler, and time-delay domains. It also supports the simulation of 5G standardized channels (3GPP TR38.901, IMT-2020). Additionally, the software features a user-friendly visual interface, providing menu-based configuration options for 6G channel parameters, allowing users to configure frequency bands, scenarios, antenna arrays, as well as the arbitrary motion trajectories of transceivers and scatter clusters.

     To facilitate user experience, we provide 22 use cases: 18 channel models for typical frequency bands and scenarios, and 4 channel model application cases. For any researchers who use the simulator, or its modified versions, in your scientific work, please use the following citations:

    For any researchers who use the simulator, or its modified versions, in your scientific work, please use the following citations:

    1. C.-X. Wang*, Z. Lv, X. Gao, X.-H. You, Y. Hao, and H. Haas, “Pervasive wireless channel modeling theory and applications to 6G GBSMs for all frequency bands and all scenarios,”  IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 71, no. 9, pp. 9159-9173, Sept. 2022. 

    2. C.-X. Wang*, Z. Lv, Y. Chen, and H. Haas, “A complete study of space-time-frequency statistical properties of the 6G pervasive channel model,”   IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 71, no. 12, pp. 7273-7287, Dec. 2023. 

    3. C.-X. Wang*, X .-H You, X. Gao, et al.,“On the road to 6G: Visions, requirements, key technologies and testbeds,”   IEEE Commun. Surveys Tuts., vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 905-974, 2nd Quart. 2023. 

    Click here to request for the software



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